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I was thinking it was the first time I'd ever seen a Batista bomb that didn't look like it was an attempt to concuss the other guy.


I also like that it protected Dave's inability to just lean forward and pin a guy. 


You guys are slippin.

How come you aren't talking about the big story of last night?

Who was driving Orton's getaway car?

I need answers.

Cowboy Bob Orton was the getaway driver. You can see the cast on his arm if you look close enough.
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That was probably the most tepid chase scene of all time. I was hoping Orton had actually GTA'd the car.


If Bryan isn't the rumble, we riot. I feel like Batista is just a red herring, Del Rio will eliminate him. Come on guys, believe, Bryan is winning this. The Rhodes are both wrestling a match and in the rumble, I'm sure he'll be in it. Xavier Woods and The Miz are in it.



You guys are slippin.

How come you aren't talking about the big story of last night?

Who was driving Orton's getaway car?

I need answers.

Cowboy Bob Orton was the getaway driver. You can see the cast on his arm if you look close enough.


No it's not, it was obviously Mark Jindrak. If you listen carefully you can hear Ja Rule coming from the vehicles speakers.


Wouldn't the hotter 'you have to be #1' punishment been Daniel Bryan at 1, with the Wyatts at 2, 3, and 4?


It's so ass backward. Punk is basically playing the role that Bryan should be playing right now in terms of feuding with The Authority considering Bryan is the one who was screwed out of the title and title shots by HHH/Stephanie. If he's not going to be winning the title at Wrestlemania, which it looks like won't be the case, he should at least be the one getting comeuppance on HHH at the show.


Are we supposed to boo HHH and Stephanie though? They haven't done anything remotely heelish since congratulating Orton at TLC. They were ticked at him last night.


Are we supposed to boo HHH and Stephanie though? They haven't done anything remotely heelish since congratulating Orton at TLC. They were ticked at him last night.


They're kind of stuck given what a disaster Orton is.  They don't want to get pulled down with that.



Wouldn't the hotter 'you have to be #1' punishment been Daniel Bryan at 1, with the Wyatts at 2, 3, and 4?


It's so ass backward. Punk is basically playing the role that Bryan should be playing right now in terms of feuding with The Authority considering Bryan is the one who was screwed out of the title and title shots by HHH/Stephanie. If he's not going to be winning the title at Wrestlemania, which it looks like won't be the case, he should at least be the one getting comeuppance on HHH at the show.



It doesn't help that I can't remember the last time I cared about Punk.


Possibly the last time he lifted a weight?

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Yeah - I think it's like this. They put all of their faith and backing behind Orton and he's been a failure every step of the way as well as a loose cannon. Now they are trying to distance themselves from him while trying to figure out who can replace him as the "face" of the company. They don't want Bryan and I doubt they'd want Punk. They'd probably like Cena but he's not really a puppet they can control.


Maybe 'Tista is their guy.


I was actually thinking IRL.  Like, HHH and Steph don't want to write themselves too deep into this Orton run because it is really clear he's just a placeholder and his heat is dead.  But they're stuck story wise doing bits with him.  


I really would like to know what Real-World HHH really thinks of Bryan. 


It's like with Orton failing, he's like "Who should I attach myself to now? [DA-NIEL BRY-AN!]  Big Show, maybe feuding with us? [DAN-IEL BRY-AN]  maybe with Batista coming in...we transition from Randy to him [DAN-IEL BRY-AN]  We can't align with Cena, that makes no sense [DAN-IEL BRY-AN]..so we'll just sort of be lukewarm toward Randy so we don't get pulled down with him until we can get Dave in position to be our guy {DAN-IEL BRY-AN]  WOULD YOU GUYS TURN THAT AUDIO DOWN, I'm TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO TO PUT THE TITLE ON!!!"

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The problem is that we're just supposed to assume that The Authority are being heelish even in their magnanimous acts because we intrinsically want to see somebody outsmart them and beat their chosen champion. However, the guy the crowd really wants to see do that has been written out of the storyline, and Orton's not hateable enough to just want to see anybody get over on him. So we're stuck with the heel faction coming out looking pretty okay, because really, what's the difference between Cena, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, or Big Show as champ? They need a loveable underdog who isn't a multi-time champ already to be able to pull off the "disingenuous authority figure" vibe they're going for. If only they had somebody like that on the roster...

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there have been times where a heel was so hated that you would want any babyface to knock them out. Just to see them fall. This is not one of those times. The crowd would not give a SHIT if Batista took the title from Orton. Mark *DAN-IEL BRY-AN* My *DAN-IEL BRY-AN* Words.


How great would it be if Punk comes out at one, Bryan comes out at two, Sheamus comes out at three, and Brogue kicks both over the top rope within 17 seconds of him being in the match? 


By great I mean awful, but the crowd shitting on it for the next hour would be pretty ok.

I'd be more curious about the crowd reaction if Punk eliminates Bryan when they are down to 4-5 guys.




How I wish the Benny Hill music could play throughout the arena during Cena/Orton @ the Royal Rumble like Natural Born Killaz playing during a New Jack match.


And as they run a serpentine path throughout the arena, Cena & Orton are themselves chased by Barrett and Layla dressed as bobbies, HFinkel  as a ditchdigger, Aksana in a bra and panties (C & O ran thru the Divas locker room), Mae Young's son and The Great Khali ion a lollipop man uniform. Hilarity, fist shaking and a musical number ensue!

a mark for Hill's Angels,


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