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Ryback Hates Bullies

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  1. Yeah the equipment standards are variable. When we do Meadows Curls, the other has to press on the Preacher Bench to keep it stable. But the old school Technogym equipment they have is mostly pretty solid. They basically have 2 chest presses - this and a Cybex Eagle. The Cybex Eagle is a very good machine, but the Technogym avoids shoulder wear and tear from the angle as well as having the foot pedal. Not going to lie, I put quite a lot into those sets - I don't look too wasted after them but fatigue did creep up on me later. In terms of chest work, I just did one set of machine flyes for a quick pump later in the workout. And had DOMS for a couple of days. Which included this morning. Now at the gym, I FORGOT HALF MY TIB BAR! Ugh. Anyway, I decided I would actually Bench for the first time in sometime. After a couple of ramp up sets, I literally did singles only from 70kg-110kg in 5kg increments. I'm pretty happy with that because it felt pretty good even though I haven't flat benched in months & realistically still had lower/mid pec fatigue from Sunday. I attribute this to building my upper back and lats as much as anything else. I did 3 x 8 on VCGBP at 70kg and I've got to be honest - it felt weirdly very challenging though I honestly wonder how much carryover is really there given the grip differential. If I'm honest though, I'm beginning to think the 140kg bench *might* yet be a go. But I don't really want to do a lot of volume work. Also started doing one armed db preacher curl with full supination. It hits different. I can see why people gravitate towards the EZ Bar Curl, but definite danger it becomes a brachs exercise. No more of this, I want a cricket ball inside my arm. I've got a lot of footage from last year on my Google Drive, I'll try to knock some of it together soon.
  2. Because you asked, I had the gf film 4 of my sets today: https://youtu.be/7YgQFG73xuQ
  3. Looking stacked, jacked succulent and dense there Sharty. We definitely have slightly different training philosophies around ROM, but it clearly works for you. I did take quite a lot of footage last year, less so recently. Last few months have been continuing to train mostly with the girlfriend. Well I say that, in October we moved her to 3 days a week because she really got burnt out on any more. I usually do a 4th day, occasionally a 5th. So right now the 'split' basically goes: Tuesday: Hamstring, Adductor/Abductor, Upper Chest/Front Delts, Triceps, Upper Abs Thursday: Upper Back, Side/Rear Delts, Brachs/Biceps, Obliques Saturday (Longer Session): Lats, Pecs (usually Dips & Flyes), Quads, Glutes, Lower Abs, usually a bit more arms Sunday/Monday (just me): Calves/Tibs (I bought a Tib Bar), Extra Side/Rear Delt and Traps I'm in a diet phase. I actually pretty successfully leanish bulked from about 113kg to 118kg between mid-August and the end of the year. After 2 1/2 weeks, I'm at 115kg and tbh, I think I'm pretty much where I was in terms of my belly at 113kg. I'd probably do better but it's bloody cold and my step count has definitely not been great. Hit a 4 plate T-Bar Row for 4.5 reps yesterday which I was quite pleased with. I think if I strapped I could probably have got the 5th rep in full and maybe a 6th. I applied chalk for 3.5 plates and got 8, then 3 plates and got 11 reps. I'm pretty happy with that. I realised 2 weeks ago that although I was feeling the assisted dips pretty well, that I was definitely capable of going a bit heavier whilst maintaining really deep ROM. So I did a set with 5kg assist last week for 6 reps. I can definitely do crappier ones with bodyweight, but I choose not to. Similarly can do a triple with 10kg on the chin-ups - I use the Temu knock-off Angles60 handles, and I tend to twist from pronated to neutral. Again, I could probably do some bad pushups with no assistance but no need right now. I haven't benched in *ages*. Despite split above, I ended up doing some wide grip high incline presses yesterday - 10x60kg, 12x55kg. I feel like if I wanted to get the bench back on road I could, but just hasn't felt like a priority. I did the presses for upper chest yesterday as I (partly due to a busy January gym) ended up doing the ol BTN press on Tuesday. When I was doing them before, tbh it was kind of a half press-half overhead extension. So what I did this time was start correcting the elbow position at the bottom on every rep, so at least the concentric would be right. After a couple of sets I was able to do it properly - empty bar, then 22.5kg. I had my partner work similarly with DBs. ----- All that being said, looks like work is going to see me a bit more mobile and we'll have to see what that ends up looking like. I do want to get back to 100kg ideally, though my girlfriend has thoughts about that.
