Niners Fan in CT Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 Never resolved, but he still looked awesome fighting those three guys. He was still a believable monster when he took Cena's head off on the post-WM Raw. It's that next week that killed him. I honestly think the Shield have made more guys in the last year than anyone else. Win, lose or draw, everyone who has feuded with them is more over afterwards. Bryan, Goldust, Cody, The Uso's, Ryback... Even Big Show was getting his best pops of the last few years against those guys. I agree they should have paid off the Ryback stuff with the Shield's first lost, but I can't complain because Bryan ultimately took that spot. I agree with this and why did The Shield get so over.... Part of it is because they are great wrestlers (or at least great as a team) but a very important aspect of it is because they come out and beat the shit out of people and don't give a fuck. They are just like John Cena.... never back down. That's what Ryback could have been.
Niners Fan in CT Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 I'm cutting this nonsense off now. You are capable of having an actual debate on most topics, the Ryback stuff is a good discussion, but this is so ridiculous. He was a more legitimate WWE title holder than anyone in the last 5 years except Cena. He is viewed by the company and by the fans as one of the very top guys in wrestling. No way a guy like that brings down a belt that Miz was holding a year before. The end. Go back to arguing with someone else. There is an issue though and it's that he's not John Cena. Everyone wants to find the 'next' John Cena. I'm not even a huge Cena guy because his promos are usually crap (obviously the writing team is at fault for this) but when he cuts a promo like he did this past Monday it shows how far above the rest of the roster he is... Punk cannot reach Cena's level in the ring or on the mic. Bryan is on Cena's level in the ring but nowhere close to him on the mic. That's the reason why nobody on the current roster will ever hold the "Being John Cena" championship. They don't deserve it. 3
just drew Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 I think everyone who's proclaiming a set opinion on Roman Reigns when he's had maybe 5 singles matches since being called up are jumping the gun. I'm not saying he's good, I'm saying it's WAY too early to render a decision one way or the other. Personally, I think he's the next Batista. He has a fantastic look, is a good athlete, and is clearly the kind of well-spoken muscleman the office likes at the forefront of their dealings. To deny that he's got all the potential in the world is refusing to admit something to yourself about the biases that we all have regarding the type of wrestler we think should be emphasized. I rolled my eyes the other night when skinnyfat CM Punk threatened to knock out Kane, a man 100 lbs and 8 inches his physical superior. If Roman Reigns said that same thing, I'd completely accept that this was not only possible, but likely. The sky is the limit on Roman Reigns, and I could very easily see him anchoring the company in 5 yrs, along w Big E Langston, Daniel Bryan, and others. Having said all that, Ryback has been dreck since he backed off from Cena.
Victator Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 I think there were good reasons to put the belt on Ryback and Punk retaining. I think the finish being so shitty hurt Ryback and Punk. I said this at the time and some people pooped on it. But I think they were desperate for Punk to keep the belt. They should have had Punk get a fluke roll up on Ryback and had it end with that. Also gave him more offense against Ryback in the cell. Let Ryback kick out of the GTS and show he can absorb some punishment.
Cristobal Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 Ryback has been booked horribly since he left the main event scene the first time, but that doesn't change the fact that he is not and was not ready to be in the main event scene in the first place. His success in getting as far as he did shows that what WWE needs to do to create a main eventer is push someone like a main eventer, no 50/50 bullshit, but that doesesn't change the fact that Ryback should not have been that someone. As much as a certain someone is overstating matters in the extreme, the notion that Reigns IS that someone is MASSIVELY premature. I think he's in exactly the right spot as the big guy of the Shield. If he does turn face, I'd almost say they'd be better off making him the third Uso than trying to put him on his own yet. Lastly, I say this as someone who is not at all down on Cena's in-ring work, but saying Bryan "is on Cena's level" in the ring is overvaluing Cena a fairly good deal. Bryan is, if not the most over guy in the company right now, a pretty damned close second, and he's done that despite lacking Cena's ability on the mic, and booking that has been, shall we say, hit or miss. How do you think that's happened? By being so damned good in the ring that the fans have gotten behind him even without great promos or megapush booking.
TimLivingston Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 Internet message board poster has to be both right and have last word in argument. In other news, the sun rose in the east today. Sources close to the situation expect more of the same tomorrow.
Niners Fan in CT Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 That's fair. Bryan probably is a better in-ring performer than Cena but Cena is no worse than #3 or 4 in the company. You combine that with his mic skills which are superior than everyone else and you can see why he's still the guy.
Cristobal Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I'm not sure I'd go #3 or #4 on Cena, but below Bryan, there's a top tier of in-ring performers that he's definitely in, (at the moment, I'd say that group is Cena, Punk, Show, Henry, Cesaro, Goldust, and possibly the Shield as a collective unit.) He can have good matches with anybody, and great matches with any other top guys, and yeah, I don't at all dispute that he still deserves to be the guy.
