zendragon Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 I'd like The King of Television to have a interview segment where he acts like he's Jack Parr or Johnny Carson 8 2
EVA Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 AEW top female baby faces: Toni, Shida, Ruby, Saraya, 1/11 mystery partner, Martinez Top faces due back in 2023: Statlander, Rosa And you never know when Riho is going to pop back up. Oh and the top heel/champ gets huge babyface reactions. And then you have two promising young wrestlers in Willow & Skye Blue who need spots to grow into. So, yeah, some folks need to be turning heel, as the current heel rotation (Britt & Co., Jade & Co., Nyla, TayJay, Penelope/Bunny) is getting thin on fresh matchups. I mean, they’ll all be fresh for Sasha, but for everybody else. Athena has already made the switch. Ruby would fit that role, too. 2
Curt McGirt Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 (edited) Page/Bryan was, of course, excellent, another perfect Bryan TV match. But Page like I'll always say rules. Great work from both. It also tickled me greatly that Renee LITERALLY wanted to talk to Sampson Edited December 29, 2022 by Curt McGirt 1 1
wpdougie2180 Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 Tony needs to spring for "The Champ is Here" & get it for the one true King of Television. Just for the nostalgia and it would be such great dick move for this version of Joe. 5 2
Shartnado Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 (edited) In the early 90's, when I was obsessed with this wrestling RPG I made, the Holiday PPV's were XMas Smash and New Year's Explosion, so I find the name of this show funny in that regard. Bryan vs Ethan was very good. The BCC vs Top Flight got very exciting by the end. I'm shocked that we're getting a seventh match in a best of seven series, but PAC got extremely close to making that not happen. All of the matches have been very different, but it is definitely time to get some other teams involved in the trios title picture. Tay Jay AS stole the win, but honestly, Aubrey should have just let Anna hit Willow with the chair and DQ her Jay-A-S-S. Grabbing the chair ended up being pretty bad officiating on her part. Jesus, OC's even handing out title shots to his friends now, he just doesn't care! Man, what a fighting champion! The idea of Jungle Boy and Hook teaming up is tickling! When they get done with the firm, they could add Action Andretti and go for the trios titles, too! Joe with a huge win. Will Wardlow be going with a more Goldbergian/Rybackish-look from now on? I would have kept the Roman Reigns-esque longer hair look, but I'm sure there's a section of fans that holds that against him. I guess Joe was amongst them, too? Darby needs to remember what went wrong the last time and not make those same mistakes with Joe this time around. Oh, and the normal commercial breaks were back for the intl feed, so that gift didn't keep on giving. Well, nice while it lasted. Edited December 29, 2022 by Shartnado About those commercial breaks... 3
TheVileOne Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 5 hours ago, EVA said: I have zero problem with Wardlow losing this match. Wardlow doesn’t need more wins. He’s gotten almost nothing but wins for the past year, and none of them have helped him get any more over since May. What Wardlow NEEDS, and what he hasn’t had since MJF, is a worthy nemesis that can give people a REASON to get behind him. That’s what Joe is doing right now. And I think there’s a lot of juice left to squeeze out of Wardlow chasing him. And just as a cherry on top, Joe brings immense credibility to everything he’s involved with, and that now includes the TNT title. I can see that argument if Joe is that nemesis and they do rebuild Wardlow to chase and eventually beat Joe. But if Wardlow is sent packing to headline AEW Dark and doesn't wrestle on TV again for six months, it's going to be a problem. 1
Casey Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 At least to me it seems like they’re setting up some sort of hair vs title gimmick match for Wardlow and Samoa Joe or something like that. Darby/Joe 2 is just a stop gap since they’re in Seattle next week and that’s where Darby is from. 4
LoneWolf&Subs Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 (edited) I had a feeling we’d get more Darby Vs. Joe. I don’t think Joe has had as much fun being a wrestler since 2006 till he stepped foot in a ring with Darby, so of course Joe wanted to do it again. Suggestion for those two… Do some tags to get this going longer. It appears that dude who is supposed to be Evil Darby is signed. He might be a good addition to this if Wardlow ain’t around. Maybe get Joe a similar looking partner, or just another big dude. Prince Nana’s crew ain’t doing much. Joe should hire them for help to squash his enemies. Edited December 29, 2022 by LoneWolf&Subs 2
