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The dude got killed with "Goldberg" chants when he was dropping jobbers on their spines.

It was the same three people every week. They were pitiful. 

"Goldberg, Goldberg. why is nobody else chanting. He is bald GOLDBERG!!! GOLDBERG!!!"

When watching the Jets Monday night game with my dad, I switched to RAW and Ryback was wrestling. First thing out if his mouh was, "that guy looks like Goldberg". The crowd wasn't even chanting "Goldberg" at the time.


I'm in favor of more face painted maniacs as well. Just think, at one point you had the Powers of Pain, Demolition, Road Warriors, Ultimate Warrior, and others running around.

Now the standard bearer for face paint is fucking Jeff Hardy. That shit has got to change.

Surely Goldust is flying the flag for great paintjobs right now?

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This argument is dumb for a myriad of reasons, but the biggest one is simply the fact that Ryback wasn't even the guy's first gimmick or quasi-main event run. The fact he had his run as Skip Sheffield in the Nexus should kill idea of him being a main eventer dead since:


1) Him getting injured is a big part of what made the angle no longer work (hence he's not dependable, so Vince would never put the belt on him and give him a bigger workload after he couldn't handle the workload of being protected in a 8 man group)


2) He was in the ring with top stars constantly during that run (and hurt people in that run as well) so he really had no excuse for being as green as he was and still is.


3) If he had such great charisma he would have found himself in the #2 turncoat role of Nexus but nobody was ever really clamoring for him to get in that spot (that went to DB and then Otunga for God's sake).


4) HE WAS THE LEAST OVER WRESTLER ON NXT SEASON 1 BY MILES. He wasn't competing with the Cena's and Taker's of the world. He was on a show with 8 other complete unknowns on an even playing field and couldn't get a soul to notice him organically to save his life. So what makes you think he has the required it factor to be WWE champion? Even if he was over, it clearly wasn't anything he was doing right.


His push against Punk was no different than the flavour of the week heels Cena and Hogan get fed during long title reigns or what Flair used to get for his NWA title reigns. He was never EVER gonna touch that belt, they just needed a guy to keep Punk busy. Saying "he was over, why not give him the belt" is like saying "hey, Earthquake was over after he squashed Hogan that one time, why not give him the belt?". Cause it makes no goddamn sense in the long run.


Really this is the worst argument I have ever seen.  First if we are going to go back to NXT season 1 for fuck's sake and say that it disqualifies him from getting a run, we may as well throw Cena in the hamper too since he didn't get over as the guy who wore different colored tights.  Guys get repackaged all the time and it can really bring out the best in a guy to take on a new persona.  But the heck with that right?  That Mean Mark Callous will never amount to anything!


1) He broke his ankle... and so he can never be trusted again?  Well, so long Cena (again) we can't trust you not to have your elbow explode.  So long Rey Mysterio and Mark Henry we can't trust you not to be hurt again in six months.  So long Daniel Bryan who hurt himself doing a top rope dropkick and so can't be trusted.


2) Who missed time due to Ryback injuring them again?  Remind me.  I remember guys not wanting to work him because he was too snug and all but I also don't remember a parade of injuries.


3) He was probably either #2 or #3 in the Nexus as far as being an actual threat was concerned.  Otunga got more microphone time because he can talk a little more but David was never booked as a physical threat.  One could argue that Gabriel was number 2 since he got to put the exclamation point on the Nexus beat downs with the 450 splash but Skip was clearly the Sgt at Arms in the Nexus scenario as shown in their Survivor Series match going over Mark Henry and someone else to even the sides up.  Bryan was never the number 2 guy in the Nexus because he never made it past the first night of the faction before getting pulled from the group.  I would argue the Nexus really lost their momentum when Skip went down.


4) Less over than Darren Young who had to go back to NXT for a second go around?  Less over than Michael Tarver?  Otunga?  Slater (who turned out to be a better worker than Ryback but was miscast as a face at the time)?  The problem with NXT season one is that only Wade really got over even a little bit.  And basically Ryback's gimmick was that he was a big, dumb Nebraska guy which isn't a recipe for success.


I'm not even arguing he should have been given the WWE belt!  But your post is just so dumb and wrong-headed I had to comment.  They could have certainly protected him more and gotten more out of him than a team with Axel (who does need to be in a tag team) from both an in ring and character prospective.

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I didn't feel like Warrior was gassed in his big matches though...  When I think of Warrior vs. Hogan, Slaughter, Macho, Rude...  he had some working boots on.


You can see Warrior improve every match thru 1988. By 1990 he was good and knew what he was doing in there. Though it seemed like the more he improved, the more charisma he lost. 



The Ultimate Warrior is honestly the most underrated guy in history from pretty much every perspective.

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This wasn't funny or witty in 1999 let alone now.

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I didn't feel like Warrior was gassed in his big matches though...  When I think of Warrior vs. Hogan, Slaughter, Macho, Rude...  he had some working boots on.


