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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2018 in all areas

  1. 11 points
  2. Oh my... And that's why looking at the camera is way better than not.
    8 points
  3. Enzo was right when he said they can't teach being seven feet tall, because Cass could only learn to be six foot eight.
    7 points
  4. 7 points
  5. The really messed up part is she apparently hung herself with her own scarf. Remember, there is always help for you out there. And you're never alone. If you need to talk to someone, the US National Suicide Prevention Hotline is: 800-273-8255
    6 points
  6. There's your reason right there
    5 points
  7. 5 points
  8. Watching 82 Georgia on Youtube and Paul Orndorff gave up the National title when he challenged Ric Flair for the NWA title. Orndorff explained how important the National Title was to him, how much money it meant, But he did not want anything to fall back on when he challenged Flair. Flair did these promos calling Orndorff a fool for giving up a sure thing for a belt he had to beat Ric Flair for. Which Orndorff did not win, but he gained respect.
    4 points
  9. I feel like Nikki should have gotten the title instead of Ember.
    4 points
  10. What did Colt Cabana ever do to you to talk about him like that?
    4 points
  11. Let me preface this by saying I do not like Gawker. I think the world is better off without it. I don't think they had a right to out Thiel. I also don't like the idea of a rich man propping up lawsuits against their enemies. But our court system is built around survival of the richest. Its not a coincidence most of the people in prison are poor. Okay now knowing they had made a powerful enemy, they should have been more careful. I told my youngest sister about a situation she was in, if you are in a crooked fight, you better be at the top of your game and following rules to the letter. They were in the wrong to post the Hogan sex tape. There is no good justification for it and they paid. Gawker was mad they lost because they could not out spend Hogan. The funny thing is, I think they passed on posting the phone hack pics of Jennifer Lawrence because they feared being sued. Gawker died over something stupid they did not need to do and our legal system is rigged.
    4 points
  12. 1PW in the UK booked a Dustin Rhodes vs Christopher Daniels match, but on the day of the show announced both men had food poisoning and two replacements had been sourced. At which point, Curry Man and Goldust came out for a match
    4 points
  13. 741741 (Start by sending HOME) if your prefer texting
    4 points
  14. 4 points
  15. The moral of the story for WWE "independent contractors"; see your own doctor instead of their quack yes man.
    4 points
  16. Shhhhhh!! If you talk about it, it'll go away!!
    3 points
  17. “Next, on HBK’s MacMillan River Adventures...”
    3 points
  18. Punk bagged the tiger yesterday and has it stuffed and mounted in his living room.
    3 points
  19. He managed to convince his tailor at least.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. I wore my Villain Club shirt when I ran errands last Saturday when it was raining. I stopped at Target, Lowes, Kohls, and Wegmans. There wasn't one stop where some dude didn't start grinning and shouted WOOP! WOOP! when he saw me walking down the aisle with my cart.
    3 points
  22. I am starting a run collection drive for the Mets tomorrow in front of the main gate at Citi Field. Everyone is invited to come and donate their gently used runs to be distributed to the run underprivileged Mets. All donations of 3 or more runs will get you a voucher for 2 free tickets to a select Mets home game. Thank you and God bless!!!
    3 points
  23. It's a Colt Cabana shirt. How much more disappointed could you possibly get?
    3 points
  24. I think it would be best to now just walk away and not poke the tiger even more.
    3 points
  25. Teaming with Joe could be really good for Rusev. More of that, please.
    3 points
  26. Great match, I Quit at Clash of the Champions IX, November 1989.
    3 points
  27. Its a small detail, but I like that Almas isn't having to cut awkward English promos. His Spanish adds intensity to his character, in a similar way to Asuka's use of Japanese in confrontations.
    3 points
  28. And of course, when it’s called out, the stream of “so you can’t handle legitimate criticism?” and “name calling makes you the real bully!” begins. Disingenuous bullshit, that doesn’t really have anything to do with TLJ, but is instead about ownership and control, (almost exclusively) weaponized white male entitlement. “Star Wars is mine because I played Dark Forces rather than going on bike rides with friends, because I had a millennium falcon birthday cake and read all the Thrawn novels, even the goddamn clone ones, and I’d rather see it destroyed than grow beyond the impossible nostalgia I attach to a piece of entertainment media.” *All mocking biographical notes taken from my own childhood, and yet I manage not to be a frothing bigot about this shit. Liking one of the most popular things in the history of things doesn’t make you an oppressed class—shocking.
    3 points
  29. Jury agreed with it being ridiculous. Deliberation lasted less than two hours. Punk and Cabana cleared on all counts.
    3 points
  30. Not a gif but I can’t resist..
    2 points
  31. I don't like Cass, but I don't have a strong hate for him or anything either so I'm not especially looking for him to be destroyed scorched earth style. That said every time I see him on SDL I do get disappointed thinking how much better it would have been if Corbin had stayed instead of Cass.
    2 points
  32. Ricky Steamboat had a dvd. don't remember the name. good calls all around though. i didn't even think of the bulldogs or harley race! a Meng set would be boss.
    2 points
  33. https://i.imgur.com/dFgKyLP.gifv Sorry for the shitty gif but it's all I could find. I think Kofi just broke the Matrix. edit: stupid thing won't embed.
    2 points
  34. They want Cass to be the next Nash, when he isn't even as good as Test was.
    2 points
  35. Ricky had a Life Story of the Dragon DVD set years ago, including a 1984 match with Ric Flair (from Boogie Jam) which still isn't on the Network.
    2 points
  36. I don't know if this is a take or what but I don't think it's crazy to say Sonya/Mandy are better than the Iconics. I give Peyton and Billie credit for their mic work but it's one note and they've done a good job of milking that one note but in-ring I don't see it with either of them. Sonya/Mandy are getting good in a very short period of time.
    2 points
  37. I laughed my ass off at the camera angle used to make Cass seem like he's actually 7 feet tall. I'm thinking Cass only owns one suit and it's still ill-fitting. It's eerie how similar WWE is to Seinfeld, both shows about nothing.
    2 points
  38. https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/wrestler-t-shirts/coltcabana/scott-free.html
    2 points
  39. They should go visit Obama, W, or any other living president and then mug for photos in front of the White House to troll him back.
    2 points
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