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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2023 in Posts

  1. Jarrett/Kingston Memphis Street Fight set for Collision. If Jarrett wins, Jay Lethal gets a ROH title shot.
    14 points
  2. That drippy-ass organic peanut butter, froufrou Trader Joe's jam, and expensive-looking bread cut by hand from an actual loaf, all made for a really unappealing PB&J. Another reason to hate Adam Cole: he is a PB&J elitist. If any ingredient in your PB&J comes from Whole Foods, you can fuck right off.
    7 points
  3. So I am looking forward to the weekend matches! Rampage: Mistico vs Rocky: 2/3 falls! CMLL Trappings. This should be a blast. I'll be honest that I haven't seen a lot of 2023 Mistico but from what I've heard, this should deliver. It should also have a really different feel than a lot of lucha we see on AEW TV and really on US TV since the late 90s in general. I hope they lean in hard. Skye Blue vs Ruby: Always a pretty solid pairing, here made more interesting by Ruby being adrift and Skye mid-character shift. They go in hard and aggressive and this should be good. Silver vs Kassidy vs Sabian: What a weird match only possible in AEW. These guys are all entertaining and while I'm not necessarily excited for any of them to face Cassidy at this point, and I think Brother Zay is probably the most adrift guy in the whole company, at least it'll be something different and probably pretty entertaining. Claudio and Yuta vs Bryan Keith and some other guy sounds pretty fun, let me tell you. Collision DAVE BROWN! I can't wait to see what he thinks about, let's say, Eddie Kingston. Kingston vs Jarrett: Again, this was my #2 choice for what to do with Jarrett in Memphis. (My #1 was vs Danielson where if Jarrett won, he'd get to pave over a local park to make a statue of himself and Danielson was defending the trees). I would have rather they did a deal where the Kingston vs Lethal match was already ending BotB but due to chicanery Jarrett got to soften him up to start Collision but this is good too. Can't wait. Miro vs Andretti: This is going to be a glorious mauling. Bill/Starks vs Claudio/Yuta: This will probably get a ton of time and will be a lot of fun. BOTB Stat vs Willow: Obviously larger stories at play but the match itself should be a bit of a hoss-fight in its own way, strength vs strength with some impressive feats and things probably breaking down and getting heated. Acclaimed vs Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, Garcia: Speaking of bigger things at play, this will probably be the Garcia story coming to a head. I thought Menard was getting some real heat during the battle royal. So things are ready to boil over. Cassidy vs (X). I read the spoilers and know who this is and while I'm not necessarily wanting this match over a lot of other things on the roster, they'll damn well have fun with it. Just a very AEW series of shows. A lot of variety. Stuff that can't happen anywhere else. And it's not all that "Elite" pilled. I like every single wrestler announced or at least like them in the role they're being placed in.
    6 points
  4. My wife has surgery tomorrow. They are not retesting her blood so should not get denied surgery again. Positive thoughts on the surgery and recovery are welcome.
    6 points
  5. To be fair... *Letterkenny gif* Andy from Kansas' question (to which I was replying) was "How do you feel about Adam Copeland’s “Rated R Rebuttal”? And not "What is your take on this Dynamite/AEW as a whole?" That being said, I was wrong anyway. That Edge segment was EXCELLENT. I will, despite myself, probably end up getting emotionally involved with the whole E&C reconciliation story, and the eventual retirement run. Speaking of: Bryan and Sting both retiring... Happy for them, sad for me (sad for us?) I enjoyed damn near every moment of Dynamite this week. Except for Sting making me sad. Not sure I can say I enjoy being made sad. Sometimes, maybe. I bet I enjoyed Blade vs Penta more than my wrestling buddy Paul did. I was NOT expecting a stiff chop exchange there! Max ❤ Max! NICE video package for Teacher vs Student. Lovely match, though I agree with Matt, Zen, etc that it would have been great if Emi won (and we got a rematch) Edge:Christian::Wayne:Garth Heel Suburban Dad Wardy vs Face Friedman could be excellent. MJF has beef with Wardlow, Joe, Kenny, Juice, Blade... I like it! Multiple stories and stories crossing over is one way (two ways?) AEW clearly differentiates itself from WWE. The Kingdom stuff still consistently makes me laugh. Red Pants Powerhouse with Callis is good stuff. Maybe this is where Hobbs gets overly over and stays there. I DEFINITELY enjoyed Fletch vs Omega more than my wrestling buddy Matt did. Nobody in my chat group made even a single joke during that match, which almost never happens. We were all quietly paying attention like a traditional Japanese crowd. Archer looked great. I love the shift to black and white for Timeless Toni. That seemed like a relatively filthy joke for US network TV. Was that in PiP for y'all? ***insert buddy and nick pic here later*** BotB is this Saturday?!?! Stat vs Willow? I'm in! Hook talking with his mouth full was enough to get a legit lol outa me. Him and RVD teaming should be fun! I hope Hungie wins that 3-way match. Orange vs Silver is a natural rivalry. That kick from Dustin was nuts. Hatless Hager should team with Limitless Lee and Timeless Toni. "DO THE DANCE!" chant. Huge pop. Max + Juice = Brian Cage. Foreshadowing!
