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I would like everyone's thoughts:


Darren Young should be inducted into the WWE HOF for being the first openly gay wrestler in WWE. Goldust, Rico, Adonis, and Billy  & Chuck are all gimmicks of the past that will not see any reincarnations because of Young. After Young came out, people wanted to see what WWE would do with him (give him some OTT stereotype gay gimmick etc.). WWE did nothing silly and it was business as usual. Compare that to the treatment of Kanyon during his infamous Boy George segment and of course  the Oklahoma-twanged lead announcer would frequently sneak in heavy innuendos referencing Patterson’s sexuality.


Paterson was never officially outed as a gay man on-screen. Kanyon, Orlando Jordan, and The Brawler were never outed on-screen in WWE. Young is the first. I believe that Young, in his own small way, has changed the portrayal of homosexuals in WWE going forward as there will no longer be any showcases of “gay equals bad”. The public relations hit WWE would suffer would be major if they decide to revert back to post Young days. I think this is HOF worthy.


It's fucking pitiful. A 54 year old fighting with a 60 year old on Twitter. Harley Race is rolling in his bed. Embarrassing.



I would like everyone's thoughts:


Darren Young should be inducted into the WWE HOF for being the first openly gay wrestler in WWE. Goldust, Rico, Adonis, and Billy  & Chuck are all gimmicks of the past that will not see any reincarnations because of Young. After Young came out, people wanted to see what WWE would do with him (give him some OTT stereotype gay gimmick etc.). WWE did nothing silly and it was business as usual. Compare that to the treatment of Kanyon during his infamous Boy George segment and of course  the Oklahoma-twanged lead announcer would frequently sneak in heavy innuendos referencing Patterson’s sexuality.


Paterson was never officially outed as a gay man on-screen. Kanyon, Orlando Jordan, and The Brawler were never outed on-screen in WWE. Young is the first. I believe that Young, in his own small way, has changed the portrayal of homosexuals in WWE going forward. I think this is HOF worthy.


Except Young was never portrayed as a homosexual on WWE TV. 

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I think that's his point - that WWE haven't projected anything onto his character based on his sexual preferences and that Young forced that positive step change. Sure, he doesnt come out and cut 10 minute promos every week about hooking up with guys, but then all the gay stereotype characters were never 'explicitly' gay as such either. Young is the first active, openly gay wrestler and that's groundbreaking in a particularly backwards business.

I could totally see him going in in 15-20 years, yeah.




I would like everyone's thoughts:


Darren Young should be inducted into the WWE HOF for being the first openly gay wrestler in WWE. Goldust, Rico, Adonis, and Billy  & Chuck are all gimmicks of the past that will not see any reincarnations because of Young. After Young came out, people wanted to see what WWE would do with him (give him some OTT stereotype gay gimmick etc.). WWE did nothing silly and it was business as usual. Compare that to the treatment of Kanyon during his infamous Boy George segment and of course  the Oklahoma-twanged lead announcer would frequently sneak in heavy innuendos referencing Patterson’s sexuality.


Paterson was never officially outed as a gay man on-screen. Kanyon, Orlando Jordan, and The Brawler were never outed on-screen in WWE. Young is the first. I believe that Young, in his own small way, has changed the portrayal of homosexuals in WWE going forward. I think this is HOF worthy.


Except Young was never portrayed as a homosexual on WWE TV. 



Exactly! Young has not been portrayed as the stereotypical homosexual (Goldust, etc.) that we are all use to seeing. This doesn't mean his character isn't homosexual. I believe that Young's current gimmick is the portrayal of the 21st century homosexual: someone who is gay but doesn't make 'being gay' their gimmick.

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Seems weird to induct someone just because they're gay. His induction would have nothing to do with his talent, he was just the right gay at the right time, McMahon. 


Seems weird to induct someone just because they're gay. His induction would have nothing to do with his talent, he was just the right gay at the right time, McMahon. 


Couldn't agree more, but then again, he wouldn't be the only person in the HOF whose talent was irrelevant.


Seems weird to induct someone just because they're gay. His induction would have nothing to do with his talent, he was just the right gay at the right time, McMahon. 


It wouldn't be JUST because he is a gay. It would be that he is the first one to publicly come out and say it and that him coming out will possibly change the course of WWE going-forward. No more Goldust. No more Rico. No more Adonis. All of that stuff is of the past and when kids are introduced to their first gay wrestler - its going to be Darren Young and not some OTT stereotype. Is Darren Young a super talented worker in the ring and on the mic? No. He is passable, but he is not setting the world on fire. However, his announcement, and the WWE's handling of it (and the feel of a new era being ushered in because of it), cannot just be swept under the rug because Young hasn't had any ***** matches.


Firstly, most debates of who should be in the WWE HOF or who shouldn't is pretty ridiculous anyways; it's basically just who's going to sell stuff to the McMahon's, or a big name to get people to watch the show, with a couple extra people tossed in for being loyal or to give 'em a paycheck.


Has Darren Young changed the WWE?  No.  Yes, he might be the first openly gay person on the WWE roster who's come out on Twitter and had a bit of media attention...  but it's not like Rico or homosexual Goldust was around the week before he came out, and then Vince was all "OH CRAP, Darren Young is gay?  Quick, fire Rico.  Team up Goldust with Cody and drop the gay thing!"  If Darren got fired tomorrow, I think the vast majority of people would forget him in a few years, and be an obscure answer in a trivia contest a decade from now.


Now, if he sticks around for a few years, gets the WWE more exposure by being openly gay, and becomes a higher profile member of the roster... sure, maybe he'll get in because of that.  And if he had come out, say, 10 years ago, with all of the coverage of gay rights now and athletes coming out, he may have gotten in now.  But 10 years from now, depending on how society changes, who knows.



I think the bigger problem would be revisionist history.  If, say, Orton or Cesaro or someone else WWE wanted to (or already was) pushing huge came out tomorrow, and then was a big star for WWE *AND* openly gay, I could easy see the WWE History Machine induct them with some sort of "first prominent openly gay sports entertainer" line or something like that.


Probably after that NY Post article came out 20 years ago...

..."Within the confines of his fastidious bachelor pad, Patterson and Lombardi bicker over the cleanliness of a piece of fruit like an old married couple--"

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Probably after that NY Post article came out 20 years ago...

..."Within the confines of his fastidious bachelor pad, Patterson and Lombardi bicker over the cleanliness of a piece of fruit like an old married couple--"


Good job. Solid reference. 8/10.

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A glorified chauffer is in, so who really cares st this point.


It happened at a time when the Hall Of Fame ceremony took place in a hotel banquet hall, wasn't televised, wasn't part of WrestleMania weekend and was barely noted.

Based on that, can the James Dudley talking point just die already? Please?

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A glorified chauffer is in, so who really cares st this point.

You leave Volkoff alone!


Since apparently this is the ONE TOPIC that everyone needs specific words for....


On Legends House Piper mentioned he was in 4 Halls of Fame, I would assume these are WWE, WCW and the Iowa HoF, so what's the 4th?

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