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  1. The Chiefs have multiple people who could have been called for lining up wrong on this play. You honestly can't tell who is supposed to be on the line and who is supposed to be off the line based on this formation. The right tackle and Kadarius Toney are both supposed to be on the line, but are almost 3 yards apart. Toney isn't even lined up with the ball, he's in front of it. The ball is behind the hashmark, his toe looks to be in front of the hashmark. You absolutely have to call that if you are the referee.
    5 points
  2. Ok, so for round 1 @Sammo~! assigned me the Onita vs Hayabusa Exploding Cage Match. I should preface this by saying that I'm horrible at match recaps/reviews so don't expect a novel from me on these matches but I'll do my best to recap my thoughts. Atsushi Onita vs. Hayabusa (Exploding Cage Match) (May 5, 1995) I looked this up and it's from the Onita Retirement Show in 1995. I have not watched much, if any, of FMW so this is all new to me. There was a lot of headlocks and just hanging out on the mat for a while and a few minutes into the match Hayabusa goes into the cage and things just explode everywhere!! That was crazy!! There's more stuff on the mat, more explosions and the referee looks like either a scientist or is wearing a hazmat suit. Not sure which. Anyway, 3:00 minute countdown hits and things start amping up because they're trying to finish each other off before the ring explodes. I don't know the right word for the situation ... anticipation or panic maybe? Anyway, Hayabusa hits the cage AS THE RING EXPLODES!! THAT EXPLOSION WAS WILD!! Was seriously not expecting that!! After the dust settles Onita, Hayabusa and another referee are all covered in more soot that Daniel Stern in Home Alone 2. Big powerbomb from Onita ends it. I was a little bored by the first bit with all the headlocks and rolling around on the mat but once things started ramping up this was a ton of fun! As for the match Curt assigned me in Round 2, I'll get to that this week after I get caught up on some other things!
    4 points
  3. Houston Wrestling - Nick Bockwinkel vs Ricky Morton - 1982-07-02 From the jump this match is great. Immediately a pair of (I assume) brothers sitting right next to the camera are heckling Bobby Heenan: "EYY WEASEL! GET OUTTA THERR!!" "Go back to the locker room Weasel! We didn't pay to see you!" Great stuff. Bobby Heenan just needs to exist and the people hate him. Bockwinkel looks incredible, exactly like a travelling world champ should. I haven't seen a ton of pre-Rock n Roll Ricky Morton so it was cool to see his larval version. This is a 2/3 falls match with a pretty easy to follow story. The first fall is Bock is trying to figure out exactly just how lightly he can take his opponent. Bockwinkel is so good at all the small things. He's got this cocky swagger, but every time Ricky Morton gets to the ropes or escapes a collar-and-elbow tie-up Bock gets this look of incredulity on his face like "What did this little shit do?" He does a great job at conveying being slightly embarrassed, trying not to show it and failing, and then letting that emotion get the better of him, giving Ricky Morton more of an opening. It's pretty clear that Bock is better wrestler but he's arrogant and doesn't like to be shown up and that's where Ricky is able to get the advantage. They exchange holds, there's a lot of consecutive body slams, like a 2021 CM Punk match randomly broke out. Eventually we see Bock's mean streak as he's charging with shoulders in the corner. Ricky tries for a cross body, Bock gets out of the way and capitilizes with a piledriver. Bock takes the first fall. Bobby Heenan is in the ring for the rest period and a huge "Weasel" chant breaks out. 2nd fall has more great character work from Bockwinkel. Now that he's up a fall he's a total cocky prick. Kind of the same start to the fall, with Bockwinkel trying to grab a hold on Ricky Morton and Morton escaping him at every turn, but the emotional intensity is turned up a bit as Bock is trying to press the advantage and Ricky is more desperately fighting from underneath. This fall more quickly devolves into a brawl as Bock is trying to put things away quickly. His cockyness gets the better of him and he gets caught with a sunset flip tying it up at one fall a piece. Fall 3 starts off with Ricky on the attack, he's not letting his momentum go to waste. The crowd is starting to believe that maybe they're going to see a title change happen. A lot more bodyslams (holy cow that ring looks like it has zero give). Big knee drop off the top and then a figure four from Ricky. One thing I've never really liked in wrestling is when the ref kicks the heels hands away from the ropes during a submission attempt. The ref does this when Bockwinkel tries to escape the figure four, but Bock wasn't doing anything illegal earlier in the match, nor had he harassed the ref in any way to warrant it. It just looked like blatant favoritism to me #BockwinkelDidNothingWrong. We get a couple of cool spots from Morton including a hurrancanrana that the crowd exploded for. Eventually we get the Vader/Sting ending where Morton goes for a big splash in the corner, Bock moves out of the way, Morton bangs his head on the post and gets rolled up for the 3. It's always a treat to watch Nick Bockwinkel and Bobby Heenan in their prime. It was great seeing Ricky Morton as the local babyface coming within an inch of beating the world champ. Totally different from his work with the Rock n Roll, where he would take most of the offense and sell tremendously, this match was more even with the story being that Bockwinkel was underestimating his opponent for the majority of the match and it almost costing him in the end. Thanks for sharing this. I really enjoyed it.