AxB Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 Nice how Claudio now has two moves that were a standard "Part of my moveset that I do in my matches" type of move for years, that are now finishing moves he has won matches with. 7
Pete Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 9 hours ago, Curt McGirt said: Awww, please don't take The Forge away from us (if she's in the Illinois Bloomington, that is. You can have Indiana's. In fact you can just have Indiana if you cut out some of the capital.) As a Bradley alumni, I insist they can have that Bloomington as well. 8 hours ago, zendragon said: I'd like The King of Television to have a interview segment where he acts like he's Jack Parr or Johnny Carson Jackie Gleason or Uncle Miltie would work too. He has to have a smoking jacket somewhere... 4 1
Curt McGirt Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 Okay, Japan... move The Forge and Black Circle Brewery (and some of my Indy friends) to Champaign and we have a deal!
For Great Justice Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 I know it’s heel/heel but I really think Hobbs squashing Joe sometime next year is how this should end. Sucks for Wardlow but I think that boat has been missed, at least for now. 1
LoneWolf&Subs Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 Wardlow probably needs to go heel, and switch with Hobbs. Wardlow lost an edge, and Hobbs has never gained a connection with the audience. Both men have problems that can be solvable. 4
hobo joe Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 Caster spit hot fucking fire this week. Best his flow has ever been. 4
Pete Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 20 minutes ago, hobo joe said: Caster spit hot fucking fire this week. Best his flow has ever been. Big wow for his flow, yeah. And I was dying for his rap. Easily the best video they've done.
AxB Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 Max Caster, finding himself the most over member of the most over tag team, in a tag team focused company, has responded by working on his craft and improving his skills. A lot of wrestlers reach that level of over-ness and decide that they can coast on it. Your Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash types and that. 7
Matt D Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 (edited) I'll need to watch Danielson vs Page again without PiP. The big takeaway were the strength spots, how Page went back to the well but then doubled down and went back again and almost made it work. That's what made him standout as an opponent. It's not an accident he uses the Ego's Edge since he has that sort of Hall place on the roster where he's not a giant but he's still a big, strong dude. I'm not sure if he has that sort of physical charisma to match though. This was very much AEW house style where they circled the landing a few times before starting the heat. I really like seeing Danielson interact with Stokely. He's never had a Heenan. I did go back and see the Top Flight/BCC tag without PiP this morning even though I caught it last night. Given that it was face vs face even if one side was underdogs, I liked the structure, with Top Flight's early ambush failing, Claudio (and Mox with his beard attack) getting some heat on Darius, a big comeback and Top Flight controlling on Moxley's knee during the break, and then everything breaking down for Claudio destroying everyone and a finishing stretch with a lot of excitement. I sort of felt like Moxley made Danielson a little less interesting when they were tagging since instead of being many things like Danielson tends to be, being with Moxley just made him one thing (out of many, that he often brought otherwise), but it doesn't really have that effect on Claudio. Vicious Claudio is something we don't necessarily see outside his teaming with Moxley in 2022 so it's something different. I loved the dropkick after the running corner shots which felt very "Jumbo-y" to me. I guess this all had a feeling like the 90 AJPW I've been watching lately. I bought the kickout on the neutralizer since Claudio seemed to barely get him up. The sequence that ended with the kickoff DDT was amazing; Claudio is one of the best bases ever, bar none. Speaking of puns, there's dad joke, multi-lingual, admirable