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AEW - APRIL 2024

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I'm guessing it's fake. It's the Bucks in their EVP heel gimmick showing the footage. If it was legit, Tony would do the announcement himself, and act all serious. It's going to be Jungle Boy beating up a midget in a Punk costume or some bullshit.

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Bold prediction (and I must stress, this is not necessarily something I'm clamoring for):

this segment somehow ends with Mercedes coming out to tell the Bucks that 'CEO' isn't just a clever nickname, and she's their new boss. And so that leads us to some too- cute, petty bullshit segments where she's saying stuff about glass, calling Collision 'her' show, etc. - you see where I'm heading.


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19 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

It feels like the right time for the Hardys to reopen OMEGA, only instead of it being innovative, it’ll be a sad nostalgia Indy

Sad for everyone but Shannon Moore, that poor guy's been sitting next to the phone flipping through the book of DILLIGAF for 15 years waiting for this

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Hey there actually is a Collision recording on my DVR, I just thought the entire goddamn thing was interrupted by March Madness DANCE WITH EVERYONE WHO CAME THROUGH THAT DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR AHHHHHHHH MY BRAIN FHNIO[;3H

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52 minutes ago, Greggulator said:

Saw the main event on Wednesday is going to be Joe vs. Dustin. LOL

Dustin’s AEW role appears to be “wise old man in the corner of a bar in a movie that occasionally uses his life experiences to help our heroes”

Which I guess also means Dustin is a bit occasional in regards to how much he’s on-screen. Sorta like he’s on the AEW version of a WWE legends deal only he works some matches and is veteran presence

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The Wrestling world can't get enough of Son of Dusty vs Champion Samoan Joe this week.

Although AEW do have the best Son of Dusty, and the best Samoan Joe, so the match will probably be better.

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19 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

Dustin’s AEW role appears to be “wise old man in the corner of a bar in a movie that occasionally uses his life experiences to help our heroes”

Which I guess also means Dustin is a bit occasional in regards to how much he’s on-screen. Sorta like he’s on the AEW version of a WWE legends deal only he works some matches and is veteran presence

This made me think of Sam Elliot in Road House and I can get behind that

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I went down to the Suplex Vintage Wrestling store block party last Saturday afternoon. I didn’t get out of the house early enough for the Nick Wayne vs. Marcus Mathers match, but I caught a main event of Joey Janela vs. someone named Jimmy Lloyd who based on his arm scars is usually a death match guy.

Anyway, I went over to get a beer from a tent that said Pilger Ruh Brewing, which turns out to be co-owned by Tony Deppen, who was there serving the beer. He commented on my 7 Seconds jacket and we talked about punk rock shows while waiting for the foam to settle. Nice guy, and it was a solid Keller pils.

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5 hours ago, Godfrey said:

If it is a fake out, doesn't that burn Meltzer and Alvarez as legit sources from here on out? Either they were worked or they're working

I mean, if  someone is still thinking Dave is a credible source in 2024, that’s on them, right? 

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1 minute ago, odessasteps said:

I mean, if  someone is still thinking Dave is a credible source in 2024, that’s on them, right? 

Sure but if he leans in to being part of the act then doesn't he open his entire career up to doubt? His whole thing is he's not an Apter mag

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Just now, Godfrey said:

Sure but if he leans in to being part of the act then doesn't he open his entire career up to doubt? His whole thing is he's not an Apter mag

I would argue as time has gone on, Dave’s positives have been mitigated by his negatives. I’d even say the best thing he used to do, the obituaries, can now be better viewed by being shaped by his sources and prejudices/biases. 

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1 minute ago, odessasteps said:

I would argue as time has gone on, Dave’s positives have been mitigated by his negatives. I’d even say the best thing he used to do, the obituaries, can now be better viewed by being shaped by his sources and prejudices/biases. 

It's a newsletter written by a single person. If you were looking for objectivity in the first place, that's on you.

As an aside: I was reading a back issue from 1995 the other week, and the issue ended with one of those long ass fan letters to Dave. It basically went on and on about how wrestlers of that generation weren't tough (lol fast forward to 2024, buddy). This guy's main target was JIM DUGGAN. Like 1980s Mid South Jim Duggan wouldn't rip both his eyeballs out and feed them to him. Hell, WCW 2X4 Jim Duggan would whoop his ass.

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I think my issue is how Dave's opinions became taken as gospel and his stylistic preferences became viewed as the industry standard, to the detriment of the industry. 

How would things have evolved had, say, Steve Beverly become the "tastemaker" for the last 30 years? I mean, Eddie Gilbert would have not died and been running the biggest promotion. 🙂


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1 hour ago, odessasteps said:

I think my issue is how Dave's opinions became taken as gospel and his stylistic preferences became viewed as the industry standard, to the detriment of the industry. 

How would things have evolved had, say, Steve Beverly become the "tastemaker" for the last 30 years? I mean, Eddie Gilbert would have not died and been running the biggest promotion. 🙂

How many wrestling fans actually read Dave's newsletter though? Like roughly 5% of the people who watch now. Like the style is the style. 

Who now wouldn't be at their level if Dave wasn't around?

Like I am not a big Bill Simmons fan, but I am not about say, "man, yeah Steph Curry or Luka Doncic wouldn't be stars if Bill Simmons didn't kiss their ass." That would be absolute fantasy if someone said that.

When ROH sold out MSG, that was the wrestlers, not some old dude in Campbell, California. Same with the first AEW shows.

No one in New Japan or All Japan in 1993 was booking based on Dave Meltzer's opinion. He liked what he liked and that was it. You cannot destroy organic movements. You can add to them. Now if you wanna say that, then be my guest. However, you cannot contribute any of these changes to Dave Meltzer or Keller or anyone else.

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1 hour ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

No one in New Japan or All Japan in 1993 was booking based on Dave Meltzer's opinion.

When I got into the business in 1998ish, I knew who Meltzer was, and although the major companies were not booking based on his opinion, the WO and the Torch were widely read by the boys, and to some degree those opinions influenced things. 

Look at it this way, if over the years it became clear Meltzer liked a certain style, and Dave heaps a ton of praise on a guy like Will Ospreay, then it is easy to convince yourself, as a worker, to work more like Ospreay.  Even if that is done subconsciously. 

So if everyone eventually is working like Ospreay, and those wrestlers are getting booked by the major promotions, then to some extent Meltzer influenced that booking.

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Craig, you said you were putting me on ignore.  Why are you still mentioning my name in these threads?  I was perfectly fine with you putting me on ignore and burying whatever issue it is that you have with me in the past.  

Now... if you did put me on ignore and are STILL mentioning my name....  that's sad  😆

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By the way, I actually agree with Craig and others that he probably shouldn't air this footage or at least not hype it up for Dynamite. That makes it look like a cheap ratings ploy, it makes them look desperate and in my opinion it takes away from some of the good builds they have going on heading into 'Dynasty.'  

If you want to correct Punk and get your side out there,  Tony could go do a podcast with a friendlier podcaster than Ariel and I'd have no issue with it. 

If it's not actual footage and a complete troll job that's about the worst case scenario and will backfire big time. 

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1 minute ago, Niners Fan in CT said:

Tony could go do a podcast with a friendlier podcaster than Ariel

A certain sheet writer mentioned farther up the page comes to mind. 🙂

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5 minutes ago, odessasteps said:

A certain sheet writer mentioned farther up the page comes to mind. 🙂

Just let Phil interview him.  Not THAT Phil,  our Phil.  Put it on The Ringer.  It'd be awesome. 

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