    4 points
  4. Commentary on this show was rough. So Eddie hits the ring a house afire and blasts Claudio with 1) a backfist 2) a backdrop driver 3) a tope suicida and 4) a Northern Lights bomb. Instead of the play by play man (Schiavone) calling it and getting over how Eddie might win this thing right now holy shit this is crazy, you get Nigel doing the most dull, slowly delivered color commentary over the Northern Lights bomb and subsequent pin attempt. Just pissed all over any sense of urgency and completely gave away the fact that there was no way that could be the finish. It would be like a kick returner ripping off a 99 yarder on the opening kickoff while PBP man lays out as the color commentator talks about the host city's cuisine. Later in the match, while Eddie was trying to power bomb Claudio, nobody at the table made the call that this is how Eddie won the ROH belt from Claudio, which would have maybe been relevant to the story. Also, as the time limit neared, Schiavone ostensibly got the wrestlers mixed up, misspoke, or forgot the standings. He said that a tie would keep Eddie in the tournament and would hurt Claudio, the exact opposite of what a tie would have meant. In the Omega match, Kevin Kelly said something about how everybody knows the counter to the One Winged Angel. Nobody replied and it was just a real WTF moment. Finally, in the main, Kelly said something about how, if Andrade wins, a lot of the credit needs to go to CJ. He really went on about it and it just felt so weird and ill-timed. That's a story you tell when the match is over, not when Andrade is holding his own in an absolute dogfight with Danielson and CJ is nowhere near the ring. Just...man oh man. Nigel feels like he's trying to get himself over and doesn't understand when not to talk. Kelly is just shit. Schiavone is okay, all things considered, but is having a hard time doing commentary and wrangling these goofs. He also calls a crossface an STF and everything is a Blue Thunder Bomb.
    4 points
  5. Awesome/Tanaka from that show is a tough watch today, but at the time, it was incredibly dumb in the most fun way possible.
    4 points
  6. You joke, but Baron possibly getting Taylor fucking Swift to Wrestlemania would all but guarantee him a WWE job for life.
    4 points
  7. Oh man. Can you imagine the pop when "Look in my eyes..." hits and then HE walks out?
    4 points
  8. Baron Corbin tweeted a photo of him with Taylor Swift at the Chiefs game today. Things are looking up for Corbin.
    4 points
  9. Dang, Casey! You didn't just hit the bullseye here. You hit three straight triple twenties. The Weird: Tracy Smothers vs Kintaro Kanemura When I request "no WWE or NXT" I DEFINITELY don't mean "No fan cams of house show matches from 1999 It's the insane production "values" and dehumanizing corporate-speak that I am desperate to avoid. That stuff brings out seriously negative feelings in my heart. THIS, on the other hand, is damned near the polar opposite and it sparks nothing but joy for me. It's an absolute nothing of a match. Eight minutes of OK action, leading to a satisfying clean finish. With Tommy Rich wedged in because presumably a former NWA champion still had some drawing power in that part of America at that point in history. The local Vancouver indie used to bring in Jimmy Snuka to try and draw a few extra eyes, after local TV shut down in the mid-80s. but most people didn't believe it was really him. One of my friends took a Superfly Splash and swears it was the stiffest thing he ever felt in a wrestling ring. Anyway, Rich and his beer gut trying to find something to do during the match is enough reason for joy. But the real joy comes from Tracy Smothers and Kanemura each doing the one thing that they do best. With Smothers, it's jack-jawing with the crowd and flipping double birds and just 100% being the MAXIMUM touring veteran heel journeyman there to show the young boys how it's done. And with Kanemura it's recklessly hurling around his dumpy body (in his goofy ring gear) and either crushing his opponent or badly hurting himself. Also trying to sneak out a win with a quick roll-up. And it's just that and nothing else for eight minutes. And it's glorious. What a weird match-up indeed, and it goes EXACTLY how you'd expect, exactly how it should. The Interesting: Great Muta vs The Gladiator I am pretty sure these two guys could also have a pretty great 