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SummerSlam XXVII

Dolfan in NYC

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Matches should be good. The main and The Shield explodes have the potential to be great. Steph and Brie should be the usual fun overbooked McMahon clusterfuck. 


Most interesting match to me is Swagger v Rusev. Lana and Rusev are basically my favorite act in the company and really should be Cena's next program after Brock. Like, Cena loses, comes back and during a promo gets "RUSEV CRUSHED." However, I can see them not wanting to book the American Flag to lose a match so I think Swagger wins this. 


I think they kinda booked themselves into a corner with Rollins and the briefcase. I really don't see Brock holding the belt until 'Mania. That's a long fucking time and goes against their tradition. 

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Actually, if Brock wins. This would make for a good opportunity to start weaning the fans into more mid card main events. IC/US/Tag title matches. A lot of work would need to be done to get those titles elevated. One way to do that is to make them the focus of the show. It's a far from perfect suggestion, but it's a start. We pretty much know what else needs to be done, so there is no need for me to regurgitate it here.

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I'm pretty sure Brock wins.


In 2012, there were some good reasons to give Cena the win.  They didn't know if Brock would stick around, given his past history.  Cena had over the last little over a year done an inordinately high number of fairly high-profile jobs (Miz, Punk, Punk again, sort of Del Rio, Rock, Tensai) that could potentially damage his "always overcomes the odds" superhero appeal to children, etc etc.  (I'm not saying it was definitely the right call, but I think the degree to which it has been viewed as a terrible decision is way overblown.)  Of course, if they were always planning on booking The Rock rematch based on it being "the worst year of Cena's career" then the decision makes no sense at all.


This year?  Cena's currently the champ, he's had several high profile major wins the last year and a half, and only a few jobs...  Brock has proven he's sticking around for as long as he gets the favorable schedule he wants, they just gave Brock the biggest win possible and probably want to cash in that capital in a bigger way than having him lose his next match...


So, yeah, the logic of booking Cena to win is much thinner than it was in 2012.

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It would be incredibly tough to buy Cena as someone who would want the I.C. title but if say he held it for six months...  instant credibility.


Just have The Authority book him in a match against The Miz. He wins it and defends it because HUSTLE, LOYALTY, RESPECT.

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There are so many fantastic ideas concerning the IC and US titles in this thread that I am nearly out of likes for the day.


I agree that having the WWE WHC only on PPV makes those matches feel much, much more important. I can remember being a kid (I think I'm a lot younger than most here)-- Hogan was old then and Shawn was always hurt and/or pill-faced, so when either defended on a Monday it felt like a huuuuuge deal. That should be the idea moving forward. I think that's why it always made the IC feel like a big deal when it was Rock/Austin/Owen/HHH and the WCW US when it was Flair/Eddy/Hennig/Bret/DDP. That was the top title you'd see every week. Get your 30 bucks together or find a buddy whose parents had a black box if you wanted the real shit.


The idea of making the US title the top title for Main Event and the IC for Raw/SD is fantastic. I watched a tight bit of Main Event last night, and although I didn't see the actual match, I saw the opening promo with the three teams and the subsequent RVD/Sheamus promo. At NO POINT did Sheamus say anything along the lines of "I'm looking to add to my collection of gold" or "Two belts are better than one"-- it made the US title seem like more of an afterthought than it already is.

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Eh. The problem with da Not John Cena's Belt belts is that more than not just about any mook gets to be champion. People prattle on about how the IC belt meant that guy was gonna be WWE/F champ, but so many mooks these days. I don't there has been ever been a time where this many guys who could do good matches but very few have any natural charisma or star power on the roster.

Even worst, only Wade Barrett has had angles building him up as a challenger until he won it. In late 2012, he killed Kofi many times and had segments that was solely to tell people he was gonna win the belt. After WM, he got a credible tournament win and did Beat the Clock just to build him up more. Before that was Miz waaayyyy back in 2010.

Why did people like Big E or Axl win? Because they beat he champ a few times. Hard to care if a push just means you win matches. Them being not over while champion shouldn't of been shock. I mean, besides them being any ol' mook.

