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Batista now has a belly button tattoo AND a nose stud. Jesus.

Going on pure faith that this guy was cool when I wasn't watching in the in the mid to late '00s. Pure faith.

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Batista now has a belly button tattoo AND a nose stud. Jesus.

Going on pure faith that this guy was cool when I wasn't watching in the in the mid to late '00s. Pure faith.

Always had both iirc



If he's not careful, those sun rays are going to droop into a jester's hat.

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Rumble is a so-so card.


Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt could be decent and I really enjoyed Bray's promo. Also, I don't know if anyone noticed but Bryan said that him joining the Wyatts was the plan; infiltrate and then strike. That might not be what WWE creative planned but that's the story they're sticking to.


Cena vs. Orton.. I mean the work might be alright but good lord who cares.


Lesnar vs. Show could be great because Lesnar is a machine. It's hilarious how many ridiculous bumps he's taken. And also pretty fucking awesome.


The Rumble itself is looking very shaky. If Bryan isn't an entrant that pretty much gives you Batista as a potential winner and that's it. I don't see Punk winning from #1. I wish they hadn't given his number away.

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They really piped in the crowd apathy for Kofi's entrance tonight.

I feel like he, Miz, Dolph, and Wade need to join together and form some sort of Nexus-esque stable. I wouldn't be surprised if any of them were victims of the post-Wrestlemania cuts. WWE should just taunt TNA by releasing Miz, Dolph, and Swagger and letting them skip the 90 day non-compete.

Or keep the non-compete clause and let TNA agonize over whether they'll even still be in business after the 90 days.


I'm sure Bryan will do double duty but I really don't think he's winning the Rumble unless the WWE goes with the old "Everybody knows what we're planning to do so we have to do something different" gimmick. Because at this point, it seems a lock that they're building towards Batista-Orton for the Unified Belt at Mania* which leaves BFD as the only logical winner.

*Yes, Orton blows but I'm sure the thinking is Taker's match (be it with Brock or whomever) and whatever Cena and Hogan are doing will sell the show so they can bury the title match in the midcard like they did with Jericho-Punk at 28.


It's much like last year. Punk had a nice thing going for a while with Heyman and then Ryback got hot. They had a couple options. They could have made the title switch or hell even kept the title on Punk all the way to Mania but they were handcuffed by the plan for The Rock to win the championship. It turned out to be a dull main event.


Now fast-forward to this year and it seems like the plan is for Batista to win the title at WrestleMania but Bryan is by far the most over guy on the roster.


The reaction to Batista vs. Orton is going to either be 1. crickets or 2.  Overwhelming "YES!" and "DAN-IEL BRY-AN" chants.


Keep the fucking part timers away from the title scene, they don't need it. Unless you put the title on Brock because he's Brock.


Batista too. I don't mind having him back and yeah his heel run against Cena was fantastic but if they plan on presenting him as vanilla babyface 3.0 it's going to die a miserable death...


Yeah, that's why I don't see a "Oops, everybody knows what we're gonna do, better change it for the better" scenario happening. Vince and company are pretty set in stone when it comes to their Mania card.


This is where having one title instead of two works to the detriment of all. In year's past, if the Rumble winner was too obvious, they'd just have another guy win and challenge for the other title. Now they can't really do that.


Unless they want to pull a huge swerve and have the winner say they don't want a title shot, they rather have Taker.


Edit: Also, I don't necessarily agree Bryan is bigger than Batista right now but I totally agree goody good guy Dave isn't nearly as fun as cocky heel BFD. He's just much better as an arrogant musclehead bad guy. Maybe Marvel doesn't want him to be a heel, though.

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It's much like last year. Punk had a nice thing going for a while with Heyman and then Ryback got hot. They had a couple options. They could have made the title switch or hell even kept the title on Punk all the way to Mania but they were handcuffed by the plan for The Rock to win the championship. It turned out to be a dull main event.


Now fast-forward to this year and it seems like the plan is for Batista to win the title at WrestleMania but Bryan is by far the most over guy on the roster.


The reaction to Batista vs. Orton is going to either be 1. crickets or 2.  Overwhelming "YES!" and "DAN-IEL BRY-AN" chants.


Keep the fucking part timers away from the title scene, they don't need it. Unless you put the title on Brock because he's Brock.

Fuck, I want this to happen almost as much as I want Bryan in the title match.


I don't see it happening right now but the card that makes the most sense to me is


Bryan vs. Orton ©


Undertaker vs. Cena/Brock


Punk vs. HHH


Batista vs. Cena/Brock




If Taker wasn't wrestling Cena vs. Brock II and Batista in some other role... maybe give him the title prior to Mania and have him face Bryan and pull Orton from the match.

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They can always re-write the path they've established, but they've established right now that whoever comes out of the RR champion is facing Brock at EC, that Brock is "above" having to do business like the rest of the roster and will not fight for a title shot in something like the RR or in a chamber match.


I know they teased Orton/Batista tonight, but I wonder if Lesnar going in to Mania as champion versus Batista isn't now at least a possibility being considered. Big Dave has been pretty open about wanting to work with him.


Some of this is shitty timing.  They've got three guys who are super over (for right now at least with Big Dave) and are all guys who have been presented as unstoppable forces or put over as monsters.  And there is no reason for any of them to do anything but go for the title.  In fact for any of the three, they would look stupid/weak if they didn't.  I would kind of love to see them run a three-way title feud between Batista, Bryan, and Lesnar, trading off wins and short runs without any of them looking totally beaten.


But instead it seems like at least one, maybe two of them get diverted to make room for Cena.


I usually like Orton but right now he is by far the lesser of anyone involved in the say top 4 potential matches. I'd pull him out but he'd probably lose his fucking mind and for some reason they always kiss his ass.


Great to see Batista back. The build definitely makes it seem like Batista & Punk are the only possible Rumble winners with Punk being less likely if he's going to face HHH. I wonder if Kane will enter himself to eliminate Punk.. otherwise this would be the first Rumble without Kane somewhere on the card since 98. I think there's still a chance for Bryan to be in as well. They've currently got 9 spots left open, hoping for some real good surprises. Would be disappointed if there's no Jake the Snake after his Raw appearance. A shame that Cena/Orton feels like kind of a nothing match this time around. Really liked Alberto/Rey tonight, great stuff and the best of their matches lately.


The storyline seems to be that Orton is paranoid that the Authority is bringing back people like Brock and Batista because they have no faith in him and want to replace him as the "face of the WWE". It makes some sense for the guy they have lined up to be Batista. Bryan wins the Rumble, HHH orchestrates switching the title from Orton to Batista at Elimination Chamber, and Batista reveals being aligned with the Authority in the build to Wrestlemania would be a good storyline. Sheamus in that role in Batista would also make sense.

They should do an angle where an anonymous person has placed a bounty on CM Punk, encouraging the entire roster to gang up on him. The revelation that it was, unsurprisingly, HHH who put up the money should provide the storyline leverage for Punk to get a Wrestlemania match.

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