8-minute match where they both stick to the things they do well. This match is NOT that. I also think they could have pulled of a "poor man's Hansen vs Kobashi" type of Kings Road match; but I guess, based on this one match, that 2003 was during a time when Mutoh tried to change AJPW into a style like the Fire Pro version of New Japan Strong Style, where you HAVE TO start out with several minutes of mat wrestling and limb work before getting to the high flying and big bombs? And, oh boy, Muta and Gladiator are NOT suited to several minutes of mat wrestling and limb work. Awesome looks completely lost more than once in the early going. Eventually they meander into the "OK, enough of that, let's go!" portion of the match and it gets GLORIOUSLY interesting. Muta hits a bunch of crazy Shining Wizard variations, including one off the back of one of the dudes at ringside (which leads to Awesome doing a blood-spurting blade-job) and a couple more while Gladiator is sitting on the top turnbuckle. And Awesome out-does Kintaro Kanemura by absolutely heaving himself on a dive to the outside where he over-shoots Muta, who does nothing to catch or protect him. Then Awesome totally botches an attempt at a top rope powerbomb (or something) and Muta spits the mist into his bloodied face with absolute contempt. This is a legitimately TERRIBLE match, full of sound and fury signifying nothing, and I really had a good time watching it. No fooling. There was a bunch of stuff that legitimately popped me, and it got me thinking about wrestling nostalgia in a way I'll try to sum up at the end of this (already too long) post. The Violent: Megumi Kudo vs Combat Toyoda I think this match should be required viewing for all Death Match wrestlers. In a 2020 Secret Santo, I was given the Kudo vs Kandori barbed wire match, and my thoughts then were pretty similar. Maybe all pro wrestlers should study some Megumi Kudo matches. Kudo vs Shinobu Kandori might be the best barbed wire match, and THIS might be the actual Best Exploding Whatever Death Match. Ever. It's obvious, but it's true: There are only four big explosion/wire spots in the whole match, but each one is EARNED, each one is BUILT TO, and so each one is INVESTED WITH MEANING. It's a legitimately GREAT match, like the Nakano tag that Curt gave me. There are moments that are hard to watch and moments that are legitimately moving, and moments that are BOTH OF THOSE THINGS SIMULTANEOUSLY. Examples: Moving: It's Toyoda's retirement match. Both competitors talk about that before the match and it's subtitled, so we can all get goosebumps. Toyoda comes out to WILD THING, to honour Atsushi Onita. During the match, the camera cuts to Onita several times, and he is clearly overwhelmed with emotion. Hard to watch: Even more than the explosions, even more than both women bleeding heavily from their upper arms... the last two big head drops that end the match are just as nasty as it gets. Both, simultaneously: The fourth and final explosion/wire spot is Kudo leaping backward into Toyoda's arms and both women tumbling into a huge explosion, together. In the aftermath, both women are selling like they are on death's doorstep. Kudo gets carried out on a stretcher. Onita carries Toyoda out on his shoulders so the crowd can show their appreciation for all she has given them. She collapses at Onita's feet. The match is also structured perfectly and each woman plays her role perfectly. But it the combination of violence and emotion that makes this match a true classic. It's too tough to sum up my thoughts on nostalgia succinctly. I'll try to do a deep dive in the Navel Gazing thread eventually.
    3 points
  10. Sinclair is headquartered in Baltimore County, so Sinclair HQ became "ROH HQ" after they bought them. The station is in the same building, so they just had the ROH guys do local stuff like this when they were in town. No idea why they never did it anywhere else, but that's why they did Fox 45 so much -- it was essentially Sinclair's "home station."
    3 points
  11. You put some respect on Fox 45 Baltimore's name! :D
    3 points
  12. The way Cora can't help but break character and then snaps back.
    3 points
  13. That would be the right tackle that also false starts on nearly every snap. The one where Collinsworth and McAuley were ripping on the officials for not calling him being too far back all the way back in week 1 against the Lions.