athlete Claudio, but when he brings the intensity that he managed on that last uppercut, well, that's your main event star right there. More of that in 2023. Match 7 of 9: Nick Bockwinkel vs Jumbo Tsuruta (c) AJPW 2/26/84 This was a couple of nights later and was Jumbo defending. I have to look at where this is on the tour actually. Let me see. There were a couple of nights left but this was the last really big match for Jumbo on it. I imagine the Japanese fans having seen what happened with Baba a few years earlier and certain other things, half expected Bockwinkel to win it back, that Jumbo would just get a win but not get to hold it through the end of the tour. That, combined with the fact that Bockwinkel took so much of this, gave things a real sense of drama. This was certainly better than the title change and it might be my most favorite match of the series so far, even though I don't necessarily think it was the best. Bockwinkel controlled for the first eight minutes or so with headlocks and front face locks. He had more history as a title match wrestler and they were great headlocks. Watching this, you wanted Jumbo to try to toss him off just to see Bockwinkel grind down and sink to his knees. Really top notch stuff. He hit a pile driver between the headlock and the front facelock exchanges, but ultimately lost things by trying to go for a butterfly suplex. He needed Jumbo into the corner but lost the offense. He'd take back over quickly enough but then hit a clumsy but cool cross body off the top and Jumbo would take over after that. Bock was going out of his comfort zone with both moves, externally calm but internally roiling over having lost the title and he was paying for it. Jumbo would hit an errant pile driver here and go for a sleeper only to get driven into the corner (more there later). This led to the bit we were missing from the last match as Bockwinkel locked on a cobra twist only for Funk to somehow go sailing out of the ring, followed by him getting strung up in some rope running. Good. If you're going to have Funk, use him. It was right in the middle of the match, between chapters, like a palette cleaner. Jumbo would go for the butterfly, but get jammed, allowing Bock to get a crab attempt. Jumbo would toss him out with sheer strength and, after some back and forth, go for a sleeper again, only for Bock to chuck him out, starting the real King of the Mountain stuff. Two points here; one, when Bock was getting in a cheapshot from underneath, he'd follow it up (while being admonished by Funk) by selling his whole body as only he could really putting over what Jumbo had just done to him and the weight of the match and how desperate he'd been to get out of that spot; second, he used King of the Mountain in almost all of his matches and it was often used to cut off a hot babyface and keep control, but he used it at different points and in different ways. It always fit the match. Anyway, the King of the Mountain was really good here, with Bock continuing to go for it, suplexing Jumbo in once right on his head, and having Jumbo fire back into the ring another time. Before the last one, they both hit heads and then did a double punch which shifted gears towards more of a finishing stretch. The last KOTM had Jumbo get his leg stuck in the ropes and Bockwinkel just unload on it. This led to a figure four and both guys hitting the floor. Bockwinkel had clear control as the count was on, but at the very last second, as Bock was about to roll back in and win, Jumbo grabbed him so he couldn't make it in. It was a very dramatic, New Japan style finish that kept Jumbo the belt as they were both counted out. Very much a Bock match with Jumbo just needing to show fire and having the crowd behind him. Good stuff. Spoiler Very excited for Hook eventually suplexing Big Bill. Women's match was best when it was focused on the characters at play though Willow has the ability to be anything needed at any moment. She's very credible. Ruby's timing remains excellent on things like ducked punches or the corner move. It's not like TayJay were bad in this either. I just liked it best when it was the characters front and center. I know they're a bit busy with Rayne and Skye but I'd like to see Willow/Ruby vs Bunny/Penelope too. Main event was good stuff and I thought Wardlow worked well in a vulnerable spot. It made him more interesting certainly and all of his offense felt earned and believable. Joe as the King (of television) Shark who constantly went after the leg, smug and dangerous, was great. I love that he's getting this late run when it seemed like it was all over for him. There was a wedge here to give this substance (like the wedge to help lift in Darby vs Joe is the size difference). Good show overall. Edited December 29, 2022 by Matt D 9