Brian Fowler Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 Cena is less consistent than Bryan and some of the other biggest guys, but his peak matches the last 3 years are the best in the company. He's the best big match worker around.
Fat Spanish Waiter Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 Cena doesn't get matches that work well in a werkratey sense. A lot of them are fucked about and have weird finishes and so on. I'd love to see a Cena/Orton/??? Vs Shield midcard twenty minute Raw match, but Cena being in that match changes everything about it in a way that Bryan and co don't.
Fat Spanish Waiter Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 Internet message board poster has to be both right and have last word in argument. In other news, the sun rose in the east today. Sources close to the situation expect more of the same tomorrow. Imagine people just posted once and then never again?
BEN! Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I don't really think Cena was ready to be put into the main event when he was either yet he's still there ten years later. Ryback was just a badly missed opportunity to create a new star when WWE really needed one. I have a hard time believing that Ryback/Rock could've been any worse than Punk/Rock or even Cena/Rock. WWE is just a merchandising company. Bunch of marks thinking they really give a shit about five star matches. Pump your fists up and down with your The Ryback The Foam Fists. Feed your baby more with The Ryback The Baby Bib. Shell Shock your taste buds with The Ryback The Ice Cream Bars! And Roman Reigns is a clear lights out can't miss future star. Has looked like one since FCW. You just blind if you can't see that.
Cristobal Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I don't really think Cena was ready to be put into the main event when he was either yet he's still there ten years later. Ryback was just a badly missed opportunity to create a new star when WWE really needed one. I have a hard time believing that Ryback/Rock could've been any worse than Punk/Rock or even Cena/Rock. Cena was arguably a better wrestler when he got put in the main event scene than Ryback is now. Cena was unarguably a better promo in UPW than Ryback is now.
TimLivingston Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 Internet message board poster has to be both right and have last word in argument. In other news, the sun rose in the east today. Sources close to the situation expect more of the same tomorrow. Imagine people just posted once and then never again? Imagine if both sides keep repeating the same things hoping the other people realize he's right when it's not working. I'm all for arguing your side. But this is getting ridiculous. 1
NintendoLogic Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 2005 Cena was a guy who would get his ass kicked for 90% of the match and then hit the FU out of nowhere to win. You can't really do that with someone who got over by steamrolling guys.
Greggulator Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I could get down with someone like The Warrior saying nonsense and craziness. I mean, my favorite wrestler of all-time is Sabu. My favorite dude right now is Bray Wyatt who is going deep into Bible references. I want maniacs. But I want a maniac who can work and not some dimwit who gets gassed 15 seconds into the match and can essentially only do a big splash. And when did Ryback ever do maniac promos? His stuff was either dumb and didn't really mean anything (FEED ME MORE) or the bully character. If he started talking about traversing the vortex from beyond, I'd like him a lot more.But man, the Warrior sucked. 2
Fat Spanish Waiter Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 "Warrior sucked." I thought this place was a haven from such filth. 3
Niners Fan in CT Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I didn't feel like Warrior was gassed in his big matches though... When I think of Warrior vs. Hogan, Slaughter, Macho, Rude... he had some working boots on. 1
OSJ Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 Some monsters are going to be Berserker and Warlord, and some of them are going to be Yokozuna and Goldberg. Ryback is our Warlord. I'm pretty ok with that. The Warlord had a staff with a W and a Phantom of the Opera mask. Ryback has nothing on that. I didn't say he was a good Warlord If that's the case, why didn't you say Barbarian? "Warlord" is easier to spell?
