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My head hurts now. Stupid multi-week tapings. This would have been way easier if you fuckers had suffered through TNA and were used to this shit



For the TV show that airs November 19th:

Samoa Joe came out for a promo.  Th crowd heeled on him.  He ended up in a brawl with Finn Balor.  At the end, Joe choked out Balor.
Jason Jordan & Chad Gable beat The Ascension.  This was said to be the hottest thing all night.
Emma beat Mary Kate (the former Rosie Lottlalove in TNA).
Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder beat John Skylar & Corey Hollis.
Bayley beat Alexa Bliss to retain the NXT Women's Title.  This was said to be an okay match.  Eva Marie confronted Bayley  for the next title shot, which will take place at the next taping.  Once again, the crowd hated Eva Marie.


  • 4 weeks later...

Super-fun show here. We got an effective Nia squash, while Gable and Jordan looked strong against the Ascension. Emma's squash was great too, and it led to a spooky as hell Asuka bit too! Mechanics vs. Team Jobbers was fun, and Alexa vs. Bayley was excellent. Not Takeover-level, but a great TV main event that showcased Alexa's progress. Bayley has done something that not even Shane Douglas could do - get the belly to belly over as a legit finisher. Eva's promo on Bayley and the NXT crowd was so glorious too. God, what a fun TV show.




Screens - 











Reason #29393 why Alexa's gear rules









I liked the title match.  Alexa is a great shit talker.  I like these little mini feuds for the champion.  Bayley is super over. I laughed at Eva's line "okay, be quiet u little dorks".  That was perfect.


For the love of it all, even Eva's instantaneous comebacks are wooden and stale. Plus, Eva said "verse" instead of "versus." Either she is the best heel ever or she's so shitty that she's come back around to good or something. 


Oh, yeah, the rest of the show. 


Nia Jax looks very good, but I wanted her to get more offense against Carmella. Carmella seems really nice on Breaking Ground, but her character hits every wrong note for me. It's so try-hard and forced from the moonwalk to the "Bye Felicia" (which I think she's dropped) to just everything. I liked the match as a "giant stalks the victim and finally gets her" type TV match though. 


The crowd being so into the Ascension makes me wonder if the things that I like are probably actually shitty if the NXT crowd also likes them. I will say that the highlight of that match for me was the girl in the Macho Man shirt who clearly wanted to do unspeakable things to Jason Jordan. 


Emma being mean is great. She's a fun squash match worker. 


Dash and Dawson are an awesome tag team just because they give the NXT drones nothing to cheer for or imitate. 


Bayley/Bliss was okay for what it was. Bayley is no super-worker and Bliss has shitty offense, so her boring control segments took me out of the match. Even my wife, who thinks wrestling is silly, is totally into Bayley. She likes the character's optimism and said basically that she became a fan of Bayley because her ability to draw people in is infectious. That was staggering coming from her because she sees wrestling as this kitschy thing that she's not really into. I thought it was cute that at one point while Alexa was in the middle of a long control segment, she said, "Bayley doesn't seem to have any energy tonight." Of course, I was thinking about Bayley's selling in holds and asked a dumb question about if she meant that Bayley needed to struggle more in holds to make the match feel more like a fight, but she answered, "no, I mean that she's barely been able to do any offensive moves in this match so far and the other girl is mostly beating her up." 


Watching wrestling with non-wrestling fans who buy in, even for a moment, is fun. 


Dash and Dawson need a tag team name. Something like the Amputators but... better.

Other than that, great episode. I'm starting to think that Carmella might have potential. Emma looked great. Even the Ascension looked better in NXT.


Next week it's Bayley verse Eva lol. The heat on Eva was insane, and Bayley's reaction to it was great. Nia Jax is really good in her role. Awesome vicious performance from Emma. I'm not a fan of the Ascension, but they gave Jordan and Gable a nice win and had a pretty good match to boot. Alexa/Bayley was good and you can see the improvement in Alexa. She has a ways to go as she certainly needs more credible offense, but I like what I've seen from her as a heel.




calm down there guys, Eva speaking the way she does is perfect for the character.  I'm still hoping they end up going with the Nia Jax hired gun story.  Hand the title over to Eva. That would be perfect. Of course Bayley can win it back at some point. Or maybe Regal shows up and decides Nia must keep and defend it. Plenty of ways to go.


I liked Emma squash from tonight much more than the last one. I like how they are setting up the match with Asuka.


Bayley/Bliss was quite solid. I look forward to Bliss's continued growth. Eva's announcement was bad. She screwed up her lines, and the crowd took it too far not even letting her speak. Still the reaction does make Eva the biggest heel in NXT and makes for an interesting match next week depending on where they go with the entire thing.


So, what did we learn tonight:


  • Previewed the holiday t-shirt sayings, "I'm Blissed Off", "No flips, just fists"
  • Byron was the one accusing Alexa of being a rat (according to Corey)
  • Full Sail got suckered into making Eva a mega-heel.  I don't remember Kevin Owens getting that big of a negative reaction.
  • Like 1

That's cause Owens has a decade worth of matches that earned people's respect. Eva has Roman Reigns heat right now, meta-smark heat. For good or bad, it seems to work.

Edit: in NXT, in this particular situation. If this is their plan for her in the future, she's done for.



So, what did we learn tonight:


  • Previewed the holiday t-shirt sayings, "I'm Blissed Off", "No flips, just fists"
  • Byron was the one accusing Alexa of being a rat (according to Corey)
  • Full Sail got suckered into making Eva a mega-heel.  I don't remember Kevin Owens getting that big of a negative reaction.


