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The Terminator, and Predator aren't really Arnold movies. First Blood was an obvious, and bad attempt by Sly to be taken seriously as an actor again. It was such a bad attempt that audiences thought it was the start of another shoot 'em up action franchise, and not the dramatic movie about PTS that it wanted to be. Cobra... Shit. Conan... Diarrhea. Rocky... Remember when the first one won best picture? Well it seems they forgot in the 80's. Except for Rocky 5. That film brought back the heart of the first. It also brought back Rocky's brain damage that they forgot about since Part 2.


But seriously before this gets even more out of hand, I'm going to get further off-topic. What happened to the 1988 Arnold movie Twins? It was probably at one point Arnold's most well known film, and one of the most repeatedly aired movies on TV in the 80's, and 90's. But then one day it disappeared from our pop-culture society.


Also what was with our obsession with twins in the 80's, and 90's? Did we just discover the existence of twins? Stuff like Twins, the Olsen Twins, the Minnesota Twins, Sister,Sister, and the Barabarian Brothers exploded onto the seen during that time period.  


The Terminator, and Predator aren't really Arnold movies. First Blood was an obvious, and bad attempt by Sly to be taken seriously as an actor again. It was such a bad attempt that audiences thought it was the start of another shoot 'em up action franchise, and not the dramatic movie about PTS that it wanted to be. Cobra... Shit. Conan... Diarrhea. Rocky... Remember when the first one won best picture? Well it seems they forgot in the 80's. Except for Rocky 5. That film brought back the heart of the first. It also brought back Rocky's brain damage that they forgot about since Part 2.


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So, Gonzalez works his gimmick about how Daniel Bryan is garbage pretty well.  Considering how people here just worship at the altar of everything Danielson, it's a pretty good gimmick, and he has fleshed it out with some pretty astoundingly stupid comments.  Just top notch stuff, for which I applaud him.  However, he has taken it to a new level here.  "Predator [isn't] really [an] Arnold " is the dumbest thing Gonzalez has ever said, and that includes things he's said in his sleep, things he's said as a child, etc.

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I think the First Blood comment is worse. I saw that after I saw most of Sly's big 80s films and the Rocky's and it fits in so well with the likes of Deliverance and Southern Comfort it's untrue. Great film.


10 hours later and I am still trying to wrap my head around the Predator remark. For fucking flying monkey's ass sake, what is that even supposed to mean?



What has Ryback exactly done to sustain the monster push they gave him? He's decent enough but how much legs did "FEED ME MORE" really have? His bully heel stuff was fun but that's not exactly a main event deal. He's good in matches with elite wrestlers but that's about it. And if the rumors are true, a lot of guys don't like working with him because of how reckless he is. He almost took a few years of Punk's career a few months back.

He got jobbed out at a critical juncture. If he had beaten Punk or just not faced Punk, he would have been fine.


God, if I had a penny for every omniscient smark.. do you actually fully believe what you are saying?


ps. Cobra sucks, but it has a better soundtrack than Night Hawks. I love Keith Emerson, but Hold On To Your Vision is epic.


Okay - y'all are having your fun but this thread is for the talking about roid monsters in the context of wrestling.

If you are going to talk about roid monsters in the context of movies please move it to the appropriate folder.


Otherwise, I am going to just lock the thread and move on to some other wastes of my time.


Okay - y'all are having your fun but this thread is for the talking about roid monsters in the context of wrestling.

If you are going to talk about roid monsters in the context of movies please move it to the appropriate folder.


Otherwise, I am going to just lock the thread and move on to some other wastes of my time.


Somebody said that Predator wasn't really an Arnold movie. I think that's grounds for locking this thread.

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Okay - y'all are having your fun but this thread is for the talking about roid monsters in the context of wrestling.

If you are going to talk about roid monsters in the context of movies please move it to the appropriate folder.


Otherwise, I am going to just lock the thread and move on to some other wastes of my time.


Somebody said that Predator wasn't really an Arnold movie. I think that's grounds for locking this thread.


And somebody said that Rocky FIVE saved the franchise. My jimmies are rustled.



2) Do we really want another Ultimate Warrior or Goldberg? You guys have seen Ultimate Warrior matches, right? I mean, I love his promos and everything BECAUSE THEY ARE INSANE AND RIDICULOUS. I don't like them because they're good. The dude sucked -- he sucked in a marvelous way, but he was terrible. Goldberg had... what, three or four good matches? And once his streak died, he was pretty much worthless. We don't really need that.


Warrior didn't suck. His matches were fine and he actually has a decent amount of good matches for someone who was supposedly so bad. He wrestled to his character and I'm not sure what other style would have fit him. He was crazy, intense and high energy, and that's basically what his matches were. If you want a Benoit performance, he's terrible. But, if you want more of a roided and less talented Manami Toyota style, he works fine.


Can we nuke this thread and just not revisit it for a few hundred years? Predator isn't an Arnold film, Rocky 5 was good, Ultimate Warrior compared to Manami Toyota. All because of Ryback, see this is why he lost his push, there is nothing to talk about in regards to him and the creative team ends up discussing how Transformers might be the greatest film series of all time. STOO-PID.

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It's surprising that some are down on Warrior considering the love for Batista..  We are talking about two roided up monsters who were pretty terrible early on. Remember, Batista was an abomination when he came in. I was there live for a few of his early matches. Not good. Batista improved and after a couple years was pretty damn good with the right people, Taker, Triple H, Cena...   Batista's mic work didn't take off until his heel turn prior to leaving the company.


Batista's worst is right down there with Warrior but they both had some very good main event matches later on. Warrior was always more charismatic than Dave until the heel turn for 'Tista changed everything. Every babyface promo of his began with "...haha.." and went downhill from there.


Batista had the advantage of getting placed with Ric Flair and Triple H for a while there and was groomed for success. I think heel Batista is what gets him remembered so well around here, plus when he left there wasn't any real bad feelings about it, he left at a somewhat peak in his career so you wanted more.


How much of Polo wearing Dave did we see though? 3-4 months tops? I can understand wanting to see him back in the biz because he got to the point where he really gets it. However, I'd put Warrior's '89-'91 right up there with any three year stretch of 'Tista's.

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Batista vs. Cena, Taker, Edge beginning in 2007 is pretty good but then there is also that feud with Great Khali in there... With Warrior, I don't know, he doesn't come off as cool to me but I guess to a kid he would. Batista always had that vibe to him. I would have loved to seen that supposed heel Warrior running through people at Jake Roberts' command.


Warrior was cool as fuck to me but I was a kid..  Even so, look at WrestleMania VII. Career on the line. Warrior walks down to the ring, has a fucking war with Macho, quick conversation with the Gods, puts his jacket back on and walks away. Badass.

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