Go2Sleep Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Kind of a random question, but.... what wrestler or wrestling-related person's death would/will likely impact you the most when it happens and why? I think "anyone active" is the number one answer, but for people that have been retired for a while I'd say Kobashi, Booker T, Mick Foley, and Daniel Bryan (if he's actually done) should they go in the next few years. I've pretty much seen Booker's whole career, and his rise in status coincided pretty nicely with my rise in fandom. I feel like I've seen Kobashi's whole career too, even though it was in post-2005 downloaded form. Plus he got me into puro. Similar deal with Bryan and indies, plus my biggest in-person markout moment at WM 30. Kobashi, Bryan, and Foley also have the whole "they died for my entertainment" guilt thing going on that hit me pretty hard with Misawa. Of course if they make it to old age (60+), that softens the blow. Also the Undertaker actually dying will be fairly surreal, I think.
ArtVanderlay Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Kind of a random question, but.... what wrestler or wrestling-related person's death would/will likely impact you the most when it happens and why? Steamboat, Kawada, Momoe Nakanishi, and Dean Malenko. My four favorite wrestlers.
lostinube Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Kind of a random question, but.... what wrestler or wrestling-related person's death would/will likely impact you the most when it happens and why? Steamboat, Kawada, Momoe Nakanishi, and Dean Malenko. My four favorite wrestlers. Ricky Steamboat going would hit me. Maybe Liger too. And that ties into what I watched growing up in Hawaii. I know on Saturdays's Superstars was in the morning because I'd wake up late and miss part of it. Then World Championship Wrestling on TBS. There might be, in the dead of the afternoon when there was nothing to watch except Rat Patrol, a rerun of the old Hawaii territory. Lars Anderson fighting in the Blaisdell. Always seemed like the same episode though. In the evening, thanks to the local Japanese station, we got NJPW's World Pro Wrestling. Which led to conversations of "Hey, did you see the guy with the horns last night?" amongst some friends. Anyway, Ricky Steamboat was my favorite wrestler. When he left the WWF after the Wrestlemania IV I started drifting towards the NWA/WCW and less than a year later, lo and behold, there is the Dragon taking on Ric Flair. (I was also heavily into the Apter mags at this time). Other than that, everything was hit and miss. There was some WCCW on some random channel. I know ESPN had the AWA and the GWF. That was about it, I think.
CrazyMax46 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 The only thing being killed is my passion for wrestling. What an odd discussion. Don't tell me "Oh you haven't seen the worst of it" or whatever. This is the most morbid conversation I've ever seen on a message board. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch two men beating each other's brains in. Good day. 2
Patrick B. Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Be cool, he'll try to harass you on Twitter if you mention him here. The dirtsheets never said that he'd do that.
Cobra Commander Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Hulk Hogan is pretty sure that he should be throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game today 1
Nice Guy Eddie Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Hulk Hogan is pretty sure that he should be throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game today a little league game, perhaps
(BP) Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 All of Hogan's plans are tentative until he finds out if the venue is bandana-friendly. 3
J.H. Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I think I will cry when Stan Hansen passes, ditto for Mutoh and Chono. Mutoh was one of those gusy that just captured my imagination when I first saw him James
Patrick B. Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 So is He Who Shall Not Be Named just a glorified troll with an "inside connection" or two?
CrazyMax46 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Hey. I want to clarify my post earlier. Recently I've had an issue with a friend of mine that I've known for a long time and his health. He's not in great condition for reasons I don't want to disclose. When someone you care about is in shitty shape, you don't really understand why people would be sad about people they've never personally known. I don't mean to imply that your reactions are incorrect or improper. We are all human, we can make whatever comments we like. And have whatever emotions we like. And the comment at the end was obvious sarcasm to show I'm not really offended. Sorry if my post was taken personally. So I guess to answer the question, the answer is my friend who did Indy wrestling on the west coast. That will be the one that affects me. 2
JRGoldman Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 So is He Who Shall Not Be Named just a glorified troll with an "inside connection" or two? I feel like Voldemort would probably post on r/squaredcircle. He would be a Legacy super fan.
Tromatagon Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I'm pretty sure that place is all my friend who manages to ruin everything with his mere presence With a lot of alt accounts
CrazyMax46 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 When I was part of an E-Fed there was someone who not only posed as a woman and stole her Facebook pictures, but created tons of alt accounts on Facebook of people of which all the pictures were stolen from other accounts that were friends of the person who had her pictures stolen. So who knows, if that can happen, r/squaredcircle has the right to be 1,000 alt accounts by the same person as much as anything else.
Patrick B. Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 So is He Who Shall Not Be Named just a glorified troll with an "inside connection" or two? I feel like Voldemort would probably post on r/squaredcircle. He would be a Legacy super fan. Was referring to whatshisface, but the dirtsheets never said that.
The Nature Boy Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 When I was part of an E-Fed there was someone who not only posed as a woman and stole her Facebook pictures, but created tons of alt accounts on Facebook of people of which all the pictures were stolen from other accounts that were friends of the person who had her pictures stolen. So who knows, if that can happen, r/squaredcircle has the right to be 1,000 alt accounts by the same person as much as anything else. Unrelated but E-Feds lasted until the Facebook era? I was last in one back in like 2000-2001. It was a lot of fun. I just remember people going into Yahoo's wrestling chatrooms and spamming their efeds. That was how I found the feds I joined at first and then moved around via word of mouth.
CrazyMax46 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I was in one roughly til 2010. Yeah. I almost want to create an E-Fed thread for people to share favorite stories. Because man...I have some stories.
The Nature Boy Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 DO IT! I usually played a character that was a shameless mixture of Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Ted DiBiase. I'd have my character pay off referees, staff members and use that in order to cheat and get his way. He was also "old money" and a spoiled brat so he was like HHH in that respect.
CrazyMax46 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I'll do it later today if there's enough support. At the very least it'll be me doing most of the talking.
The Nature Boy Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Efeds were a lot of fun. The worst though was when the operator would go AWOL. Didn't WWE try to shut down some Efeds around 10-15 years ago because of trademark infringement or something? Or was just that a rumor? I can't see "Bob's WEWF" being a real threat to WWE.
CrazyMax46 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 They tried to claim WWE was all of wrestling and when people saw wrestling they associated it with WWE. So therefore anything involving wrestling is their property. They tried to get a whole bunch of wrestling taken down in the 2000's from promotions they didn't own.
ivpvideos Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I only did real E-Feds. I ran one for nearly two years back in 99-2000. It helped me understand about politics in wrestling considering how political the members of the Efed would be to get a push. 1
Trocar Slush Weasel Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I'd totally watch a Goldeneye tournament on the WWE Network featuring WWE people.
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