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What a Pearl Harbor job HHH did on Daniel Bryan. A total miscarriage of justice.8 points
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The three matches I was interested, John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian all delivered and then some. I was sat open mouthed to the Cena/Bryan finish, clean pin with a brutal running knee strike.3 points
Don't tell Overeem, it's fun seeing him get KO'd. Look at this picture:3 points
In other news, we got a Yoshi Tatsu sighting, as apparently he's taken Alex Riley's old job of "wrestler you see backstage randomly".2 points
Man, I liked the Ring of Fire match. First time heels that aren't in the main event have been smart in a while.2 points
Lost in all of the mucketymuck is the fact that DB just got his last piece of the WWE main eventer puzzle: A sudden impact finisher. And by killifying Cena with it he got it over in one night. He's going to be just fine.2 points
Love the fact that you both posted that simultaneously, Double the viewings for me.2 points
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I think it's understanding that this a means to an end and it has the virtue of being business sensible. Orton gets the turn he needed, Bryan gets elevated and then screwed without being buried and the company gets the money feud they've been lacking that isn't the same old same old. Win-win-win.2 points
The booking of Punk's championship reign pretty well sucked until he turned heel.2 points
Ah, the joys of DVDVR where at least most people can be sensible about the finish, tempered slightly, by what happened in Punk when HHH got involved in 2011, but overall, sensible. Bryan chasing is a thousand times better than Bryan being champ right now.2 points
After years and years of swerves + pointless swerves, doing the logical thing is the new swerve.2 points
I was hemming and hawing over ordering this PPV, thinking I would for sure feel cheated if Bryan didn't walk out champion. Well, Bryan didn't walk out champion...and I don't feel cheated in the slightest. Bryan beating Cena clean as a sheet was huge, and the match had a great storyline to boot, with Cena wanting to prove the "you can't wrestle" doubters wrong, and getting himself into Bryan's style of match which he has to power his way out of to survive. The celebration lasted long enough that I got what I wanted out of Bryan's win, and now I have more Bryan matches to look forward to as he chases Orton for the title. Meanwhile, let's not gloss over this: Bryan Danielson, the American Dragon, pinned John Cena clean as a sheet in the main event at SummerSlam. That's just fucking cool. Also, loved the story of Punk/Lesnar, with Lesnar overpowering Punk, and Punk using his ring smarts and the no-DQ stip to counter that, (I kept wanting the announcers to hint at something like "Not that Brock Lesnar doesn't have experience, but there's no such thing as a no-DQ NCAA match. There's no such thing as a no-DQ UFC match. Punk's done nothing his entirely life but professional wrestling. No-DQ makes him the more experienced competitor",) but his overeagerness to revenge himself upon Heyman proved his undoing. Let's be honest, I spent my 50 bucks for the above, but ADR/Christian was a damn fine bonus. The mixed tag was meh, Natty/Brie was meh, Ambrose/RVD wasn't bad, but really didn't blow me away, and the ring of fire stip turned Kane/Wyatt into a snoozefest. I almost forgot Sandow/Rhodes even happened, though admittedly I'm a bit drunk and that was hours ago. It was a perfectly good Smackdown match, now can they get these two away from each other? I don't fucking care.2 points
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That was a well booked PPV. Great heel turn as I want Orton dead, and so does most of the WWE fans. Cena can now take time off to get that elbow fixed while Bryan chases Orton.2 points
For the people that bitched, and moaned week, after week about Punk not having a chance to have a great match against Lesnar because it's not "Believeble" for Punk to have an epic with Lesnar. GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! Not only was that a great match, it was Lesnar's best match since returning. Yes even better than the Cena match.2 points
Is it too much to ask that no-one post that reddit dudes spoilers anywhere on the board? Don't want some cretin to accidentally screw up the spoiler tags and ruin it.2 points
My sweet little girl Monkey. She's basically the best thing that has ever lived. And here we are having some quality time........ And her being completely indifferent to Curtis Axel vs. The Miz2 points
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I fucking love Gonzalez's sig. On a related note... is there a way to still see someone's sig but block all their posts?2 points