    6 points
  6. I collect AEW figures, it's my vice since i stopped drinking. This past few weeks I grabbed Walmart Exclusives - Jericho and Kingston, the LJN Punk, the LJN Darby Allin, Target exclusive Samoa Joe, a Riho that i thought I'd never find on the shelf, Danhausen, and the latest Mr. Brodie Lee in the red suit. I'm really on the look out for Butcher, Blade and The Bunny.
    5 points
  7. In the 1970s, the Gulf Coast territory often had individual champions in each town. And instead of belts, they had satin jackets for the champs.
    5 points
  8. Tank Abbott vs. Big Al - Superbrawl 2000
    5 points
  9. 5 points
  10. We usually don’t hear much about them until Thurston shares them.
    5 points
  11. Bam Margera has aged really badly.
    5 points
  12. I wasn't able to concentrate on everyone's wrestling takes with this shit festering in my mind. So sorry, you're going to have to show your workings here, because if your main takeaway from the last couple of weeks is 'Israel eviscerates children', you might be advised to seek out news somewhere other than Al Jazeera or The Canary. If you just didn't like the Juice/MJF angle then sure, not many people did, wrestling probably isn't the right medium for that kind of thing, but seeing as reports of antisemitism have gone up sixfold in the UK and probably similar or worse elsewhere, one might argue it's actually the perfect time for Max or anyone else to fight antisemitism. It's gotten pretty bad out there, there are Nazis, Islamists, arch wrestling board contrarians, more anti semites than you could ever need or want. And if you didn't mean for your brief 'Let me tell you why I skipped Dynamite' snark to be taken that way, maybe don't suggest that it's inappropriate to discourage people from hating Jews when the Jewish state that they created after some people tried to kill all the Jews is killing people in its desperate attempts to stop the terrorist group whose founding document is heavily themed around Jew killing. Apologies mods, I know this is why we don't have a politics folder, but this garbage has been sitting in the thread for a day now. Anyway, I liked the V Trigger in that finishing sequence. Max Caster getting distracted like an idiot when he had the match won was stupid.
    4 points
  13. Oh lord those jackets probably smelled like Marlboros and lube.
    4 points
  14. Stuff I remember: -God help me, I loved Penta being the most Penta he could possibly be. It helps when the crowd is really into his bullshit. And they are way into it; Tony missed a trick by not sticking more luchadors on the card. I don't think Jay White has a lot of great control stuff but I do enjoy all his sneaky little cutoff spots. They transitioned away from the quarters thing with MJF very elegantly. -If there's one thing Emi Sakura is going to do it's lean way the fuck into her opponent's offense. The knee strike counter to the crossbody in the corner was great and painful looking. -I spent most of Omega/Fletcher on my phone but it seemed like a fine sprint. Fletcher has a really nice leg lariat. -Archer getting announced as "now kicking his opponent to the ring" was great. Love it when a guy shows up because it was driving distance from his house. -They've gone way past the joke with the Toni Storm stuff. -Even by AEW standards that was a lackluster battle royal. I am more invested in the implosion of the not-JAS than whatever else was going on. E: Also invested into Trent and Dustin hugging, can't forget about that.
    4 points
  15. Hope someone throws a jar oF mustard in that street fight
    4 points
  16. Pretty funny rib to have Wardlow come out to do his terrible routine, then bring out Lance Archer, who is infinitely better at squash matches
    4 points
  17. If this is the price to pay to enjoy Bonne Maman's delicious strawberry preserves, the scorn of my fellow poster, then it is a price I will pay twice!