OSJ Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I'm cutting this nonsense off now. You are capable of having an actual debate on most topics, the Ryback stuff is a good discussion, but this is so ridiculous. He was a more legitimate WWE title holder than anyone in the last 5 years except Cena. He is viewed by the company and by the fans as one of the very top guys in wrestling. No way a guy like that brings down a belt that Miz was holding a year before. The end. Go back to arguing with someone else. There is an issue though and it's that he's not John Cena. Everyone wants to find the 'next' John Cena. I'm not even a huge Cena guy because his promos are usually crap (obviously the writing team is at fault for this) but when he cuts a promo like he did this past Monday it shows how far above the rest of the roster he is... Punk cannot reach Cena's level in the ring or on the mic. Bryan is on Cena's level in the ring but nowhere close to him on the mic. That's the reason why nobody on the current roster will ever hold the "Being John Cena" championship. They don't deserve it. Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Victator Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I didn't feel like Warrior was gassed in his big matches though... When I think of Warrior vs. Hogan, Slaughter, Macho, Rude... he had some working boots on. You can see Warrior improve every match thru 1988. By 1990 he was good and knew what he was doing in there. Though it seemed like the more he improved, the more charisma he lost. 1
Personal Jesus Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 This argument is dumb for a myriad of reasons, but the biggest one is simply the fact that Ryback wasn't even the guy's first gimmick or quasi-main event run. The fact he had his run as Skip Sheffield in the Nexus should kill idea of him being a main eventer dead since: 1) Him getting injured is a big part of what made the angle no longer work (hence he's not dependable, so Vince would never put the belt on him and give him a bigger workload after he couldn't handle the workload of being protected in a 8 man group) 2) He was in the ring with top stars constantly during that run (and hurt people in that run as well) so he really had no excuse for being as green as he was and still is. 3) If he had such great charisma he would have found himself in the #2 turncoat role of Nexus but nobody was ever really clamoring for him to get in that spot (that went to DB and then Otunga for God's sake). 4) HE WAS THE LEAST OVER WRESTLER ON NXT SEASON 1 BY MILES. He wasn't competing with the Cena's and Taker's of the world. He was on a show with 8 other complete unknowns on an even playing field and couldn't get a soul to notice him organically to save his life. So what makes you think he has the required it factor to be WWE champion? Even if he was over, it clearly wasn't anything he was doing right. His push against Punk was no different than the flavour of the week heels Cena and Hogan get fed during long title reigns or what Flair used to get for his NWA title reigns. He was never EVER gonna touch that belt, they just needed a guy to keep Punk busy. Saying "he was over, why not give him the belt" is like saying "hey, Earthquake was over after he squashed Hogan that one time, why not give him the belt?". Cause it makes no goddamn sense in the long run. 2
The Man Known as Dan Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 This argument is dumb for a myriad of reasons, but the biggest one is simply the fact that Ryback wasn't even the guy's first gimmick or quasi-main event run. The fact he had his run as Skip Sheffield in the Nexus should kill idea of him being a main eventer dead since: 1) Him getting injured is a big part of what made the angle no longer work (hence he's not dependable, so Vince would never put the belt on him and give him a bigger workload after he couldn't handle the workload of being protected in a 8 man group) 2) He was in the ring with top stars constantly during that run (and hurt people in that run as well) so he really had no excuse for being as green as he was and still is. 3) If he had such great charisma he would have found himself in the #2 turncoat role of Nexus but nobody was ever really clamoring for him to get in that spot (that went to DB and then Otunga for God's sake). 4) HE WAS THE LEAST OVER WRESTLER ON NXT SEASON 1 BY MILES. He wasn't competing with the Cena's and Taker's of the world. He was on a show with 8 other complete unknowns on an even playing field and couldn't get a soul to notice him organically to save his life. So what makes you think he has the required it factor to be WWE champion? Even if he was over, it clearly wasn't anything he was doing right. His push against Punk was no different than the flavour of the week heels Cena and Hogan get fed during long title reigns or what Flair used to get for his NWA title reigns. He was never EVER gonna touch that belt, they just needed a guy to keep Punk busy. Saying "he was over, why not give him the belt" is like saying "hey, Earthquake was over after he squashed Hogan that one time, why not give him the belt?". Cause it makes no goddamn sense in the long run. This argument is worse then FSW's.
SirSmUgly Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 Goldberg had... what, three or four good matches? And once his streak died, he was pretty much worthless. We don't really need that. I don't know if I have anything constructive to say about Ryback's push, but I see people say Goldberg wasn't a good wrestler and was worthless after his streak died, and that is just wrong, damn it. First of all, Goldberg got really good at one point and was having good matches. Everyone points to the Havoc match against DDP, but he had good matches against Scott Steiner too, and he was a legitimately awesome big match worker on a consistent basis by the time he got to WWE. He got better pretty quickly. People always say things like "But, but, but the Lesnar match" when the crowd was the reason that it sucked and "But, but, but Regal made him look terrible in a random Nitro match" when that isn't the case at all and it was a legitimately awesome competitive six-minute match before Spear, Jackhammer, Splat. It's like people are desperate to paint Goldberg as sucky in the ring when he was absolutely not. He was green at one point, but he never flat out sucked. Second of all, Goldberg was rendered worthless by WCW's (mostly Russo and Nash's) stupid booking. He was still amazingly over, but he was made to look like an ass by the nWo numerous times (see: Fingerpoke of Doom, where how Goldberg is treated ended up as the very worst thing about that angle), ended up turning heel for some bizarre reason when the fans still wanted to see him destroy the nWo for good, and then ended up stuck in a feud with Totally Buff which he lost and was then taken off TV and pretty much killed dead at a time when the fans obviously wanted Goldberg/Booker T for the title and would have been open to Goldberg/Steiner for another round of matches, too. WCW tried to kill his heat about a billion times and then finally, when they couldn't do that, they simply took him off TV. He was absolutely not worthless inherently; he was just made so by every booker that he came across from the time that Nash started booking the shows. 2
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