    3 points
  14. He's using a shared drop-in cubicle at one of the TV stations he did weather at back in 2011 or so.
    3 points
  15. Thoughts on One Night Stand 2005 This book needs to be longer, so let’s watch the three WWE shows under the ECW banner. Holy cow, this was one of the greatest PPVs ever. It exceeded expectations so much that it nullified the name of the show - ECW was too beloved to be left behind after a One Night Stand. Almost every match had historical significance (Storm-Jericho, Benoit-Guerrero), and they all delivered in the ring. ECW stood tall in the post-match brawl with the Raw and Smackdown invaders before Eric Bischoff got destroyed at the end. On commentary, Mick Foley explained that the reason we were watching an ECW reunion instead of a WCW reunion came down to one missing ingredient: Emotion. You felt it from Joey Styles to Paul Heyman to the fans. One year later at One Night Stand, ECW was back as the third WWE brand.
    3 points
  16. Same, I was at a friend's house and I turned to him and said, "this is kind of dirty to do to Trick".
    3 points
  17. Miro as weirdo dude rambling about "his God" and his travails with his faith was just fine; if they leaned into that they'd have something, but...
    3 points
  18. Alright! Here is probably my favorite New Japan match of all time. In it you'll find the root of guys like Eddie Kingston (as much as he talks up All Japan, this is closer) and a lot of the stiffness and strike-based work of the modern era. And you also have one of the greatest in full flourish and another of the greatest as a pissed-off grumpy, lumpy old dude that will chop your right in the throat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoMG1R03Fo8&ab_channel=VHSArray
    3 points
  19. You know what? I got some time this week. Monday morning before I go to bed (I’m at work right now, night shift), I’ll have @The Natural’s reviews up. I’m going to do Undertaker/Mankind: Buried Alive and Mankind/HBK: Mind Games. And I’m gonna watch every single one of those Bull matches and have them reviewed before Friday. Because she’s my favorite wrestler, you’re one of my favorite posters (believe it or not) and it’s the holiday season. Secret Santo rules the fucking world - until I pair with @Matt D As for you… Maybe you’ve seen them (most likely), maybe you haven’t. But who cares! I’ll give you some choices, too. Violent: Combat Toyoda’s retirement match, versus Megumi Kudo, in an exploding electrified barbwire rope match. One of my very first exposures to joshi and Japanese wrestling in general was watching those FMW tapes they used to sell (in America) with the shitty English commentary. I was captivated. I’m pretty sure this was on one of those tapes. Combat, Megumi and Shark are staples of my teenage wrestling years. I love Megumi Kudo - not as much as Bull, but it’s a close one. Interesting: (the link might not embed in the actual post, so… Google it? It’s in this post, I swear!) Mike Awesome/The Gladiator versus The Great Muta, AJPW 2003.) Well, it’s interesting to me anyway. I’m a big Mike Awesome mark, but I’ve seen shockingly little of his Japan run that isn’t FMW. I think in the last Santo I gave someone Awesome/Kobashi, so here’s two of my favorite wrestlers way past their prime! That’s fun. At the very least it might be good in a trainwreck sort of way. Weird: I know ECW is owned by WWE now, but at this point, they weren’t, so I’m gonna throw it in here. A fancam of Tracy Smothers versus Kintaro Kanemura at a house show in 1999, in Nashville TN. Come on, a weird ass match-up, for a niche promotion, in the middle of the Bible Belt? If that doesn’t qualify I don’t know what does!
    3 points
  20. When Jungle Boy returns he should come out to Cult of Personality
    3 points
  21. Super Smash Brothers (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson) vs. The Well Oiled Machines (Pepper Parks and "Psycho" Mike Rollins) - Tables, Ladders and Boxes match Sheer goofiness on display here. Pepper and Mike get beat down on a previous show so they challenge the SSB for a tables, ladders and boxes (?!) match. The ring is surrounded by boxes, the tag belts are above the ring, and they get down to it immediately with Mike charging out of the Abdullah box standing at the entrance to begin the fight. The crowd chants "What's in the box?" every time someone picks one up. There aren't too many surprises really. One box is a gift-wrapped table with a thin box covering the top (one of the announcers says it isn't a table and idiotically ponders its identity), one's a bat, most of them are empty. The big one is a box full of plastic balls like a McDonald's play pit that Mike gets piledriven into which is funny as both men disappear completely. Another time Grayson takes a dive into it and just his legs are sticking out. The real weapons here are actually confetti guns that everyone sells like deadly mist. We get some tables broken and Stu takes an enormous fall off the ladder onto some boxes outside which looks like it could have gone really badly. I remember Pepper from the early days of AEW from the Pantera-ripoff font on his trunks' "Pepper" logo and of course the SSB are the Dark Order. Uno thankfully is wearing better looking gear now. Corny fun if you don't mind some comedy. Bonus points for the fan that yelled "suplay, suplay!" like he was Gordon Solie.
