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The Goldust/Usos segment was a perfect example if how awesome pro wrestling can be if you don't over think it, and just let heels be liars and cheats and faces be guys who want to kick the ass of liars and cheats.




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I gotta assume they got a assurance Sam will be there and haven't just thrown out a blind invitation on TV. 


This is WWE, Vince probably thinks it would be HI-larious to have a random indy guy pretend to be Sam and be all sterotypically gay and stuff and then be beaten up by someone. I can see this going Trump/Rosie and be really really bad. I hope not but that's what I'm expecting because that's what WWE has lead me to expect.


I bet they have Sandow pretend to be Sam if they can't get the real one, or do a bit with the real Sam if he does show up. 


I just want to know who was playing the rabbit.


There is every possibility that Dean Ambrose' plan is to live in that rabbit suit until Seth Rollins feuds with Adam Rose.  Even if it happens ten years from now in PWG and "Sepp Rollins" is being played by Nick Cvjetkovich.

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The Goldust/Usos segment was a perfect example if how awesome pro wrestling can be if you don't over think it, and just let heels be liars and cheats and faces be guys who want to kick the ass of liars and cheats.


Point granted, but I was trying look at tonight's stuff purely in a vacuum. It feels like the writers realized they had no idea where they were going, so they just said 'fuck it, do whatever Dustin'.


I think we're all too shocked to point out the most atrocious thing that we learned tonight.  The fate of the Yip Yips...and that we slaughtered the last surviving one just so Dolph Ziggler would have something fun to wear on his head.



In Memoriam:


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I liked the Divas segment. Stephanie as the best ever version of a Kong/Bertha Faye monster heel rules. And outside of Steph, Nikki is absolute gold on the mic. The crowd wants to actively hate the segments but Nikki and Steph bring them back around by sheer force of will. The Steph/Nikki team is totally the Divas version of the Two Man Power Trip (Austin/HHH) and it'd be glorious to see them run roughshod over the division until Mania or so. Brie is terrible but from what I gather she's selling Brie Mode t-shirts like the ladies version of Austin 3:16 so they'll keep her part of the angle for now.


But coming off that segment, I think Steph-AJ is their next big Divas money match. The height difference alone makes it a ladies version of Brock-Cena.

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This thread needs more live for the Bo promo. Highlight of the show. Is it time yet to start comparing his mic skills with his brother? I mean, no, but he's really doing a great job for being scripted to shit. And JBL was perfect there.

Overall fun show, but I say that having FF'd all that Bella nonsense.

The Henry/Rusev stuff is fantastic, too. First time the All American Hero hasn't come off like a big fuckstick probably ever. Speaking of which, Swagger is gonna get booed out of the ring when he faces Bo, proving that he was just getting cheap Hacksaw pops against Rusev and is still a doofus to the fans.


The Goldust/Usos segment was a perfect example if how awesome pro wrestling can be if you don't over think it, and just let heels be liars and cheats and faces be guys who want to kick the ass of liars and cheats.


Man, "Leprechaun: Origin" looks fucking terrible.


Atrocious Raw that felt like it was six hours instead of three (my hangover did not help). Cool knowing that's Crazy Mary Dobson, I was wondering who she was because they always use indy people for stuff like that... and I was thinking "she is so much hotter than the Divas". They're recycling so much shit now, but the newer stuff, Rusev, revitalized Henry, Dusts, even Miz actually works. Just nothing on the top of the card. Also, since I pay no attention to football, I thought that dude was one of the recent wife-beaters that got caught instead of the gay dude and thought that was gonna be such a trainwreck.


I don't really see an upside to the Michael Sams thing.  Anyone planning to turn off Monday Night football opener to watch RAW with guys who didn't make the league?  Didn't think so. 


At worst.... eh, Vince imitating JR comes to mind.   Be a star.


At least, if it does go squirrly, I'll be watching MNF and won't see it (no plans to record RAW this season, alas.  DVR will be jammed with Monday night network shows.  It may be January before I catch another episode)


Parts of show I saw were ok.  Brie seems too passive to be really "rootable" as a babyface.  After turtling up last week, I almost expected them to script her to quit.  Nikki's ok as a heel.  Best thing about the segment was realizing AJ is apparently half gnome.  The Bellas tower over her.  I had no idea she was that short.


Brie would be a lot more rootable if wrestling fans would remove their heads from their asses and realize that The Bellas aren't the antithesis of pro wrestling. Not when you got JBL calling shit these days and wrestling crowds showing up just to be shitty.

I mean, not that I've ever told anyone.


Their best chance at being less awful than 100% awful would be to have Bo give him a pep talk about getting cut, and have Sam spear him.


Which is why I'm sure they will have Goldust challenge him to a tickle contest.

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I skipped this show on account I was passed out from the heat getting to me. It's sitting on the dvr so judging from this thread I'll be ff'wding through most of it.


So they're really do a maybe Cena can't overcome these odds angle. If this is the best they are doing come football season MNF is gonna kill them for the next four months.


Gay football player who was fired last week, so WWE decided to capitalize on that with a graphic that at first made it very clear he was invited, and then showed the one where they tell you he'll be on the show.


Not much to this show but I liked the main event and the cool visual of the Authority all in suits for the opening. Also enjoy catching the indy cameos as mentioned, cool to see Crazy Mary & Miss Natural.


I've always sworn that I'd never be one of those "judge by the recap" guys, but, my God, I do not regret my decision to spend the night watching Nitro at ALL.

It would be funny if the ratings were hurt because people were watching Nitro.

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I'm still trying to figure out the thought process of Cena begging to tag into the match and cleaning house in an effort to prove to HHH/Steph that he's worthy of his upcoming title shot...only to tag out and let someone else get the win.


There's no way this Michael Sam angle is going to end well, is there?


I can't think that Sam would actually do anything stupid to blemish his character right now.  He does not need that kind of publicity.


I've been wrong before though, so be prepared for Sam and Darren Young to exact revenge on Fandango for Young's knee injury and then they will sit in the locker room, sip mojitos, and shop online for new suits and Italian shoes.

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