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The Wall Street Journal Vince McMahon Thread.

Message added by jaedmc,

It's a gross story, don't stare too deeply into the abyss or it will stare back.

Also be adults and don't make us ban you.

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1 hour ago, The Comedian said:

A lot of shit here to process...

As far as "who knew what", I'm willing to give a broad pass for now. Because I think we all assumed; you, me, John Cena, and everybody else, that there was a culture of quid pro quo sexual harrassment in WWE. And that's already a horrible thing, but it's also a pervasive thing throughout society, and I think all of us collectively just held our nose walking by and compartmentalized it. And I believe it generally falls under tort law, so it doesn't carry the stigma that a criminal act of rape does, even though it should.

But this? This is beyond horrific. This is a man who, upon meeting a young woman whose parents had just passed, his mind immediately went not to any sympathy or empathy, but, "Hey, what a great opportunity to mold my own personal sex slave!" And then proceeded to subject her to rape, gang rape, imprisonment, and coprophilia. You could know full well that Vince was a pervy old man and still not be aware that he was capable of these depths of depravity.

The important thing to me is what comes next. There has to be full mea culpas from Vince's long-time defenders. And the sad thing is there won't be from all of them. I mean, guys like The Rock and Cena who have ongoing careers to think about, it would be in their best interest to make a clean break and make it yesterday. But a guy like Taker? I think you could find a torture dungeon full of womens' corpses in Vince's basement and Taker wouldn't badmouth the man.  I think we'll have to be done with Taker, but then I think a lot of people started that process anyway when they started to realize that he presided over a disgusting locker room culture for decades, and in particular participated in a gay-bashing sketch that may have ultimately contributed to Chris Kanyon's suicide. But Mark Callaway's got nothing to lose or gain at this point, so he'll probably sit back in his Texas mansion doing his little youtube Mt. Rushmore lists and patting himself on the back for not "betraying his friend".

What about Triple H and Steph? It's a weird situation. I definitely think Steph was a victim. I have no doubt Vince was and is capable of incest. He sexualized his daughter from the moment he put her on TV. Rather than coming out about it, I think she played the long game of revenge, hoping to stay in his good graces long enough to take the company over and scrub it  clean of him. And I think Triple H came along with her on that ride. Just go back 20 years to the reports of him watching Samoa Joe's tryout with Vince and burying him for being "too indy", then fast forward to Trips booking him like a monster in NXT. Obviously he was playing a role. The problem is this: in playing the role, how many foul acts did the two end up collaborating in? The Ryan Nemeth AMA someone posted is just one example where Triple H had to be Vince's heavy to the locker room regarding sexual harrassment. I mean, if you cozied up to Stalin in order to eventually take him down, and he had you take charge of a few liquidations along the way, how much culpability do you ultimately have? Now obviously the relationship between Vince and his daughter and son-in-law became more contentious in the last few years, but I think there's gonna have to be some significant signs that they were working against Vince behind the scenes to keep them from getting scrubbed along with Vince.

And yes, I know a lot of people are worried that Vince will once again Houdini his way through this...but no, I don't think so. He's done. This is Epstein-level shit. It's not his company any more. He's clearly more liability than asset, not to mention he's practically geriatric at this point. They're probably figuring out how to Benoit him out of company history as we speak...

Wait, Stephanie McMahon? She who went on television after the first round of NDA discoveries and led the shitty careless WWE crowd in a thank you to Vince? Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-5HEm9DMXU

Edited by HarryArchieGus
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Well, they fired the guy named in the lawsuit, and probably some other people later too. Decades of injustice completely fixed, just like that. It was a dark two days, but everything is right again. Now, as members of the WWE Universe, let's all tune in for the Royal Rumble tonight, the first stop on the road to WrestleMania!

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11 minutes ago, Godfrey said:

Looks like Trips is still having the press scrum after the Rumble so we’ll see what goes down there

Feels like an opportunity to keep his job if Endeavor is really thinking about purging Vince cronies.

But that hinges on Kenny Wrestlefart from Ken's Wrestlefarts dot com asking a moderately tough question.

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18 minutes ago, Godfrey said:

Looks like Trips is still having the press scrum after the Rumble so we’ll see what goes down there

A whole lot of nothing.

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Someone earlier said something about people like Vince being master manipulators. To go off of that, the more I hear about all this and look into it, it is so clear that Vince was an expert predator who knew exactly how to get to the point of interpersonal power he was looking for.
She was in some form of financial trouble and her parents dying had her in a very vulnerable place. Introduced by a mutual acquaintance, Vince offered friendship with helping financially and always wanting hugs. Even one day inviting her over while he was in his underwear, this all comes across as him putting himself in a position where he is a ~friend~ but subtly introducing more uncomfortable things to try an push the boundaries of their friendship in the disguise of being a rich buddy.

He gets her a very high paying job and then eventually discloses that the job entails a physical relationship with him and others. The rest you can guess where it all leads. Assault, rape, threats of ruining her character, her having panic attacks begging to stop a future rape being left to deaf ears, her repeatedly saying Stop literally at her place of work before and during the rapes, distributing nude and compromising photos of her to mutual coworkers, and so much more degrading and inhumane actions by Vince and others.
Anyone who is implying what is being alleged is a girl who isn’t getting checks anymore for a mutual consenting relationship (not here, but I’m reading moronic statements elsewhere) is a dumb piece of shit. 

The fact that we have actual text messages where Vince is coming across like a demonic 14 year old is pretty damning for him. 
Fuck him 

was typing more but derped out

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13 minutes ago, odessasteps said:

Hopefully we don’t see Hunter answering questions about Vince’s behavior while wearing a wig and glasses. 

I’m so mad I didn’t think of this zinger first. Good work

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6 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

Vince using the “WWE Universe” branding on his exit statement feels like a solid reason to pivot off of that branding to whatever brandings they’ll use for the next era of WWE

WWE Multiverse?

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Just saw this Nick Khan quote on on Vince's return to the company and wanted to share:


“I think the way he played it, to me was smart in that he went away for five, six months. Which people, meaning the audience, seems to like when somebody does that. And he came back and took control back of his company as the controlling shareholder. So it is the public’s company, it’s a publicly traded company. But with that controlling share, [it] gave him a lot of authority. And he used it, and I applaud him for doing so.”


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I saw 411mania included that quote randomly in a story about Khan, I'm not really sure what it's supposed to imply. Are we trying to say Nick Khan is complicit in the allegations because he sucked up to his boss after Vince played a power move? I think that's a little spurious

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Slim Jim might not be leading the people’s revolution but guess who is

yeah there might be a few people in/around the company using this opportunity to settle scores (not saying the score-settling is unjustified but)

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Ronda should come back and use her sandy hook on Bruce...

Alternatively: You'd think Ronda'd be on board denying something awful happened to push agendas...


Add in : Worst person you know makes a good point pic.

Edited by Raziel
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