    3 points
  18. Fun show with FFWD option. Jay White v Penta was a strong opener. Jay White is a fanfuckingtastic pro wrestler! So nuanced in his incredible skillset. The Ass/Juice running interference is beyond stale and stoopid. BCG Promo was fine. MJF promo was clever with his not being a ‘dumb good guy running down...’ Also, very into this Acclaimed/MJF story. Emi Sakura v Shida was real solid. Emi is so excellent. Let her run the ROH show with the belt, and graduate Athena to the AEW World Title already! Edge promo was a bit redundant, but at least he isn’t eating up 20 minutes plus in repetition and catchphrases like his New York territory work. FFWD passed the useless Wardlow squash. Liked him shouldering Schiavone. Solid Kenny promo, love the MJF interruption. Kenny v Max, fuck yeah! FFWD passed the *fart sound* Roddy/Adam sketch. Don Callis/Powerhouse WILL Hobbs promo was on point. Best mic work we’ve seen from WILL. Loved the flow into Fletcher coming down and onto the match. To no surprise Fletcher v Omega was fucking outstanding. Orihara moonsault was incredible! Also incredible, Don Callis on commentary! FFWD most of the Archer squash. Nice high knee. Excellent Swerve/Nana promo. More into the camera promos, less Impact Wrestling comedy skits. Nice Sting promo. Geez, what a problematic list of dickheads Sting has surrounded himself with. FFWD and look the other way while Toni Storm’s comedy skit stinks up the show. Embarrassing. Nick Wayne sitdown was wrestlecrap fun. I blame the producer, not Mom for the overacting. Christy-Ian Cage continues this legendary run. Orange Cassidy/Stat promo was fine. I like Stat v Willow, but really really hoping for the title change. OC v either one of Silver/Isaiah/Kip whom haven’t won anything to deserve to be in any title picture feels on point with a typical BOTB booking. FFWD er Skimmed the Battle Royal. Oh wow, Juice won, ya don’t say! I hope AEW sees ratings death for this awful 'Main Event' booking. That said, Daniel Garcia seems to find a way to shine wherever and whenever he’s on camera. Excellent show when skipping passed the squashes, comedy skits and 83rd Battle Royal of the year.
    3 points
  19. I sat with this one for a moment: as a single, probably Kurt Angle. The goofy wig shit really helped give his character another dimension (IIRC anyway). As tags? You could probably get away with putting damn near every WWF team from '99-'01. Granted, its probably more supportive of your point than mine that I had to go back to friggin' middle school to pick some names, but like Taz, I digress.. As for the show, I thought this was a hella solid edition. @GordlowI thought of you during the Edge sit down, I'm glad you liked it! I was sitting there thinking to myself, like "Man, I'm digging this way too much, what am I missing?" I don't know if it's a skill she learned doing pods or when she was covering hockey or what, but Renee kicks ass at these. I won't be surprised if at some point a character *really* breaks out in one of these with her, like Goldust and Mankind did with Jim Ross in the late '90s. And J.R.'s sit-down with the Waynes was good too, but it was DEFINITELY a little more rasslin' in tone with the "Son! Please!" - Christian, despite being a multi-time world champion there, was ironically the only thing that saved this from treading into TNA terrotory IMO. Sting! My god, I hope Revolution is somewhere on the east coast, Id love to be in the house for his last one - he's always said he's not doing any singles matches, but I could see a 1v1 with Darby (not putting him down WHATSOEVER for this, but Darby's not exactly a huge guy - he might be built ideally for Sting to have a singles with without getting blown the fuck up immediately). Apparently, I'm the kind of guy you want to play poker with, because despite not saying word, I got an '...are you okay?' from my better half after that segment. I'm sure some of you will understand and are in the same boat: I am a massive WCW fan who thought I was never going to get to see Sting wrestle, and now I've gotten to see him wrestle 3 times (and appear with Darby a couple others) all within this last few years. I say this in all sincerity: I cannot thank AEW enough for giving him this run, and Sting for being up for it. Obviously, I have no proof that this is the case, but I was absolutely over the moon to see that it seems TK used some attendance-improvement ideas we were recently discussing: frequent on-sale graphics, frequent references to both the building and city for next week, hyping guys who will be there even if they don't have a match lined up yet (You *will* see Hook and RVD in action!) - and on that note, I think the idea of using 'localized' big names (such as the aforementioned RVD in Philly, as well as his recent Collision bout in Michigan) could have some real legs. I just read apparently they moved 2100 extra tickets for last night once Mistico was announced for Rampage (because Texas) - so at least there's a bit of 'proof of concept' there. I'm real curious and excited to see if they can make it a winning formula in other cities.