  4. Wouldn't completely surprise me if Private Party regroup and eventually beat Hurt Syndicate, but tbh Shelton looks like he's all about this run and Lashley is still Lashley so I wouldn't be in a hurry to see that happen. It was a pretty bad loss though - even The Gunns got a bit of heat on FTR and the 'Many Men' entrance. When they lost, it was like - 'yeah, but they're here to stay'. With Private Party it felt more like 'hope you enjoyed your moment guys!'. I dunno, we'll see, but they didn't exactly come off as main characters. Tbh tag-team wrestling is a bit under-emphasised in WWE at the moment with the titles NOT being unified - noone really cares about DIY or the War Raiders. So right now I'm definitely all for putting the belts on a team that can really stand front-and-centre. I'd be curious as to what The Bucks think though. So is Hangman doing the Two-Winged-Angel now?
  5. My youngest brother remains an A-ha fan. I listened to New Gold Dream 81-82-83-84 the other day, but I must admit to really ot being able to abide their arena rock stuff.
  6. I think the train of logic was to run UE against the Elite, but then Adam Cole got injured and the stuff with Punk happened etc. Agree it was a mistake bringing in Fish & O'Reilly - Strong is a great hand and obviously Adam Cole had something - the extent he has it now I'm less sure. Tbh one reason I think having weight classes is a great idea was that you could stick Cole in the two bottom divisions and get something useful out of him. I sort of hope Kyle O'Reilly gets MJF's ring and he becomes Champagne Kyle or something, tbh I doubt it'll work any better than Cool Kyle but it might be fun wrestlecrap.
  7. I am reluctant to go back and relitigate this, but I literally mentioned Darby Allin vs Brody King, and had mentioned Darby Allin before that. Though, resisting the temptation to be snarky as much as I can, it's not like that last match exactly popped a rating now is it? 461K at the end I believe. Overall I understand the show was 300K down on same time last year. And look, they're being paid good money to do that match and it's better than them doing it in front of a few hundred people at PWG, and then a few thousand DVD viewers and a few thousand more bootleggers. I completely get that. So maybe the slow slide into oblivion is the better option. May well be.
  8. That's great. I can respect that and would have engaged with that argument.
  9. No it's you trying to make a sneaky argument that's annoying to unpick. Just say 'well actually I really want to see Jack Perry wrestle Luchasaurus'. My guess is that you won't because you don't. And I have pointed out that there are still a myriad ways you can have those matches. Admittedly if you think small man vs little man matches are the apex of pro wrestling, yes I can see how you wouldn't like my idea. I think a Kevin Nash is likely to have a better match with a smaller guy. But I don't think that's as true of the larger wrestlers today in all honesty. Styles do make matches I agree, but you're oversimplifying things. A lot. That in no way is the essence of what I'm positioning at all, and it's pointless to continue if all you can do is attack strawmen.
