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There are people who I just don't "get" who get a ton of praise in circles such as these.  They're obviously talented but they just don't click with me for whatever reason.  I don't know what it is about Adam Cole, but he's one of those people.

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There are people who I just don't "get" who get a ton of praise in circles such as these.  They're obviously talented but they just don't click with me for whatever reason.  I don't know what it is about Adam Cole, but he's one of those people.


Could it be because he looks like a giant dwarf?

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I enjoyed-

His match with Johnny Mundo at Ultima Lucha which airs in about a month

His squash of Marty the Moth last week

The Atomicos match that airs this week - just a fun match all around


His gimmick is that he's a rich classy guy, perhaps moreso than Dario Cueto himself, and he's OUT FOR REVENGE and will murder Johnny Mundo at the earliest opportunity.

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He throws hard strikes. Great. I like those. Still, I don't care about him and haven't seen a Sheamus match that I've enjoyed in years. I thought Sheamus/Cesaro was mediocre. If you're making Cesaro matches mediocre, you suck. 

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Yeah, Sheamus isn't blatantly terrible. I shouldn't have said that he sucked. He's just a dude who has nothing 10-15 minute matches every week and who can't work a mic. 

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Sheamus would be fine in the US/IC title picture but the every couple year push to main event level is just silly. He's not a main event guy. And that's fine. I'd agree with Kane being a guy who shouldn't be wrestling anymore - especially not in long singles matches. R Truth is up there too - the guy has to have pictures of somebody. As far as Diva's go, Tamina may very well be the worst wrestler on national TV right now.

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I enjoyed-

His match with Johnny Mundo at Ultima Lucha which airs in about a month

His squash of Marty the Moth last week

The Atomicos match that airs this week - just a fun match all around


His gimmick is that he's a rich classy guy, perhaps moreso than Dario Cueto himself, and he's OUT FOR REVENGE and will murder Johnny Mundo at the earliest opportunity.


That doesn't come across in LU.  Are we just supposed to assume he's a rich, classy guy because that was his WWE gimmick?  I haven't seen him in a suit or driving an expensive car to the ring in LU.  Shit, he even wrestled in a T-shirt AND his boots still said "ADR" at least once or twice.  Nothing rich about not buying new gear.


I'll definitely stay off the ffwd button for his next matches and give him a chance.  As I said, I think a big part of it was how dull he came across in WWE.


EDIT: It's still not as bad as Son of Havoc's "masked biker who does Crossfit" gimmick.

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Alberto is best as a heel and they need to turn him on LU, but they can't possibly do that until the possible next season. You can tell his promo game immediately jumped after the WWE writers weren't putting words in his mouth. 


It's been awhile since I can find someone I can irrationally hate, like a Jeff Jarrett or a Justin Credible, in modern wrestling. Even Miz will eat shit for our pleasure, even Tetsuya Naito will pull a good match out of his overrated ass every once in awhile. Hell I even like Kofi right now. Kane is up there though. If I watched ROH more someone from there would probably top the list.


EDIT: Oh yeah! My/our least favorite LU performers, Killshot and Sexy Star, would top it. At least Sexy looks good.

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I'm good with Sheamus simply because the heel turn freshened up his character.


Don't see nearly enough New Japan stuff to properly judge those guys.  Okada comes off as a bit generic to me; thankfully Gedo provides the personality aspect to that package.  Gedo is such a hateable flunkie, but I'm never sure if Okada's supposed to be a face or a heel.


Ditto Lucha Underground as I've only seen a lot of those wrestlers in the context of LU.  Haven't seen Sexy Star's other work.

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