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Games of Thrones Unsullied thread


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Ramsay seems almost immune to manipulation to me because he's such a psychopath. Anything that isn't directly related to his standing in the Bolton family would probably be pointless. I could, however, see Sansa succeed in making Ramsay turn on Roose due to the potential pregnancy of Roose's wife.


I think Ramsey is already on that path. Ican easily see him manufacturing a miscarriage.


I don't see Sansa being that bright. However, I can see Sansa doing the opposite and making Roose turn on Ramsay. Roose is only one with a leash on him and also seems the most benevolent to Sansa despite you know...the whole killing your family thing. Sansa finds out about Ramsay's plan to get rid of his yet-to-be-born legitimate sibling and alerts Roose to this. End of Sansa's Ramsay Bolton problem.

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Ramsay seems almost immune to manipulation to me because he's such a psychopath. Anything that isn't directly related to his standing in the Bolton family would probably be pointless. I could, however, see Sansa succeed in making Ramsay turn on Roose due to the potential pregnancy of Roose's wife.


Roose has been able to manipulate him fairly easily thus far.


Of course, that's due to Ramsay craving daddy's approval so it isn't very exploitable for anyone besides Roose...

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Most likely you'll have seen this already. But here's the full 12 minute version:


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Tigertooth, I think you are very perceptive. The real problems that I had with the show have been summarized elsewhere and are basically situations where previous character development is discarded for no apparent reason. Loras allowing himself to be arrested by a bunch of unarmed religious fanatics was completely out of character. He's stated before that because he's a gay man he's worked his ass off to be the baddest motherfucker in Westeros. He ain't quite that, but he's certainly no one to fuck with. Lady Tyrell is way too smart to have fallen for that trap...

The Loras stuff doesn't bother me much.  Even if you assume that show-Loras is a badass like book-Loras, I still can imagine him going without a fight.  He's the queen's beloved brother, and he's probably heard from her that she has the king wrapped around her... uh.... finger.  He would reasonably assume that the Sparrow dudes are wildly overreaching, and that within the hour, Lancel will be severely chastened, several of his followers will be in the prison, and he'll be back outside finishing his swordfighting training. 


But Lady Tyrell?  Yeah, that's tough to swallow.  I'm not sure why they couldn't have had Lady Tyrell roll into King's Landing after the inquest.  I could buy Queen Margaery falling into the trap, and while the scene with Cersei was nice, I can't think of any reason Lady Tyrell had to be there before/at the inquest.  Really hurts a character they had played up as being one of the savviest in the realm.


As far as making the rape about Theon, that's a valid complaint.  Again, I think we'll have to see how it plays out.  It seems likely that this will be a turning point for Theon's character, and they had to portray that.  Did they get it 100% right?  Not sure.  (in fact, depending on how things shake out, I may very well join those of you who hated the scene.  As bink mentioned, they don't have the best track record.)

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I really love that winter is here. All of the scenes in Winterfell were beautiful.  So maybe giving these religious fanatics autonomy wasn't the smartest idea, eh.  Stannis appears to be going Germany in World War II.  The Dornish woman tried her best to steal the show (and in many circles appeared to do just that lol).

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So, anyone else deciding they like the Sand Snakes now? Or one of them, anyway.


I'm pretty sad they had Maester Aemon die at the wall (he does die in the books, but not at the wall. Jon sends him away because he's concerned about Melisandre wanting his King's blood. Also sad to be losing Peter Vaughan from the cast, he's great. He also might be the oldest actor still working in the world (he's 92).

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Crikey! Enough whining about the rape scene. It was supposed to be a shocker and if anyone had any reservations about Ramsey being the sickest fuck in a world filled with sick fucks this should seal the deal.


But it WASN'T a shocker.  It would have been shocking if it DIDN'T happen.  The Red Wedding - that was shocking.  Ned's beheading?  Holy shit!  This, on the other hand, was something that damn near everybody watching the show rolled their eyes at and said, "Oh jeez, hope this isn't going where I think it's going..." the moment Littlefinger decided to bring her to Winterfell.  There was nothing storyline-wise that everyone didn't see coming a mile away.  A shocker would have been if something completely different had happened, like Theon waking up or Sansa showing that she's not getting pushed around anymore or Brienne busting through the door or Littlefinger having an actual plan to keep this from happening.  This was the same stupid shit that everyone wasn't looking forward to, and it surprised no one.  It was bad television.

I sat out most of this talk last week, and I hate to bring it back around, but, I agree with a lot of this.

I think this scene said a lot more about Weiss & Benioff than it did about any of the characters. In fact, it told us nothing new about any of the characters involved. Sansa kept being a victim. Ramsay kept being an abusive sicko. Theon kept being pathetic. All of this is well-trodden ground at this point.

The bottom line is that, because the Ramsay/Sansa marriage wasn't in the books, they were under no obligation to mirror the Ramsay/Fauxrya relationship and therefore had a golden opportunity to spin in the story in an unexpected direction that might have legitimately surprised people in a positive way. But, no, they defaulted to misery porn.