  10. I actually profoundly disagree with the framing that having to vaguely operate within the bounds of realism and logic is artificially handcuffing yourself. And it's that kind of thinking that has got pro wres into all sorts of issues at certain times. AEW hasn't been much good at storytelling in some time. But even if they were, WWE exists and in a profoundly more competent way than 5 years ago. That isn't likely to change. They produce 2 A shows, & a B show that has developed into a quirkier show that usually outrates AEW even though they are working with a pretty inexperienced talent base. That's the reality. Why do people need a less interesting version of all that with more flips? You dun changed brah. Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker wrestled for WWE; you're not getting that match in AEW. This might seem like a really asinine point, but it's not because if you said 'A world with no Jack Perry vs Luchasaurus** matches is not a world I want to live in' people would think you were insane and that's kind of the point really. And you might say, 'ah but what about Darby Allin vs Brody King?'. But I've already articulated how you can still have those matches. The reality is though that AEW hasn't been all that good at booking for size discrepancies either, so why you advocate for centering around them I'm not really sure. In all honesty, if you're having to essentially pretend the Undertaker still exists and wrestles in AEW then you may want to re-examine things - because an argument like that is essentially doing that. 'Oh obviously I didn't mean that', will you stop?'....well don't say it then The truth is a 199lb guy against a 185lb guy is still a big man vs little man match. And so is 225 v 280. Strickland vs Lashley for the title could still happen. Garcia vs Lashley no. Good. People watch sports movies, including ones not based on true stories. You can use the actually devices of real sport in a creative and artistic way to tell a story in a way that doesn't easily happen within the messy confines of real life. I'm not saying you have to completely restrict yourself to that by any means, but I really don't agree with any of your framing. And as for people want real fights...sure some people do, other people want strong looking action that's more reliably interesting than the majority of MMA. I do believe, to an extent, in the 'Strength of the Job' (a phrase that William Regal uses a lot). In all seriousness, I have said that 'I can defend my pov to a point' - and I recognise the limitations here because someone with standard preconceived ideas of what wrestling is will very naturally struggle with what I am suggesting - trying to unpick all that would be very tedious, time-consuming & quite likely to be unpersuasive even if I presented a highly logical argument. So the temptation is to be slightly flippant/snarky but the point is that I basically disagree with all of your framing and I don't think they are helpful to the point at hand. Ultimately what I have said is " My slightly more abstract point is that AEW will likely need to change in some significant way in order to get the feeling back". I don't think essentially being a WWE clone is going to be the thing, and whatever vibe the Elite & their Indy friends brought 5 years ago has left the building and is not coming back. ** I realise Luchasaurus has not been doing so well healthwise, and I realise wrestlers do read this sometimes - so nothing against the guy and hope he does well and gets back to wrestling if he wants that.
  11. Kingston & Xavier had no future on TV as singles wrestlers. They've split the tag belts, hell they've even got secondary women's titles on both shows - this is not a good time to be a midcard dude, especially with Wrestlemania season beginning. And (so)...practically everyone in the midcard is in some kind of group. Tbh I think they might be better on Smackdown feuding with the MCMGs anyway, but I'm sure that can happen soon enough.
  12. A month ago I might have agreed with you. I should probably stop there. Well Tone does like him some lucha, and this pretty much backs up my point about weight classes. If AEW makes stars in the different divisions, they'll be good. A heavyweight title would actually be good for AEW's big guys, as tbh they've actually really struggled with booking them well (except maybe Joe). But equally there's guys at lower weights that would clearly benefit from the lower weight classes. There's people who might not so much, like Darby Allin, but there's nothing to stop him fighting catchweight bouts and being the exceptional small guy who can take the big guys (especially in gimmick matches)....so really it's all about execution.
  13. 1. Any reponse that doesn't even acknowledge McGregor, scumbag as he might be, can safely be pigeon-holed as not entirely in good faith 2. "Heavyweight, despite having the least amount of talent, is among the most" is a pretty classic retreat from the bailey to the motte. 3. I'm not really proposing AEW has a Flyweight division. I'm probably proposing the lowest weight class limit be 180. So I think the arguments about the lowest weight divisions in UFC aren't really applicable. 4. I said 'more or less'. Allow me to clarify (you can see this as a retreat if you want), I think in practice the 200 and certainly the 180 belts would likely be seen as slightly less important. This matters less in wrestling because one or both of the 200/220 belts are likely to be defended at any given PPV/PLE, but the key point is they should be presented seriously and not as stepping stones. 5. WoS-era BritWres would probably be the most obvious example of a precedent. Which is not really to deny that the Heavyweights were not an important spectacle, and a guy like Finlay bulked up so that he could be a top guy in Germany. But clearly some of the most iconic and well-loved stars came from other weight divisions - Johnny Saint, Les Kellett, Mick McManus, Jim Breaks et al. 6. It's a big change, & yes it would require commitment. My slightly more abstract point is that AEW will likely need to change in some significant way in order to get the feeling back. Feeling != Business, & I don't claim to have the access to data TK has or the time to use it. But I stand by my statement that there will be no new golden era if they keep doing what they have been doing. What they do exactly, well again others are probably better placed. I have my opinion, & can defend it to a point.
  14. But anyway I would lean on the UFC paradigm. Basically you can set Light-Heavy at 220ish, Cruiserweight at 200ish, MIddleweight at 180ish. Two divisions for women.
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