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I don't know about that. He'll still be the best in-ring performer in the company by quite a bit (Cesaro's push stalled, sure, but he didn't do much to change anybody's mind. Whereas, alternatively, Bryan worked his way through and out of shitty booking), he's the most human of the top stars so that people can relate to him, he's an amazingly humble, likable guy (look at the press conference after the robbery) and has shown to be magnificent with kids, and probably will have the most fan support on the roster on his successful return from a lengthy absence. What happens when they fuck him around again, perhaps in a more subtle manner than last time and the fans still reject whomever they push in his place (Roman Reigns)? He's too good to keep away from the belt for long if he can stay healthy. He's 33-years-old, he's got a lot of time left he makes a successful recovery and cuts out a few of the top rope moves that Austin warned him about. He's not great on the mic, but he's incredibly smart in manipulating crowds (at a house show as a heel, he had the building in a frenzy from shushing them for three minutes. It was fantastic, he had them eating out of his hand.), is genuinely charismatic, not the Cena/Hogan fake charismatic, so again people relate to that... To me, it's a no-brainer that after he works a few programs to show he's not made of glass and working the rust off you put him back at the top or near it.


Yeah, I like Bryan Danielson.


Just re-watched the Brock/Cena match from Extreme Rules 2012 with a friend last night and had a blast. Brock vaulting himself off the steps over the top rope and then no selling his flop was incredible. I think they have a better match in them and I'm looking forward to seeing it on Sunday. Ambrose and Rollins can make a lumberjack match work, I think. 

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You guys are delusional if you think Bryan isn't getting put right back in the main event if he's physically able to come back full time.

Nah. DB's fans have been completely cynical of his booking since NXT. Which makes nonsense because outside of a few months of trading wins with Sheamus, DB has always been a big part of the show he is on. It's annoying really to keep reading about how he is getting berried because he was on TV for only 5 minutes instead of 15.

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If Lesnar wins the only face that can take the title in a believable fashion is Reigns and I do not want to see that match.

Lesnar/Bryan has potential to be the best match in WWE history. The heat for Brock beating up a Daniel Bryan fresh off two neck surgeries will be out of this world. That's of course if Bryan can get back in the ring, and they don't do something stupid like have Brock lose a match to anyone ever.


The neck injury makes Bryan even more sympathetic than he was before. If Brock kills Cena and anyone else in his path it could lead to maybe the best underdog face ever vs the best ass kicking monster ever. This has been my most anticipated match for a while now. Bryan was incredible as the wounded underdog in the Morishima matches, and Brock is 100 times better opponent to work underdog against. 

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I don't think it's pessimism when you see how WWE books things. They got Wrestlemania XXX right and then ran Bryan-Kane once, then planned to run it again. I'll believe it when I see it. I'll call it right now, Reigns is winning the Royal Rumble and defeating Brock at Wrestlemania 31 unless he is a major flop.

My only hope for Ambrose-Rollins is that Rollins will do something insane onto all the lumberjacks at some point and Ambrose is firing on all cylinders. I just wish they could have been given a better stipulation for their first big match.

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I don't think it's pessimism when you see how WWE books things. They got Wrestlemania XXX right and then ran Bryan-Kane once, then planned to run it again. I'll believe it when I see it. I'll call it right now, Reigns is winning the Royal Rumble and defeating Brock at Wrestlemania 31 unless he is a major flop.

My only hope for Ambrose-Rollins is that Rollins will do something insane onto all the lumberjacks at some point and Ambrose is firing on all cylinders. I just wish they could have been given a better stipulation for their first big match.

Unless he suddenly gets it between now and then, which is possible, I don't see it going any other way than flopping big time. He's not even close to being ready to be the guy. Wrestlemania 32 is probably more accurate. Both he and Wyatt have such huge potential but need to progress a tonne before moving up to those top spots.

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 The thought of Reigns trying to carry a Mania main event build on his own makes me lol. They have no idea how to write promos for him, and if they let Orton beat him down for 10 minutes at Summer Slam they'll have shown they don't know how to book him either. I could maybe buy a Lesnar/Reigns clash of the titans match, but Reigns needs a Goldberg/Warrior style build until Mania.

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