    3 points
  20. DDP's knockoff Nirvana theme song sounded WAY too close to the real thing. It wouldn't surprise me if whoever owns the rights to the actual song sued Turner/WCW or at least C&D'd them.
    3 points
  21. That matchup deserves a prematch video where Jarrett drives to the MidSouth Coliseum, the Bass Pro Pyramid, and the FedEx Forum and declares that he helped make all 3 of those buildings
    3 points
  22. It looks like the only way to take down the Chefs is from within. AB would be perfect.
    3 points
  23. Tor Kamata = Torquemada = Greatest Wrestling Name Ever
    3 points
  24. They should sign Antonio Brown. He needs the money and I need a laugh.
    3 points
  25. Big Al was just a friend of Tank’s, but he mistakenly got a rep for being his corner man because Tank let him walk out with him for his fights. I think he knew as much about MMA as he did about pro wrestling.
    2 points
  26. 911 did wrestle a couple of matches as Big Al in WCW but that was before Abbott came along, this was a different dude. I'm pretty sure he was some buddy of Tank's because nobody recognized him as an extant indie guy.
    2 points
  27. Tank being at BATB 95 makes me think of what if some insane person booked a Tank Abbott/Vader match
    2 points
  28. Re: there should've been more lucha, word is that the Mistico/Rocky match was very well received.
    2 points
  29. I mean Arizona fans weren't going anyway so all that's really doing is putting money in the D-Backs pocket but okay
    2 points
  30. Ok, I haven't seen this match, probably, but I will assume that this lead to a top rope Canadian Destroyer, obviously!
    2 points
  31. The thing about entrusting your knockoff music to Jimmy Hart is that he was a musician in the early 60s and probably can play every rock hit from his youth from memory because he had to perform “Come Go With Me” at a party in 1959 In other words, he’s really good at knocking off music for the purposes of wrestling. This is a long shot but BBC needs to talk to Jimmy Hart to find out his Desert Island Discs
    2 points
  32. I can't stop thinking about how, in his 14th minute of fame, MC Hammer tried to segue to G Funk with a song about shoe fetishes.
    2 points
  33. I am not sure if "same quality" are the words I would use. "Better optimization" might be more accurate. One of the problems with most of these ports is that they can't handle 60 fps threshold in Performance Mode. I agree. Why let those games be lost in time when you could port them to PC for all to play whenever they wanted to? Andrew and I should split the six figure salary.
    2 points
  34. Least favorite moves in pro wrestling. 1. Panama Sunrise 2. Snapdragon. I hate that thing so much.
    2 points
  35. 4. Make sure PC ports are of the same quality as console versions. The Last of Us Part I had a terrible launch on PC and Naughty Dog were part of the ones (along with Iron Galaxy) doing the port! I'm also hoping they'll have more PS3/PS4 games get PC ports (Puppeteer and Tokyo Jungle on a modern PC would be marvelous).
    2 points
  36. Thought White-Penta was pretty good. I'm always surprised what great shape Penta is in, the outfit obscures it. He should wrestle without the top more often. I watched the international feed so this might have been during a break but the announcers were definitely taking veiled shots at Kevin Kelly. There was a "b team" mention and snickers A fan yelled at Juice, "JUICE YOU'RE NOT A HIPPY ANYMORE??!?" I didn't know what the "13 days" thing was in reference to, glad the announcers clarified it later on. They've set up a lot of challengers for MJF now with Omega, Joe and Wardlow on top of Jay White. Good stuff. I'm also digging the build up to MJF teaming with the Acclaimed. I didn't know about the social media stuff before they did the first angle a few weeks ago but I think it's played out fine on TV without that backstory (seen people complain about that). The Acclaimed are goofballs with a "Daddy", Max having a mancrush on MJF isn't that ridiculous and fans seem to be into it. They set up the Kingdom to get involved too in that pre-tape Fletcher-Danielson was probably better but I dug KF and Kenny a lot. Flip bump off the V-Trigger was great. Callis stuff on commentary was good. KF had a great bodyslam during the break. He's still not very over but hopefully these matches will up his status "kicking his opponent to the ring...." Archer looked good, in good shape. No Jake. The two of them were one of my favorite parts of the first year or so of AEW. Max had one of his better raps in a while Daddy Magic is living the gimmick looking like one of those 80's WWF guys who take their foot off the gas when the money run is over and they're on job duty around the horn. The gut on that man....
