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I think it was more him killing time because they decided to cut the Kofi match short, than him being unmotivated. 


Jesus Christ, I would like to hear Steve Austin's response to that.


Whatever the reason, after having a really, really great 2012 in-ring, since winning the belt Orton's had lackluster main events. A lot of it is shitty booking and the Authority angle going off the heels, but he's not coming off like the top heel should. Right now, he's just a guy with the  belt. Even semi-main heels like the Wyatt's and The Shield seem like they have more juice in their direction.


I mean, this has nothing to do with pushing Daniel Bryan, but a Batista/Orton match, unless they really start to heat up Orton, seems like, it's going to be the 4th most important match on the show at best (behind whatever Cena/Hogan are doing, whatever Punk/Hunter are doing, and whatever Undertaker/Brock is doing) and, depending on the placement, may either die slow death or end up being hijacked by the smark crowd that, erroneously, sees Orton as all that's wrong with wrestling.


They need to rebuild Orton's character because him being a psychopath can be effective, but him being a insecure whiner getting bitched at by the Helmsleys won't work. A Batista/Orton match *can work* (they should probably bring in Flair to help) but I don't see how it'll work as of right now.  


I will be in the 'Mania crowd, and I will join in on whatever chants, body movements, moments of silence or heading for the concessions that indicate that Randy Orton is all that's wrong with wrestling.


(they should probably bring in Flair to help)



Didn't Flair just announce that he'll be at the Rumble?


I would much rather Orton lose the title to Cena and then be the one to eliminate Batista from the Rumble match, as opposed to the ADR suggestion above.  Then you can get Flair involved somehow and do the EVOLUTION EXPLODES! match away from the title.


How many times is Evolution going to EXPLODE? I think everyone but Flair and Batista have feuded at some point since 2005.


The real question is, will Orton-Batista suck more than Orton-HHH at WM25? Can see that match completely meltdown if the crowd turns on them, both Orton and Batista are poor at improvising and working a crowd back in. Orton-Cena-Bryan would have Cena and Bryan to keep the crowd locked in.


RAW's first hour featuring the return Batista was a 5.249, and was one of the highest rated hours since RAW 1000. 


You hear that? That's the hope of Daniel Bryan main eventing Wrestlemania shattering into little pieces. 


How can we be certain that it wasn't just millions of viewers still sitting awestruck from the previous week's Daniel Bryan main event, and then the sight of Batista gradually brought them out of their trance and they changed the channel?

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If we had the rating breakdowns we'd know if Bryan held the same viewers, or if his segment sunk like the Titanic. Sadly those haven't been seen for months. So without that, common sense would tell you that one the most popular guys of the 00's returning is what brought about that huge surge in the first hour, and not the guy with the weird beard baseball cap.


If we had the rating breakdowns we'd know if Bryan held the same viewers, or if his segment sunk like the Titanic. Sadly those haven't been seen for months. So without that, common sense would tell you that one the most popular guys of the 00's returning is what brought about that huge surge in the first hour, and not the guy with the weird beard baseball cap.


And you can assume that the huge surge was lost after Big Dave came out and did some talking to really reinforce a great segment about investors and buyrates instead of just murdering people with powerbombs.


Randy Orton is a perfectly great professional wrestler. I mean, shit...this board of all places should love a snug chinlock, and methodical pacing.


Actually, this is kinda similar to what happened with Sheamus's World title run. I find Sheamus exceptionally more boring than Orton, but the same thing kind of happened. He's over before he wins the title, and gets considerably less over after. Of course, Daniel Bryan is the common factor in this, so it may be that, but it's also shitty booking and repetitive challengers.


Shit, I think people would be way more into Orton's run if he hadn't just feuded with Big Show and Cena back-to-back. If he was doing shit against Ziggler, or Cody, or even Goldust, or Rey, at least there'd be some variety going on. That's another big reason why so many non-Cena title reigns fail.


I mean, people may be all in with Big Dave winning the title, but when ADR or like fucking Kane is his first challenger for two straight PPVs that tune is gonna change real quick.


Randy Orton is a great professional wrestler? That's stretching it a bit. He's as good as the guy he's in the ring with. Which is to say he usually won't bring down the quality of a match and he'll stay out of the way enough to let a Daniel Bryan or Christian carry him to a great bout, but he's not the guy you want doing the heavy lifting. There's nothing wrong with that, but still, that's what he is.


The apathy with him started long before he won the title though. It basically hit full steam when his character became... well, for lack of a much better term "Blandy". The mental illness headcase stuff was awesome, but that's a few years ago now. He's basically just a guy with tattoos at this point. Boring character + boring matches = bad combo.


I never understood why the "You can't Wrestle" chant is exclusive to John Cena. I mean, before he comes out, people are going to have sat through a Miz match, maybe a Ryder match, probably a Divas match as well... and then Cena comes out and he is the one who can't Wrestle.

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I never understood why the "You can't Wrestle" chant is exclusive to John Cena. I mean, before he comes out, people are going to have sat through a Miz match, maybe a Ryder match, probably a Divas match as well... and then Cena comes out and he is the one who can't Wrestle.

I'd rather watch Brie dopkicks instead of the Miz snd Ryder.

And I think Orton's problem is that wrestling fans are shit these days. Regardless of what happens, they think they know everything. It has to suck to perform in front of a bunch of jaded and bias arseholes.


Ryder's not a bad worker. I think his character (or lack thereof) limits him to the degree that he can't show anything. He's a good athlete with decent timing. 


Randy's playing an aloof, spoiled, entitled brat perfectly. That's been his character since SummerSlam. He's supposed to look like he's not really giving a crap. It's also great troll work because there were plenty of times he WAS supposed to care but obviously didn't.


That's 5.25 million viewers not a 5.2 rating, I don't know what the actual rating is but I think its under 4. Still impressive. 


I was about to say...ain't no damn way RAW did a 5.25 rating (even for one hour) or yall would be watching the "Return of Batista" for the next year or so.


 That's The Walking Dead type of numbers.


Is Orton is supposed to look like he doesn't give a crap the new Shawn Michaels is wrestling bad on purpose?


That was an amazingly hard sentence to read.


I guess quotation marks would have helped.

Is Orton is supposed to look like he doesn't give a crap the new "Shawn Michaels is wrestling bad on purpose?"

eehhhh, not really.



I guess quotation marks would have helped.

Is Orton is supposed to look like he doesn't give a crap the new "Shawn Michaels is wrestling bad on purpose?"

eehhhh, not really.



You didn't use enough quotation marks.


I guess quotation marks would have helped.

Is "Orton is supposed to look like he doesn't give a crap" the new "Shawn Michaels is wrestling bad on purpose?"



That's almost passable.

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