Artificial heat drawn from a crowd full of smarks that are clearly angry that someone who completely fucking sucks at all aspects of wrestling is being shoehorned into a place on the card unworthy of someone of her stature and ability in the game. Niners Eva advocate gimmick trolling sucks aswell, please stop.



Niners Eva advocate gimmick trolling sucks aswell, please stop.


The hell is this?  I like what I like, Rick. I didn't say you or anyone else should be liking the story. This is what I was talking about a few weeks back. Some folks have gone off the deep end over the Eva stuff. Check this out. 


- WWE sends Eva to NXT to train. Remember she had never trained prior to working with Kendrick.


- WWE thinks Eva is a star or potential star. She has a great look and she was on Total Divas. She has fans just based off that show alone. If anyone watched the Total Divas autograph session episode guess what. Eva had a big line of people wanting her to sign stuff and it wasn't just males. Females with their hair dyed red just like her. There's reason for WWE to believe that she is marketable.


- They throw her on TV and the trainers and writers are smart down there. They know she isn't a good in-ring worker yet. They see people are pissed at Full Sail and online because she's not one of the super worker women they are used to now.


- The writers can't just give up on Eva because again she is marketable. So they build this story out of her winning matches with crooked refs and shenanigans. It starts getting heat. They use her total divas stuff in Paris to further that gimmick. Basically that she is a spoiled chosen one. She's SOOO exhausted she needed a vacation. It's both gimmick and a little bit reality tied in.


- The next step is to put her up against Bayley who is Full Sail's golden girl and they have involved Nia Jax to make it a little more intriguing.


They are getting exactly what they want out of the Full Sail crowd with this.


Good on the writers for know the audience, then. i mean, Eva's completely worthless. Her "you little dorks" like was decent trolling. I also like her "In Paris" updates, too. But other than that, she was pretty bad in the ring. And she's awful in the ring.

The writers or whoever know she's not good and are trolling the NXT super marks. That's what they SHOULD be doing. Eva gets a passionate reaction from the audience. Good. Run with that. Use that. That's a great way to tell a story. Maybe Eva improves and learns how to run with this heat. Maybe they use it to have Nia Jax turn into the new Aja Kong or Dump Matsumoto destroying every little girl's hero in Bayley. Either way, they're playing it perfectly.

Also: That Bayley/Bliss match was good stuff. Bliss doesn't have the high-end arsenal of someone like Sasha, but she knows how to tell a story in the ring. I don't think we'll ever have another Four Horsewomen. Just having four insanely great women's wrestlers all emerge at one time is the stars aligning. But if NXT produces a lot of people like Dana Brooke and Carmella and Bliss types -- maybe limited in athleticism, but they know how to work in front of an audience -- than I'm fine with it.


If the crowd were really smart they would just shut the fuck up and give her total silence and zero reaction. Id even go so far as to say they should do the same for whoever her opponent is as well. If you try to cheer the face too hard it might been seen as an ok middle ground because at least someone is getting a reaction. If they want to protest Eva next week they should all just sit on their hands, play with their phones, go to the bathroom etc and show WWE that she isn't worth caring about.


This reaction though? This ear splitting booing? This is the reaction WWE are hoping to get. The louder they boo the harder she will get pushed.


That was exactly my point.



That's cause Owens has a decade worth of matches that earned people's respect. Eva has Roman Reigns heat right now, meta-smark heat. For good or bad, it seems to work.

Edit: in NXT, in this particular situation. If this is their plan for her in the future, she's done for.



  • Like 2

I do hope that Eva wins the title cause once that happens, the heat will die down like what happens on house shows. I went to one last week where she teamed with Nia and she got a pop for her entrance and then she wrestled and no one cared.  I will say she's better than Aliyah or whatever Nhooph's NXT name is.


Alexa/Bayley was better on tape than live. Glad they muted some of the awful "hey we want some Bayley" chants. That was cute at first but got really annoying like most chants.


Emma's match was freakin' stiff. The last couple of matches were actually, wonder if she requests that. (Fantastic gear on Mary Kate, I want them to  use a similar design for Jax.)


The last time I've seen that level of intense heat was for Vickie.




The last time I've seen that level of intense heat was for Vickie.


I was thinking the same thing. And I liked Bayley leaning in to hear Eva speak because the noise was killing her. 


I liked Emma vs Mary Kate too because it felt like they hated one another. lol Evil Emma is 100 times the woman Dancing Emma was. 



Dash and Dawson need a tag team name. Something like the Amputators but... better.

Other than that, great episode. I'm starting to think that Carmella might have potential. Emma looked great. Even the Ascension looked better in NXT.

Not sure why they dropped The Mechanics nickname. Anyone?



Couldn't find a manager named Mike



If the crowd were really smart they would just shut the fuck up and give her total silence and zero reaction. Id even go so far as to say they should do the same for whoever her opponent is as well. If you try to cheer the face too hard it might been seen as an ok middle ground because at least someone is getting a reaction. If they want to protest Eva next week they should all just sit on their hands, play with their phones, go to the bathroom etc and show WWE that she isn't worth caring about.


This reaction though? This ear splitting booing? This is the reaction WWE are hoping to get. The louder they boo the harder she will get pushed.


Yeah man maybe they could go all Green Lantern Fan and turn their backs to the ring and raise the double birds.  That would showThe Office what's up.  Jesus fucking Christ.

  • Like 3

I love that this episode had so many women's segments and they all served a purpose and were good or better. NXT may not have as talented of a female crew as they did before the "revolution" but they have better stories and that helps to make up for it.  


I know several people who say "verse" instead of "versus" and it is a pet peeve.  I asked one guy about it and he said that verse was when it is a one-on-one encounter and versus is only supposed to be used when it is team versus team.  Ugh.

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