I mean, if there was ever a moment that called for Theon to snap out of it and pull a Darth Vader on his Emperor, that was it. But because he didn't do anything, it really hurts his character and makes him somehow, seemingly impossibly, even less likeable or sympathetic. (And then they doubled down on it this week with him narcing out Sansa.)

Or imagine if Sansa had used her ever-developing cunning and wiles to game Ramsay out of it, or turn the tables on him.

Hey, or even imagine if Ramsay had truly shocked us all by showing a moment's worth of tenderness and not being a complete psychopath for 2 mintues. That woul'dve been an interesting shade to his character.

But nope. Let's triple down on the misery porn.

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I still don't believe they inserted the scene to be shocking. I viewed it as any other disturbing scene over the past five seasons. Game of Thrones doesn't need to do things to get people talking.


It looks like we are a long ways away from the books now. One of my friends said something like


Tyrion and Dany have never met in the books


Maybe Martin did tell them what the end game is but it's looking more and more like this is HBO's show now.

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So, anyone else deciding they like the Sand Snakes now? Or one of them, anyway.


I'm pretty sad they had Maester Aemon die at the wall (he does die in the books, but not at the wall. Jon sends him away because he's concerned about Melisandre wanting his King's blood. Also sad to be losing Peter Vaughan from the cast, he's great. He also might be the oldest actor still working in the world (he's 92).


I was about to say Christopher Lee edges him out, but they're the same age actually. I assumed Vaughn was younger than that though. 

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Man - I'm just pissed we didn't see a Jonathan Pryce / Charles Dance scene


Yeah, agreed. But, at least we did get that tremendous Dame Diana/Pryce scene, it was just like move aside people, actors acting here. Olenna's pretty quickly rising to the top of my favourite characters in this, not least because it's a hoot hearing RADA trained Diana Rigg bust out shit like 'shagging some perfumed ponce.' Last night just needed Cersei passing a smug Olenna on the way to her cell.


Fuck it, Stannis on the Iron Throne with Davos as Hand of the King and Olenna as his consigliere. Mostly, I just want to see Olenna school the Red Lady at some point, her beguiling ways ain't gonna work on the Queen of Thorns.


I'm a sucker for snow on camera (Fargo etc) so, yeah, loving that winter is here. Finally. 


Loved the in joke of Bronn being a good singer. 1995 best selling single of the year and all that.


Best episode yet.

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Tyrion and Dany have never met in the books


Maybe Martin did tell them what the end game is but it's looking more and more like this is HBO's show now.


They haven't, but it's assumed that they will in the first few chapters of Book 6.  This is one of the stories that is going at a much quicker pace (thankfully) in the show.

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Any and all Sandsnake hate should be cancelled out:


1. The best actor of the three is also smoking hot.

2. They let Bronn live!!!!


As long as the other two don't say anything too cringeworthy, I think it will all turn out OK.

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Tyrion and Dany have never met in the books


Maybe Martin did tell them what the end game is but it's looking more and more like this is HBO's show now.


They haven't, but it's assumed that they will in the first few chapters of Book 6.  This is one of the stories that is going at a much quicker pace (thankfully) in the show.


I read an article before the season started that said the books and the show will have different endings. It also said Martin told Weiss & Benioff his ending for the books.


The sandsnakes redeem themselves this week and the lead sandsnake DAMN!

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I'm so close to quitting this show and last night did nothing to change things. I know you guys dug it, but the more this becomes HBOs thing, the less good it becomes.


That one sandsnake though, yeah, pretty awesome.

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The actress is called Rosabell Laurenti-Sellers. According to google image search, she changes her hair a lot.

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Time has passed in the show since Daenerys was 18. In the books, she marries Khal Drogo at 14 or 15 (it's fifteen years since Robert's Rebellion and she was born right after the fall of King's Landing - Viserys and his mother Rhaella fled to Dragonstone before the Battle of the Trident), but she's already in her 20s by the time she's conquering Meereen. There's a bit in a Jaime chapter about the circumstances of her conception that makes you hate Mad King Aerys more.

Aerys sadistically raped his wife in celebration of killing Rickard and Brandon Stark. Jaime and Barristan, as Knights of the Kingsguard had to stand vigil outside the door as he did it, and heard everything. Jaime eventually says 'We swore a vow to protect her as well.' Barristan says 'Not from him'.


In the show, Robert's Rebellion happened 20 years before the story starts. Hence Robb Stark and Jon Snow being 19-20 years old (rather than 14) already, at the start of the show. I think the ages are like this (five years ago):


Age 19: Robb Stark, Jon Snow

Age 18: Joffrey Baratheon, Daenerys Targaryen

Age 13 : Sansa Stark, Myrcella Baratheon

Age 12: Arya Stark

Age 10: Tommen Baratheon, Bran Stark

Age 8: Robin Arryn, Rickon Stark


So technically Margaery Tyrell is a child abuser.

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