    2 points
  37. Jay/Pentagon a pretty great opener and thought Shida/Sakura was awesome. Sakura blocking the first Katana and kicking out at one led to a great near fall after. Felt the Rated R Rebuttal was very well done in the sitdown environment. Dug Wardlow just raising the wrist tape. "That says MJF!" As mentioned, MJF with a truly 'everyone's gunning for the champ' deal going is excellent. Loved the little MJF/Omega interaction. Not sure they'll squeeze in a match between them within the 13 days but I like the setup. Speaking of Omega, he and Fletcher killed it, great match. "ADAAAAAAM you know I hate CRUST!" classic. Love seeing Lance Archer anytime even if never lasts or leads to anything. Sad that Sting will finally be retiring for real this time. Battle royal was decent with an inevitable ending.
    2 points
  38. yeah I forgot the parts of that match that didn't involve a threatened stabbing
    2 points
  39. I think Fallout 3 is white bread bland, it's never been able to hook me. It's probably my least favourite Fallout game (not counting 76 which I haven't played). I highly recommend the Sim Settlements 2 mods, there's 3 of them and they massively expand the settlements in a good way while also adding a full DLC worth of quests while they are at it.
    2 points
  40. One of the best things about AEW has been allowing Sting to have an amazing last run and not go out as he originally was in his first retirement.
    2 points
  41. usually a guy has a trajectory like that when they go from being the largest guy in ECW to the 19th largest guy in WCW/WWF, but Wardlow didn't even have to switch jobs to get frozen
    2 points
  42. Toni Storm is a better actress than Mrs. Wayne, but they both deserve bath bombs, perfumes, and pearl necklaces…
    2 points
  43. Things I Remember From The Second Hour of Tonight's Dynamite I missed the first hour due to a mix of the cable being out due to a partial power outage, and also there was a period of time when they cut all the power to make sure the connections were good. So whatever happened before Fletcher/Omega, I didn't see almost all of it. I think the women's match was during a period of time when the power came on and they took it back down. Anyways, Omega beats Fletcher. Chucky's in the front row I'm not sure if I've seen Danhausen do any very evil things while in AEW Lance Archer is back for some reason Sting is retiring at Revolution 2024 Nick Wayne's mom sets him up to get ambushed by Darby Gee we're starting this Battle Royal pretty late for a show without an overrun There's some real "oh yeah, he's still around" guys in this match We have two grey tabby kittens around here who are sisters and they spent most of the main event chasing each other around the room here. One of them has already gotten into wrestling with a larger male cat who is only 6 years older than her MJF gets his belt back and then doesn't. Caster watches and then gets KOed. Juice wins the Battle Royal. What a surprise. Let's hear it for the Juice. MJF vs Juice next week for the ring. We end the show at 5 after the hour, just like the old days of TBS.
    2 points
  44. Lordy, this was past its sell-by date when they did this in TNA a decade ago with the Hardys, Team 3D, and the Wolves. Doing it again at their age would be rough. And surely even Tony would have to realize bringing in Bully would set a new standard in terms of bringing in someone the fan base does not want.
    2 points
  45. No but it sure would be fun to see Antonio paired up with Brittany and Patrick's brother.
    2 points
  46. I like this thing where when after a woman wins a championship they have a match with Emi to make them look like a million bucks. They should keep doing that.
    2 points
  47. Emi and Shida had a great match last year - it was the main event of Elevation in Cleveland for the Regina di Wave title. Tonight's match should also be a winner.
    2 points
  48. I'm way late on The Crow talk, and it's been years since I watched the three sequels, but I remember Salvation being relatively decent. Not an actual good movie, but far and away better than City of Angels which was itself far and away better than Wicked Prayer (even if I kinda dug Boreanaz basically playing Angelus for his villain turn.)
    2 points
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