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Which NFL Team(s) are you a fan of on any level and for any reason good or evil? You can vote more for more than one.

Which NFL Team(s) are you a fan of on any level and for any reason good or evil?  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. Which NFL Team(s) are you a fan of on any level and for any reason good or evil?

    • Arizona Cardinals
    • Atlanta Falcons
    • Baltimore Ravens
    • Buffalo Bills
    • Carolina Panthers
    • Chicago Bears
    • Cincinatti Bengals
    • Cleveland Browns
    • Dallas Cowboys
    • Denver Broncos
    • Detroit Lions
    • Green Bay Packers
    • Houston Texans
    • Indianapolis Colts
    • Jacksonville Jaguars
    • Kansas City Chiefs
    • Miami Dolphins
    • Minnesota Vikings
    • New England Patriots
    • New Orleans Saints
    • New York Giants
    • New York Jets
    • Oakland Raiders
    • Philadelphia Eagles
    • Pittsburgh Steelers
    • Saint Louis Rams
    • San Diego Chargers
    • San Francisco 49ers
    • Seattle Seahawks
    • Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    • Tennessee Titans
    • Washington [Redacted]

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49ers and Raiders.


The latter were the fairy tale heroes of the past in my favorite bedtime stories from my dad (and the fact that at that time the "Oakland" Raiders were no more and part of an unattainable permanent past, like all good mythology, perfectly amplified the romance of the tale).  Yeah, I head all the classic fairy tales too, and mom and dad would read some classic literature to me as well.  But Kenny Stabler and Dave Casper and John Madden were far cooler than any hobbit or dragon or ogre ever was.  And they were REAL~!  Or had been, anyway.



The former were current fairy tale heroes happening before my eyes on television, as I'm just the right age where my beginning to have consciousness and memories and the ability to turn on the TV and watch it myself, coincided perfectly with their rise to dominance, such that throughout my childhood their greatness not only seemed self-evident and exceptional, but eternal.  It was all I had ever known.  I imagine Patriot fans feel much the same way now.  [AND YOU ASSHOLES WILL KNOW BETTER when Tom Brady dies on the field due to LaGarrette Blount failing to pick up a blitz.  Oh Yes, You Will Know.] 


I turned on football and it was just like my favorite cartoons.  The good guy was just too awesome not to always win at the end, so of course he did.  Only instead of a big robot or a guy with a magic sword, it was Joe Montana.  Time for so much as one play left and of course he'd make it even if it was "impossible" for everyone else.  It was as expected as a sunrise.  Or a Hulk-Up.  Or the power of Grayskull.  4th Quarter, Montana and the 49ers cannot be stopped.  It was wonderful.  How could I ever have chosen anyone else?


Niners and Colts here.  First game I remember watching was Super Bowl XXIV, my younger brother and I each picked a team to root for, I took the Niners he took the Broncos.  Been a fan of them ever since.  Technically I guess I should be a Colts fan strictly due to geography, but my dad is from Illinois so he was a Bears fan so he didn't really care that much about them then since they'd only been around here for six years at that point.  Once I started watching regularly, the Colts grew on me as they were the team you could see most weeks(when there wasn't a blackout) so I suffered through the end of the Jeff George era to present day.  


Raiders because they won the Super Bowl in 1984 and I was a little 6-year-old front runner.  Little did I know what lay in store.  At least I'm loyal.


There is only so much loyalty in a person to a sports team, any local arena league teams to glom onto?


Packers Sterling Sharpe and Brett Favre in 1994 unstoppable combination in Madden. Other favorite player was Barry Sanders (and he still is one of my all time favorites) 2 versus one plus Reggie White was my favorite defensive player outside of Deion so those 3 players made me a Packers fan.


Finally got a Sterling Sharpe jersey last Christmas.

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Ravens only.


I didn't really grow up in a big NFL household. First game I have a memory of watching is the Titans-Rams Super Bowl. Really fell in love with Steve McNair's style of play that game, and I started cheering for the Titans because of him. When him and the Titans had their contract mess a few years later, I vowed to cheer for his next team even after he retired - and that was the Ravens. And here we are.



I preferred the Matt Flynn era. Pre-season forever.


Edit: Hasselbeck went to the post-season 6 times, so they weren't totally awful at least. Too bad about his wife being a walking, talking Fox Talking Points Robot. 


Are you talking about Elizabeth Hasselbeck? Because she's married to his brother Tim.


Jets - lifelong fan, unfortunately.


Cardinals - I like Larry Fitzgerald, and I used to watch a ton of shitty AZ games back when I had NFL Sunday Ticket 10 years ago.

Chargers - the powder blues stole my heart.

Minnesota - been to games there numerous times (closest venue to Winnipeg to see a game). Fun atmosphere at the games.


Teams I used to cheer for:


Sterling Sharpe era Packers. LOVED Sterling.

Marshall Faulk era Colts. Between him and Harbaugh, it was all the love. Harbaugh left, Faulk got traded, and I was all out of love.

