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Dario Cueto, while being a psychopath, was also a businessman who liked to have a professional, well-rounded product to keep that payoff drawer full. Catrina's motivations are more ambiguous thus far, but she's clearly got more on her mind than bumper music.

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This show was definitely interesting. The opener with the Mariposa reveal was good. Fenix's showcase video was good, the NUNCHUCK FIGHT backstage with Darewolf, Jack Evans and Drago was BOSS. Cage/Taya was, was, I don't know what the hell that was. 


But that main event, sweet Jesus that main event was amazing. I'm shocked Mil went over as cleanly over both Puma and Pentagon.

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That main event was ridiculous. Everything that makes everyone love LU right there. You couldn't even blink it was just non-stop action and a decisive clean finish putting the champ over. By miles the best match this season and in the high end stuff from last year too.


FENIX VS MIL MUERTES NEXT WEEK! :o And Angelico's awesome hair!


The rest, aside from our hero Aero Star returning, was a mixed bag depending on your tastes.


I loved Fenix's video package & him doing a bilingual promo. It wasn't perfect but it's the effort that counts. That's something WWE would never do without turning it into a comedy "hahaha this guy can't talk normal" deal.

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Any thoughts on the major LU and AAA star who has never worked for the major American companies and who is trying to get into WWE (per the Observer)?

If I had to guess, I would guess Cuerno since he has the biggest shot in getting signed

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Okay fuck it. I'm breaking down and watching last night's episode even though my net time will be shot afterwards. Thanx to cubsfan for being a gent.


- "Ay, gurl" made me laugh. Mack is good as always but that whole angle just insults my intelligence. They're trying to be intentionally campy while also being sexually fucked up... it doesn't work. Then again I own bootlegs of most of the Ilsa films so I might not be one to judge. 


- Jack didn't flush! When you're immediately involved in a nunchuck battle with a spaceman and a dragon though, it's understandable. 


- Vamp references Benoit; later he says (not talking about Nancy) "she asked for it". That says just about everything about this match as it went right down the rabbit hole into ECW territory. 


- At least the Famous B bit had a sense of self-consciousness and intentional humor. Boy this is really back-and-forth. 


- "Earthquakes, destruction, blood, coffin matches..." Okay Vamp. Three-ways blow but this might be a corker. And sure enough it is, really great sloppy brawl that transitions into the hilarious but logical idea of "well let's just hit the champ with a bunch of topes and superkicks". This is the kind of match that reminds me why I love Lucha Underground, just completely insane work with solid storytelling. Everybody gets crushed but Muertes guts it out and Fenix comes out to cash in for his title shot next episode. This almost makes up for the goofiness/misogyny of everything prior. My net time expired during the viewing but the three-way makes me not regret it -- until the bill comes in the mail, that is.

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That Cage/Taya match definitely made me feel uncomfortable. But if they wrestled a 50/50 match, that would've sucked too. I'm wishy-washy on intergender wrestling but it can be done better than this. Muertes handled the gross size difference with Ivelisse much, much better.


That triple threat is one of my favourites of all timez. Constant action for the majority of the match and when it finally trod into WWE territory of "one guy rests on the outside while the other two have a standard match", at least they set up those stretches with the guy taking an ass kicking from the two other competitors. Great match!


I also marked out for Aero Star's appearance.

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