AxB Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 In other news, Daddi Doom is considerably more famous now than she was 24 hours ago. (She was the woman in the skybox with MJF. She’s a wrestler but also some sort of dominatrix, if you look at her social media(. 1
Peck Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 5 minutes ago, AxB said: In other news, Daddi Doom is considerably more famous now than she was 24 hours ago. (She was the woman in the skybox with MJF. She’s a wrestler but also some sort of dominatrix, if you look at her social media(. UNCUT… UNCENSORED….. NEVER BEFORE SEEN… THE NIGHT DADDI DOOM DANCED ATOP DAILY’S PLACE ARENA. 3 1 8
Krone Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 This was a fun show. I missed a little bit of the beginning, but I like the amount of action we have been getting. Here are some things that stuck out to me. Jungle Boy and Hook as a tag team may be a license to print money. Seeing those two young, good looking dudes in there just makes me think of how crazy the ladies must go for them. Jungle Hook or Concrete Jungle please and thank you. I feel that wasn't Starks best promo yet. Keep giving him time though, last week he showed he's got the chops and as he keeps putting out material he will only get better. 2023 better be the year of Starks. Now we're getting into AEW originals in the main event scene (Ricky Starks, MJF) and I love that. Rey Fenix is out of this planet. I have to assume this is how people felt when Rey was doing his stuff on Nitro 25 years ago. That man needs to be on TV every week. Which leads me to that awesome Falls Count Anywhere match (but I did hear X say earlier it was elimination, so I'm sad it wasn't). AEW does backstage brawls and hardcore matches the best. Love just starting the match in the back. Reminds me of that Butcher/Blade vs Bucks Falls Count Anywhere match from a few years ago. Willow Nightingale. Love that girl. She's awesome. Gives me NXT Baley vibes with the bubbly happy go lucky personality. She will be a star for certain. Need more Willow. The Acclaimed putting out the hottest banger of 2022 with just three days left in the year. Awesome stuff. They really are becoming superstars before our very eyes. I looked up their ages last night and am surprised Bowens is 32 and Max is 33. I thought they were both in their 20s. As good as Bowens is, I hope they stay a tag team for life. Could see them being one of those revered teams in history with enough time passing. Excellent show, action packed. Hope TK keeps putting big names like Mox on Rampage as well to make that must see. I'm liking where AEW is heading into the new year a lot. Also, Omega/Ospreay next week at WK. Bucks flanking Kenny for the match we thinking? 4
zendragon Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 7 hours ago, Pete said: Jackie Gleason or Uncle Miltie would work too. He has to have a smoking jacket somewhere... A long time ago on this board someone said "Joe isn't cool cause he's fat" and someone countered that Jackie Gleason was fat and very cool in his day. So Joe as the new Jackie Gleason. Have him wear a smoking jacket and promote his new venture "Music for lovers only" 1 3
John E. Dynamite Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 (edited) Mox/Claudio vs. Top Flight is the best Claudio has ever looked in AEW and it was totally dope and had a bunch of good ideas that worked. MotN by leaps n bounds on a show with a lot of good stuff. Less Claudio vs. Ex-WWE heels, more Claudio bullying young indy flippers. why do you think we liked him in the first place? Edited December 29, 2022 by John E. Dynamite 5
LoneWolf&Subs Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 30 minutes ago, John E. Dynamite said: Mox/Claudio vs. Top Flight is the best Claudio has ever looked in AEW and it was totally dope and had a bunch of good ideas that worked. MotN by leaps n bounds on a show with a lot of good stuff. Less Claudio vs. Ex-WWE heels, more Claudio bullying young indy flippers. why do you think we liked him in the first place? He also looked pretty great in the battle royale. I guess Claudio’s new thing is “How can I beat people in ways that are brutal, and unique”. 1
Craig H Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 Claudio had a special level of brutality last night that I loved. 2
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