    2 points
  22. we might need a season with fewer top QB injuries before we can fully crown defenses
    2 points
  23. Wen't to see GCW Highest in the Room over the weekend. Blake Christian and Starboy Charlie had the match of the night and it was fun seeing Maki Death Kill but my take away was being uncomfortable with how much man on woman violence there was and is at some of these indy shows. especially in front of a crowd that's 80-90% male.
    2 points
  24. Bring him back with a black-and-white vignette where he buries his black leather jacket on a desert road. Lights go out, Baltimora hits, crowd goes nuts, nobody brings up the heel turn again.
    2 points
  25. I figure either he has one of his kids type in what he dictates. Or maybe they trained one of the chickens to type, like how they used to get poultry to play tic tac toe.
    2 points
  26. somehow Jeff Jarrett will end up back in the WWE for this and it’ll be Corbin/stooge vs Kelce/Jeff Jarrett
    2 points
  27. Lord these women are so good at what they do
    2 points
  28. I looked at the scoreboard with 2 minutes left in the Men's Iron Survivor match and said to myself, "Well, I guess it isn't Trick's night."
    2 points
  29. Dug the first half getting over how dangerous the Toymaker is. The Toymaker's entrance/introduction to UNIT was fantastically dumb in an amusing way yet still managed to really put over the threat. NPH was fun in the roll, and its shame it is probably a one and done for him. Like what I saw of the newest Doctor so far. Gives off good vibes and it will be nice to move on for now from the darker aspects of what the Flux and it's revelations. Hopefully the new companion is good and has nice chemistry with Gatwa. Only thing I wasn't particularly fond of was the bi-generation. I love Tennant, but he does not need to stick around. Still as much I say and think that I know I will probably enjoy whatever episode he eventually shows back up in, especially if the niece is his companion instead of Donna. I just dislike that feel of RTD keeping a break in case of emergency Doctor. It does Gatwa no favors. Overall, I enjoyed the episode and the theme of the specials overall. They managed feel a decent bit character based while not feeling overly gloomy which I thought Moffat and Chibnal would enter too often. Despite the tease I do hope we don't see the Master again for a long while as they have been overused a decent bit.
    2 points
  30. NPH’s accents were funny. He looked like he was having a good time. This was pretty mid-level RTD stuff, which, admittedly, is better than mid-level Moffat or (ew) Chibnal.
    2 points
  31. They shouldn't have to tell you that you're offsides if you're literally staring right at the damn ball before the snap. https://twitter.com/RKalland/status/1734009642202865739
    2 points
  32. Toney was so clearly in the neutral zone that I can't imagine it not being called. If he checked with a ref and got the nod then then ref should be fired.
    2 points
  33. Who could have every predicted Toney would fuck up? Oh right - Giants fans
    2 points
  34. Lebron popping bottles in the locker room after winning the In Season Tournament is so Lebron
    2 points
  35. They desperately need Hayter back for sure.
    2 points
  36. Happy birthday, Dolfan. Have yourself a good un xxx.
    2 points
  37. That was pretty close to my Platonic ideal of an hour of AEW television. Thanks for throwing me a bone, AEW! It's been a while since I felt like you booked a show specifically for me and nerds like me. A Dragon main event is an ideal main event. A stiff nasty intense Dragon fight against a guy who can really go is a level above ideal. That was gorgeous. Exceeded my ridiculously high expectations. And we also got an Abadon match! And they were fighting someone with an indie/Japan background! One tiny niggle: usually I am pretty good at seeing the threads that connect two wrestlers. For example, Mercedes Martinez vs Willow Nightingale is Car vs Tree, which makes sense since sometimes cars hit trees. But Spooky Witch vs Undead Zombie? I am struggling to find any connection there. A speed/agility vs size/power match! Plus, toss in a Japanese guy! Right up my alley. And, yeah, I'm with Curt. That opening match was tremendously enjoyable. Is it possible Cassidy has grown into being the third-best seller among AEW's male wrestlers? Dragon and Mad King are in class of their own right now. Morton/Kikuchi/Yamazaki/Xavier Woods tier. But Orange was tremendous today. I LOVE how they are showing the attrition of the competitors in the C2. I think Orange paved the path there, in AEW, selling the cumulative damage of his many title defences. LOVED Daddy and Rick a Boney on commentary today! Was overjoyed that it was pretty much all wrestling and ZERO overwrought Sports Entertainment on today's show. And tonight, it's the annual year-end all-you-can-drink plus Chinese food party in Deep Osaka Namba with Cooger and about 40 of our friends! So, a pretty good day of wrestling for ole Gordlow here. An early Christmas present, if you weel.
