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AEW 5/8 - 5/14/2024 - I've Got My Spine, I've Got My Orange Crush

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22 hours ago, Craig H said:

Chris Jericho is fucking brilliant. I don’t think you can ever count him out. I was howling during his promo. 

An over-the-top parody of the fan’s perception of him is brilliant and he’s nailing it.

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8 hours ago, Cobra Commander said:

the case for keeping Toni/Mariah together is sorta why MJF/Cole sticking together worked, because AEW did so many turns that when you had an obvious turn not turn into a turn instantly, it was refreshing

of course they eventually turned Cole on MJF, and that's just gonna be on ice until both of them heal up in 2030

 Britt/Jayme seemed for a bit like they were building to a split even into the early days of the Outcasts angle, and even with both hurt it seemed like they had decided against it,

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16 minutes ago, odessasteps said:

In case this wasn’t already posted 


They’ve never really gone into her injury but it was clear when she came back a while ago she had lost mass and wasn’t 100%. Looking much stronger and healthier here. I talk shit sometimes but a motivated (physically and mentally) DMD would be a nice return to the division.

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5 hours ago, Log said:

Dynamite Kid’s son vs Dax on Collision? Ok, TK. Get weird, girl. 

Nephew. Dynamite's son Marek never wrestled (one of his daughters did, briefly). But Dynamite's younger brother Mark Billington had two sons, Mark and Thomas. They broke in to wrestling in England when they were 15 and 16, moved to Canada for an MLW run, and now the younger brother is making his AEW debut. On Collision.

He's the Dynamite Kid, not the Collision Kid, but whatever.

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15 hours ago, Technico Support said:

At first I thought, "damn, Joe should be in better shape for a dude who works out that hard" but then I remembered the wisdom of Jules WInnfield.

I understand that reference!

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11 hours ago, JLowe said:

An over-the-top parody of the fan’s perception of him is brilliant and he’s nailing it.

Yeah, I was definitely sceptical, whether he could get "The Learning Tree" over, but I'll be damned...

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22 minutes ago, Shartnado said:

Yeah, I was definitely sceptical, whether he could get "The Learning Tree" over, but I'll be damned...

His shitty little fake laugh is so good it's almost forcing me to enjoy this angle.

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At the risk of sounding, whatever, PAC and Jay White having words backstage, made think: "Hey, that's Holiday-time me talking with the Summertime me", especially given that PAC was looking surprisingly unshredded with no moisturizer and bad lighting.

This is not to say Death Triangle vs BCG wouldn't make for a splendid trios  match that will probably establish BCG as legit champs!

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1 hour ago, Zimbra said:

His shitty little fake laugh is so good it's almost forcing me to enjoy this angle.

His liberal and cheerful use of "guys" when talking to the fans his and Eugene-like wave are killing me.

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59 minutes ago, Technico Support said:

His liberal and cheerful use of "guys" when talking to the fans his and Eugene-like wave are killing me.

Funny that 2000 Kurt Angle-like character mixed with Eugene would end up working, but it's not exactly surprising when you really think about it.

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It may be in the ROH thread (which I don’t really read since I don’t watch) but apparently a guy in the front row was yelling really offensive sexual comments at Skye Blue during her ROH match, and Aubrey had him kicked out of the building afterwards. It’s also apparently the same guy who Saraya was getting into it with, where she grabbed the cameraman and had him point at them so people could see the faces of the “creeps.”

The crowd was really weird overall, started pretty hot but died really fast. I can’t personally fault them for changing over Deeb’s segment because that was just a terrible idea to begin with, but given her promo it was shitty.

Matchwise, Cope-Brody was fucking killer and I love how Adam seems to be embracing the opportunity to do different shit after decades in WWE. Switchblade-Azucar was good stuff, Jay really needs a singles run. Mariah did an excellent carry job of the still green Harley, who sold and bumped very well. The squash was effective. Orange-Trent had a lot of drama and emotion and the crowd brawl was good stuff.

Willow’s promo was dope. Mone is dying slowly and desperately needs to get in a ring, and also not win at Double or Nothing. Toni stole the show again. The Eddie and Bryan reveal was great and that’s gonna be a fun match. I can see Perry getting potatoed again a time or two.

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21 minutes ago, JLowe said:

It may be in the ROH thread (which I don’t really read since I don’t watch) but apparently a guy in the front row was yelling really offensive sexual comments at Skye Blue during her ROH match, and Aubrey had him kicked out of the building afterwards. It’s also apparently the same guy who Saraya was getting into it with, where she grabbed the cameraman and had him point at them so people could see the faces of the “creeps.”

I think that's the same dude who, in the opening "fans cheering" montage that started the show, was pulling aside the shirt of the woman next to him to show her bra. To be fair, she seemed to not mind, but it was odd.

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38 minutes ago, JLowe said:


The crowd was really weird overall, started pretty hot but died really fast.


Apparently, there was a live Oilers/Canucks watch party scheduled for after the AEW show in some nearby beer garden or parking lot or whatever, and plenty of people in the crowd were pregaming during the show.  Dying late in the show, with some guys apparently deciding harassing Skye Blue was an awesome idea, means they aimed for "pleasant buzz" but landed on "irredeemably shitfaced."  I gotta say, drinking enough $15 5% abv stadium macros to get that fucked up is really stupid, economically-speaking.