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All that is is a miscommunication between QB and receiver. The receiver is under the illusion the back up quarterback can actually play quarterback?2 points
Looking forward to the shows on Fox El Ocho.2 points
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With that brutal knee strike which put down John Cena cleanly for a three count, I'd really like that to be Daniel Bryan's main pinfall finisher if the Yes Lock and Small Package doesn't do it.1 point
It was more important for WWE to get over a new top heel (Because look at that heel roster...it's pretty weak (ADR, Sandow, Wyatts, Axel, Barrett, Shield), with Punk, Henry, Show all turning in the last couple months, there are no heels left, really. Certainly no heels you can build a main event around. Sure, it would've been a great moment to have Bryan win the title and celebrate, but Wrestlemania/Royal Rumble are where you go for great moments, Summerslam is largely about beginning the WM build, however so slowly.1 point
Punk going after Heyman wasn't just because he hates Heyman. If Punk didn't kill Heyman, he'd keep interfering. Also, I thought Michael Cole was abnormally good.1 point
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I was actually holding out hope for Jamarcus. Really. I mean, who'd really give a shit if he was the Bears' third QB option? By the time we get down to our 3rd guy we're kinda fucked anyway.1 point
Using your tour bus to get laid is not sleazy, that's just being smart. If someone has a tour bus and isn't using it for sex, that's just a waste of a bus.1 point
1 point
It would appear that the gauntlet from a couple weeks ago was foreshadowing that. Fingers crossed.1 point
Jimmy Loves Lacey was one of my favorite things in wrestling this past decade. God, the myspace videos...1 point
It's like he got pushed off the top of a building to his death, but instead of screaming, he did a super cool pose instead.1 point
Bah, I see you all of this and raise you the Road Warriors singing (growling, really) to an awful 80's synthesizer beat: Does anyone know what this is from? It's pre-Crockett, judging by the Roadies' face paint. Edit: What I'm really asking is, why does this exist? Did the AWA think there was a market for a Legion of Doom Christmas album or something?1 point
Overeem is really fucking dumb. As soon as he started going ham without putting away Browne I figured he'd lose. Overeem may just have a worse gas tank than anyone else at heavyweight.1 point
1 point
Mostly when JBL says something about Zeb it is an insider joke that the marks would get. For example when Cesaro joined the group JBL mentioned twice that he just learned to speak Dutch. Get it get wink wink. So I doubt there is supposed to be a connection from Mantel's old WWE characters1 point
Easy answer. This started the tradition of playoff/bowl game tickets being pinned on the Xmas tree. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRgdyexqBAMI Also, there's this. Sad face. I would also count the Maryland game the week before but that game never happened.1 point
This is going to be a cross genre, possibly convoluted comparison, but I think the same thing that happened with Puroresu happened with rap after 2pac and Biggie died. Instead of trying to find new unique talents that brought something new to the table, they decided to try to fill the vacuum with imposters and substitutes. They should have been looking for young guys who are talented, fundamentally sound, and unique. Instead they watched 90s NJPW Jrs. and AJPW Heavyweights and focused on the flashy dives and suplexes and missed everything that held them together and made them special. So they basically shaved a couple guys heads, put bandanas on them and just assumed it would work. Thankfully, it seems like there are some guys are beginning to see that the most important parts of wrestling are the parts that are unseen. Sometimes taking an extra second or two to sell the last suplex makes the next suplex mean more. Doing a moonsault after being in a figure four looks good, but makes no sense based on the story being told in the ring. Hip-hop suffered from believing that people liked 2pac and Biggie because they were thugs or ballers, and not because they were extremely charismatic, talented songwriters who could make good music. Puroresu suffered from thinking that people watched because they were flipping out of the ring and dropping each other on their heads instead of the fact that they had wrestlers who did everything to tell a compelling story in the ring. Hopefully that makes some sense to someone other than me.1 point
1 point
I saw the first Grown Ups and thought it was really funny. I plan on seeing Grown Ups 2. Fuck you if you can't watch a harmless lightweight family pick. Not everyone wants to sit and watch some multi-layered plot of a movie. Get over yourselves.1 point
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