    2 points
  38. When Little Joey would not still still for the family christmass photo he was told "would you stop?" and given a smack in the external occipital protuberance
    2 points
  39. Brian Cage and Tessa Blanchard had a match that I actually enjoyed, due to it being worked how I would imagine a prime Rey Mysterio v Cage match would go. Lots of big guy/ little guy spots
    1 point
  40. Kenny Pickett will remain Out for the Steelers. Titty Kisser will start on Saturday vs. Indy. And next Thursday will feature the MAIN EVENT IN ANY ARENA~! match up of: Aidan O'Connell (LV) vs. Easton Stick (LAC) (Justin Herbert has a broken finger and no timeline on a return.)
    1 point
  41. There was a scene in the Tom Baker era story, The Brain of Morbius, where other faces are shown to be the Doctor. Is that what you're referring to as the retcon?
    1 point
  42. This is the first of your matches I came up with yesterday, Christian Cage vs. Rhino from TNA in a barbed wire steel cage match knowing you're a big Christian Cage fan. I remember really liking it at the time. Only added by Impact Wrestling 4 months ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tN7j0Ck_cKs&pp=ygUXY2hyaXN0aWFuIGNhZ2UgdnMgcmhpbm8%3D Came up with your second today, Bret Hart vs. 123 Kid. Almost went with Bret Hart vs. Rocky Maivia but the former is the better of two. As you kindly gave me Bret Hart matches, only fair I do the same. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zFAxibB9GjE&t=425s&pp=ygUUYnJldCBoYXJ0IHZzIDEyMyBraWQ%3D
    1 point
  43. I was there! The gas cans on the announce table set an ominous tone as soon as we walked into the building. The fans filed out quietly after the show, stunned that Austin had lost the title.
    1 point
  44. I was struck by how much Neil Patrick Harris resembled Michael Gough as The Celestial Toymaker. Usually there's a period for me to warm up to a new Doctor, but they hit the ground running with this debut. Ncuti has a very likable personality which will serve him well in this role. Hope the companion doesn't derail things.
    1 point
  45. Ross went out of his way to point out that Kane had been wearing the suit without an arm covering, but went back to the one with fuller cover for this match. Ross also was adamant that the ref wasn't stopping the match for anything other than a true gusher and explicitly mentioned scratches on the arm that bleed as a non-starter for getting a decision. I can't fault the clarity of vision for the match narrative they were trying to get over, I can say that much. They really paid attention to detail to try and raise the stakes for Austin and his need to beat down Kane enough to get his mask off and make him bleed.
    1 point
  46. I enjoyed Aussie's reign but Abeline should be a fun heel champ. She was a highlight when she was initially in WOW. Just wish the show hadn't ruined her return by showing her during the "next week" segment. Plus, her winning the title creates tons of new drama.
    1 point
  47. I mean, how fucking good is Daniel Garcia? Is there anything he doesn’t do well?
    1 point
  48. Thoughts on Living Dangerously 2000 Steve Corino tugged on Superman's cape by challenging Dusty Rhodes to a Texas Bullrope match. Dusty busted Corino WIDE open (Dusty bled too, of course). Maybe Corino shouldn't have attacked HC Loc in Milwaukee, because Loc was the referee here. He decided this match needed MORE COWBELL~! and taped a second one to Corino's head. Dusty blasted him with a chair and dropped the elbow for the pin. Elektra turned against Doring & Roadkill, who were gaining popularity with the fans, to join the New Dangerous Alliance. She cut a surprisingly good promo against Paul Heyman, who she called an old friend who never gave her a career boost. Extra points for referencing Paul E's promo on Madusa ("You are a man, man, man ...") Mike Awesome was the ECW champion and also held the tag team belts with Raven. It was strange for Raven to hold the belts with a normal partner rather than a lackey (Stevie) or an enemy (Dreamer). Masato Tanaka pinned Awesome to guarantee new champions and stake his claim to a shot at the ECW title. The Impact Players regained the belts. New Jack did one of the craziest, most ill-advised dives in wrestling history. He stepped off a scaffold 30 feet in the air and just dragged Vic Grimes with him. New Jack went through the table feet first, and then the 350-pound Grimes landed on top of him. It was a terrible idea. But nobody embodied "Living Dangerously" more than New Jack, so he's the MVP.
    1 point
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