You can see Warrior improve every match thru 1988. By 1990 he was good and knew what he was doing in there. Though it seemed like the more he improved, the more charisma he lost. 



The Ultimate Warrior is honestly the most underrated guy in history from pretty much every perspective.


This.  Warrior, as much as people shit on him, had the ability to always work up to the level of the guy he was in the ring with.  He had good matches with Rude, both during his IC and World title runs.  The Hogan WM match was good, the Slaughter matches were good, the Savage matches where phenominal.  Warrior was good.


I'll echo Goldberg.  I'm a huge Goldberg mark, but he had something a lot of unstoppable guys don't.  Every powermove looked like it could legit finish a match.  And until the Nash shitty booking killing the streak and death of WCW later, he had good matches.   Shit, his US title match with Raven was fantastic, his double duty with a good match with Hall and the really good even-if-you-take-the-thermonuclear-heat-out-of-it World title match with Hogan puts him into the solid big man category.


Ryback was a flash in the pan, he never got better in the ring, he botched his finisher on smaller guys, and booking was only going to take him so far.


You want another Warrior or Goldberg, Ryback ain't it.


I think Batista was the closest surefire guy they had. I'm hoping Reigns eventually receives a similar push.


The only people who see Ryback and don't think "Goldberg" are kids and the internet crowd that overthinks it.

I always wanted Ryback to scream crazy coke/roid promos, but he never did and his actual promos, outside the bully stuff, are just dreadful. It's really hard to buy into the guy. All the head shaking and snorting and stuff looks so phony. Some of that is the writing, most of it is the fact that Ryback is just some normal dude who works out too much.

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The only people who see Ryback and don't think "Goldberg" are kids and the internet crowd that overthinks it.


The "internet" crowd are the only ones who think Goldberg. There are three of them at every show desperately chanting it. 




The only people who see Ryback and don't think "Goldberg" are kids and the internet crowd that overthinks it.


The "internet" crowd are the only ones who think Goldberg. There are three of them at every show desperately chanting it. 





Someone posted earlier about how their dad switched the channel and said, "That guy is like is like Goldberg."  Casual/channel surfing people I know think the same thing.  It was the first thing my wife said when she saw the guy.  It's right there.  I'm sure the pricks that chant "Albert" and "Husky Harris" are joining in on the Goldberg chants, but it's a bigger and louder chant because everybody sees it.


I don't think they're all that similar and I could list a thousand differences, but I'm some internet nerd so I don't count.


Whoever says that Warrior was just as responsible(if not more) for the in-ring quality of the handful of great matches he was in is full of shit.   

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In reading this thread, there is way too much focus on Ryback's feud with Punk. He was still very over coming out of that feud.


It was the poor execution of his heel turn that brought him down several notches. If you remember, arguably the second most over face on the roster, was coming out to crickets within a month of his turn. Ryback literally got no reaction during his entrance at Payback.


Who could forget those five minutes backstage promos where Ryback, the Neanderthal wrecking ball, was reading in complete audience silence, chapters from a book about his motivations.


Once the crowd stopped caring about him, creative stopped caring about him too. He became just another guy for the Cenas and Punk of the world the defeat to send the crowd home happy.

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Warrior's good matches are a result of him being a guy that knows his limitations in the ring and is perfectly fine with playing "Follow the Leader" with whatever better talent he was in the ring with.

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The only people who see Ryback and don't think "Goldberg" are kids and the internet crowd that overthinks it.


The "internet" crowd are the only ones who think Goldberg. There are three of them at every show desperately chanting it. 





Someone posted earlier about how their dad switched the channel and said, "That guy is like is like Goldberg."  Casual/channel surfing people I know think the same thing.  It was the first thing my wife said when she saw the guy.  It's right there.  I'm sure the pricks that chant "Albert" and "Husky Harris" are joining in on the Goldberg chants, but it's a bigger and louder chant because everybody sees it.


I don't think they're all that similar and I could list a thousand differences, but I'm some internet nerd so I don't count.


There has never been a loud Goldberg chant for Ryback. They last a few seconds and then it is the same two sad people chanting. 

There were people in 98 that insisted Goldberg was a Steve Austin rip off. 


He actually was pretty clearly designed to look like Austin, so they had a point when he debuted.  I don't remember it lasting much longer than that, though.


Hey I know a dude who doesn't get on the internet who thinks that Ryback is a Goldberg ripoff so since everyone is just completely making shit up in this thread, I'll definitively state that all casuals think Ryback is a Goldberg clone.

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There were people in 98 that insisted Goldberg was a Steve Austin rip off. 



He wasn't... He was a Ken Shamrock rip off.  


I think saying that there was never a loud Goldberg chant for Ryback is a little ridiculous because in the early days of his push, he would receive loud Goldberg chants that the production crew tried to drown out by piping in "Feed Me More" chants.

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