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53 minutes ago, JLowe said:

It may be in the ROH thread (which I don’t really read since I don’t watch) but apparently a guy in the front row was yelling really offensive sexual comments at Skye Blue during her ROH match, and Aubrey had him kicked out of the building afterwards. It’s also apparently the same guy who Saraya was getting into it with, where she grabbed the cameraman and had him point at them so people could see the faces of the “creeps.”


Apparently that oxygen thief had his KID with him. Good luck explaining that one to the wife.

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On 5/8/2024 at 9:09 PM, Cobra Commander said:

Things I remember from this week episode of AEW Dynamite:

Orange and Trent had a match. That Orange backdrop over the rail was gnarly.

The Serena promo was all sorts of personal in front of people who couldn't give a fuck about it. Then Serena knocked out Toni.

Mariah May won a match. Her old friend comes back. Excalibur asked where Toni Storm was as if she didn't just get knocked out during the last segment. Kinda interesting to put Toni and Mariah in back to back segments with no interaction (they're gonna split them)

Kenny Omega has an idea for a match

Swerve brings his friends back. His friends immediately turn on him.

Chris Jericho being intentionally delusional is more fun than his stint being unintentionally delusional

Brody bleeds like a pig in a good match.

Here's Mercedes Mone for some season. She's pretty obviously going heel.

Kyle O'Reilly wants to wrestle Adam Copeland. The mention of Vancouver gets booed.

This show is just gonna end when the fuck ever.

Eddie Kingston and Danielson are in the big 8 man match. Well, that woke up the fans.

The Swerve segment reminds me of when Jay Lethal was feuding with Adam Cole and Bullet Club and Jay is like "I have friends too" and LIJ comes about and turns on Jay later in the show.

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2 hours ago, Log said:

I think that's the same dude who, in the opening "fans cheering" montage that started the show, was pulling aside the shirt of the woman next to him to show her bra. To be fair, she seemed to not mind, but it was odd.

No, the guy who got thrown out and was also harassing Saraya was on the opposite side (not on hard camera). That was a separate weird thing that sort of set the tone.

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4 minutes ago, JLowe said:

No, the guy who got thrown out and was also harassing Saraya was on the opposite side (not on hard camera). That was a separate weird thing that sort of set the tone.

This is pretty messed up, considering the usual AEW crowd, but I guess it's bound to happen from time to time.

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A propos of nothing, but Brian Cage had my gym gear on while attacking Swerve. Ok, I don't have a Brian Cage hoodie, but I'd love to! The style was the same, though.

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Posted (edited)

Willow is nailing these mic reps. Willowmania is tuning up. The Mercedes promo was also good. Each week better. And I’m stoked for the match. So too more Orange v Trent! I really liked chapter 1, and the pace of this story. It nicely set the table for an escalation of tempers. Don Callis’ involvement continues to amuse/intrigue. The highly amusing Rocky/Orange segment suggests to me ‘Roppongi Vice’ heel run. Deeb v Toni has so much potential, but the heel/face dynamic is disappointing. Harley v Mariah was a nice solid TV bout. Pretty remarkable in-ring Dynamite debut. Mariah continues to impress. The Shirakawa stuff deserves some development. Swerve/Christian talk segment was on point. Especially loved the heel camaraderie between the Pats and Bucks. Fun heel turn and beating by Cage/Gates. I like the fun TV matches this angle offers on the way to the PPV. I think we can all agree that Swerve’s entrance clearly missed Nana. Jay White promo on Pac was good and swarmy. I like the matches this feud serves. Jay v Rocky looked solid from a side watch. I similarly watched the Bill/Jericho squash. The Jericho promo that followed was sensational. His hilarity only exists as a heel. The Samoa Joe video seemed a rousing success. Copeland v Brody was bloody fantastic. I feel great respect for the work Cope has put in to win over this AEW audience. Latter day Adam feels like his best run. The spooky House style angles/promos are consistently weak, but I'm very into Malakai v Adam. House of Black would be better served to join the regular AEW backstage-promo verse. The Elite/FTR/Danielson/Kingston angle was a nice piece of business. Helluva bout they've signed for the PPV! I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Such a treat to get 2 hours of Don Callis commentary. He offers such strong talking points. He was this great in 1999 too. Renee was missed, but Arkady is doing very well. AE-luv-a-dub~

Edited by HarryArchieGus
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Does Deonna have any other mannerisms other then that hand wave, or any personality at all? No? Okay then. At least we were spared Rosa yelling about being held down again.

I'm really intrigued by the Claudio walk-out. I HOPE it's just that Claudio still doesn't trust Eddie, and not that they're thinking of possibly breaking up the BCC.

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On 5/9/2024 at 7:07 AM, Zakk_Sabbath said:

Agreed, that was really, really cool - good catch.

Even if stuff like this doesn't always necessarily work for everybody (like how @Sex Machine Gundidnt dig the crowd shot, or how personally, I could do without the return of overhead shots during matches) it's at least nice to see some experimentation to balance out some of the safer, more WWE-esque visual polish they've recently deployed.

Tangent: I can't take dry-hair PAC seriously - he looked like a yolked up Geezer Butler soliciting donations for a cat charity

I actually like it visually, have a bunch of people behind whoever's doing a promo. It'd be killer with buildings which were full to the rafters. Why not just do it in the ring then? I want Deeb to be a bigger deal than she's been too, shame I never saw the Collision promo.

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