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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2016 in all areas

  1. I would have spent money on that show, absolutely.
    7 points
  2. Piranesi was truly the highlight of his run.
    5 points
  3. I've got a better idea. HOW ABOUT NO MORE FUCKING MCMAHON FAMILY ANGLES. Seriously, that shit was old and tired FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. I don't mind a HHH angle. I don't mind a Vince angle. I don't even mind a Stephanie angle although they need to figure out what they're doing with her that isn't burying the talent people pay to see. But McMahon vs McMahon? FUCK NO NEVER AGAIN DO YOU HEAR ME?!
    5 points
  4. Corbin's "I hate indie shitheads" gimmick is the best.
    4 points
  5. I'd say TNA is more like watching someone you loathe go through a long illness. You really want him to die, but it's fun watching him sit around and be miserable after what he did to you when you were young and naive. The fucking monster... Also, the "I don't want to see anyone in TNA out of a job" thing would have more merit if they were paying people with something other then NFLOpoly money (They can't afford to buy Monopoly copies anymore, too expensive)
    3 points
  6. Jumbo beating up Misawa's friends might be more fun than Jumbo beating up Misawa. Although, him beating the shit out of Misawa is pretty awesome.
    3 points
  7. I have to laugh at how often Dolph Ziggler is the jumping point for all the podcasts and Network specials to start talking about the problem with modern wrestling. And then they'll always be like, "I don't mean to pick on Dolph..." and then talk about all the dumb shit he does.
    2 points
  8. This is some masterful trolling of the WWE Universe
    2 points
  9. She's pretty good at fucking shit up.
    2 points
  10. Dele Alli didn't just do that.
    2 points
  11. This shouldn't make me laugh as much as it does but Some Cavs players thought the team meeting was to announce that Kevin Love had been traded
    2 points
  12. I've said it 100 times, but TNA would make so much more money if they just shut down forever and sold DVDs at supermarkets for $2 that had every star they ever squandered on the cover
    2 points
  13. And it's the two Benedicts as well. Just a phenominally bizarre coincidence festival with his name/role honestly.
    2 points
  14. Geez. I set the ball on the tee and not one single "Beach Mode" joke. You all fail.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Michael Hayes was never, ever cool. Ever DISAGREE:
    2 points
  17. Japanese Duke Silver is the shit son
    2 points
  18. I honestly dont think they are worried about Jack & the Beanstalk or The Flash
    2 points
  19. I see that conversation going something like; Vince: "You know, my Hollywood friends keep asking when we're getting rid of the ring" "No they don't." V: "Yeah, but I do have Hollywood friends" "No you don't" V: "Yeah, but you could imagine what it would be like if I did" "Sure Vince."
    2 points
  20. Thunder certainly drove Kevin Nash to drink. "Old Glory Samoan Drop!" "You never see Meng and Barry White at the same time. You ever notice that?" "How's Meng gonna lose after they gave him a sweet video package like that?"
    1 point
  21. God fuck Thunder. They didn't give a shit about Thunder from day one and it just got worse from there. Watching all the Thunders will drive you to drink. Source: Watching all the Nitro/Thunders for 1998-2001 turned me into an alcoholic who hates wrestling and life.
    1 point
  22. Dude that Bret match is so good. Possibly Waltman's best match, if I'm being honest. I just re-watched it like this time last year or maybe a little longer before that, when I was starting Raw from the beginning on the Network, and I was surprised how well it held up, I really enjoyed revisiting it. I'm pretty psyched for the '98 Nitros but as is tradition, I have to nitpick: it would be nice if they threw up the accompanying Thunders. Just January to August, like around the time of the Bret/Luger US title match.
    1 point
  23. I like that the crowd is literally ignoring him in that .gif
    1 point
  24. (Goldberg) "Fans have been clamoring for his return". They have? Loved how they put in The Mountie at the end of that video, just to see if we weren't paying attention.
    1 point
  25. I can't say I didn't laugh when Ambrose compared him to a bear on Smackdown this week, but not for the reason they wanted me to.
    1 point
  26. It just occurred to me that Roman Reigns will personally eliminate 29 superstars en route to winning the rumble and then beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
    1 point
  27. Flinstones was so racist toward cavemen he needs to take that shit off
    1 point
  28. I'm not entirely saying it's not. I just think if they announce Wright, there'll be the sort of backlash that WWE does not want. We're in a different world. The fanbase is different. WWE created their own monster in some ways by garnering all of those social media awards and prioritizing all the charity work. Matt you need to be accepting of non mainstream religions.
    1 point
  29. It's about damn time people got on board the Baron Bandwagon. The few of us have been waiting for you all for awhile now.
    1 point
  30. What a bunch of fucking wimps getting all upset over something like that. If it was Stanton the third baseman would've stayed the fuck where he was, but how dare that pitcher!
    1 point
  31. To Add some context to the Becky statement above (Pulled from various Tweets): Backing out of a signed deal of any kind = breach of contract with huge legal and financial ramifications. Not even worth an eye roll emoji. What I mean is if any of what is being said is true, wouldn't TNA be taking immediate legal action? Wouldn't the lawyers be the ones talking.This is the company that let me in on my contract status via Twitter tho so I guess nothing comes as a surprise with them anymore.Last thought...LOL at TNA flattering themselves; the only q's anyone is asking about AJ, Drew or Karl are about the RR & Bullet Club in WWE.TBH I never planned to speak publicly about my TNA stuff as I'm very old school & believe issues like this should be kept behind the curtain.But seeing them try to put those 3 guys on blast just set me off & them trying to leech off Bullet Club's success for attention makes me ill.
    1 point
  32. Star Lord will distract him with another silly dance.
    1 point
  33. I mean its pretty easy to see when she went off the deep end. Which does not make it completely HHH's fault, it probably was a bad relationship. But you see stuff like that dvd where he tries to erase their relationship and it has to hurt. I feel bad for her. Her biggest mistake career wise was trying a power play right after WCW died. They'll be too busy chanting to pay attention.
    1 point
  34. Only one man can save the Rumble
    1 point
  35. Via Deadspin. I got a kick out of the Star Wars style promo.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. So he's the person Chris Jericho strives to be?
    1 point
  38. Jackie's a perfectly fine choice. She fits the tone and tenor of the HOF pretty well. There's a number of women at about that level, be it Ivory or Molly or Jazz, and I think there's no harm in adding any of them. It's Godfather that would be an absolute shit show.
    1 point
  39. While it probably doesn't speak well for Carmella's current level of development that she was booked to sit out most of the battle royal last week and tonight's tag match, she was straight fire coming in off the hot tag. Her head scissors finish looked tight and even her bronco buster looked hurty.
    1 point
  40. There is no title match in recent memory that I've anticipated as eagerly as Yuji Okabayashi vs. Ryota Hama. Sack of potatoes vs Big Baby.
    1 point
  41. That's one of the greatest fights ever put to film. Like watching two kodiaks locking up.
    1 point
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