Shaun Alexander era Seahawks. Watched them a lot on the Sunday Ticket, became a fan.


I jumped on the Bills bandwagon in the early 90's during the Super Bowl years, in my early teens. Hadn't followed sports that closely before that, and loved the unis and never jumped off. They have tortured me ever since.....




I preferred the Matt Flynn era. Pre-season forever.


Edit: Hasselbeck went to the post-season 6 times, so they weren't totally awful at least. Too bad about his wife being a walking, talking Fox Talking Points Robot. 


Are you talking about Elizabeth Hasselbeck? Because she's married to his brother Tim.


Close enough.


I jumped on the Bills bandwagon in the early 90's during the Super Bowl years, in my early teens. Hadn't followed sports that closely before that, and loved the unis and never jumped off. They have tortured me ever since.....

Who let you out of your cage?


Growing up I was a Niners fan because I had lots of family up in the Bay Area.  Turned out I was really more a Joe Montana fan than a Niners fan as my fandom followed him to Kansas City.


As soon as he retired and I became old enough to go to games, I became a Rams fan because my brothers had season tickets and it was the best thing in the world when they had an extra ticket to take me along, sneak me sips of beer try not to be beaten up by Raiders fans.  Once they left I didn't really have a team until the Panthers beat the Niners (who I then hated because I was still a dutiful Rams fan at heart) in their inaugural season and I've been a Panthers fan ever since.  


I don't really see that ever changing because I detest every California team just from having to watch local games for my whole life that i don't care about.


Grew up a Packers fan. My dad loved them as a kid, so I would always hear stories about Lombardi and Nitschke and Starr. When I was 10, I thought Majik Man was just about the coolest nickname a person could have. Then, the first year I actually made an effort to follow the whole season and learn the game, some kid named Brett took over and that was that.


Never been a fan of anyone else, but there are teams that I like seeing do well. Its ever changing, mostly based on players I like. For example, I really liked those Natrone Means/Stan Humphries Chargers, but despise the Tomlinson/Rivers Chargers (plus, I hate the powder blues...I am the anti-Dewar). I was pretty happy that the Patriots won the Super Bowl (once the Packers were out), because lol@people who cry about fair play.



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Minnesota are the tough northerners ("We're as far north as HAMILTON, holy shit you guys it's almost arctic") that build a dome so they can sit indoors 8 days a year while we watch football outside in Canada in the northern, walker-filled wastes above the Wall. This is not because we're dumb it's because we have HEART and COMMITMENT, really, we swear.


This concludes my Why Your Team Sucks: Vikings Edition.




From way back in the 80's when the nfl was shown on terrestrial tv in the UK I was transfixed by the comeback kid. So much so I got a #16 jersey fopr my birthday this year, which I'll be proudly wearing on any given sunday. Montana was the be all and end all for me. And Kaep seems to be a nice dude. The new addition of the former rugby league star could be a dangerous combination if kaep's eye is in as well.




I have a lot of admiration for Cam Newton. The guy just seems to have his head on straight and plays a good game of football.


Dont really hate any of the other teams, so I cant disparage them.


Way back in the days of professional short-arse Gary Imlach on channel 4 at stupid o'clock, before I even knew what was going on, watching Brett Favre at Lambeau just looked more fun than anyone else.

More recently, I find myself admiring the ruthless dedication to victory by any means that Belichick and the Patriots get up to.

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Patriots are my number one sports team of all sports, I first noticed them in Techmo Super Bowl when they were the worst team and I was like poor lil fellas, then they drafted Drew Bledsoe who I still cannot tell you why a kid from the upper peninsula of Michigan loved that guy so much but once they drafted him the Pats became my team, before that I was pretty much just a football fan didn't really root for any one team just like watching who ever was on.


I also voted for the Lions, being from the part of Michigan that has more Packer fans than Lions fans but being from a family that is very anti-Packers I have to cheer for the Lions at least twice a year and I enjoy them when they're the lovable losers of the NFL, but they've made themselves less loveable from the Schwartz era on. Oh and how could you not be at least a bit of a fan of them growing up in the 90's and watching Barry Sanders.


I live in Toronto and I'm a Steelers fan. I have family in Pittsburgh, and have kinda adopted The Steel City as my home away from home. On a related note, I met Jerome Bettis last night. That was pretty freakin cool.

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Cowboys.  I'm the second of three generations.  Because the Cowboys are the only team.


Born and raised in Tampa so I'm a Bucs fan.  So pretty much it's been 30 some odd years of abject futility.  But we were good for a few years and won a Super Bowl so that's more than most teams can say.


Skins, mostly because I grew up and live in the DC area and am a fan of every DC sports team.


And you clearly are a glutton for punishment


Giants (obviously). I was also a Jets fan up till I went to college but they were always behind the Giants. Now, they are as dead to me as the Knicks.


I also voted for the Panthers as they are definitely my non-Giants favorite team.


In theory I could have selected every team except DC since I will root for every team that plays them - including the Cowboys and Eagles

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