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I guess Virgil wins twice, cause the NWO B Team music was pretty awesome.

Hell, toss in Rap is Crap and we've got a Virgil threepeat on our hands.


The only part of the NWO b-team music I like is that it has the bass riff from Hey Joe sped up in it.

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Speaking of women's news, there's this news bit that is sure to make all the NXT Women's joshi marks go insane. I for one look forward to it.



"We noted a while back that WWE had big plans for Lana as the top Diva in the company. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter notes that top WWE officials are ready to give the big Diva push to Eva Marie instead."


Eva Marie will be the greatest female heel ever. I can't wait to see the internet's reaction when she beats Charlotte for the Diva's title cleanly after hitting her SBN2 on her.

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Speaking of women's news, there's this news bit that is sure to make all the NXT Women's joshi marks go insane. I for one look forward to it.


"We noted a while back that WWE had big plans for Lana as the top Diva in the company. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter notes that top WWE officials are ready to give the big Diva push to Eva Marie instead."


Eva Marie will be the greatest female heel ever. I can't wait to see the internet's reaction when she beats Charlotte for the Diva's title cleanly after hitting her SBN2 on herCharlotte throws Eva up and over her head.


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"We noted a while back that WWE had big plans for Lana as the top Diva in the company. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter notes that top WWE officials are ready to give the big Diva push to Eva Marie instead."


.... .... ....  They've got actual women wrestlers they can push.   As athletes.  So of course they'll push a model who is awful in the ring.


Assuming they follow through with an Eva Marie push, this sums up my feelings pretty well:



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Its just interesting to me that all the women have to wrestle now. Why is being strictly a manager or valet frowned upon? Miss Elizabeth and Sunny never had matches, and even Sherri is more known for her managerial work, and they're all HOFers.

Edit: thinking about it further, I guess it started with Sable. Cue Cornette rant number 372

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Had a weird wrestling dream, which I don't typically have. Flair and Sting were having a heated match when almost the whole crowd looks away from the ring and starts going nuts. Rick Rude, wearing the Big Gold Belt, storms down the stairs in the crowd and makes a beeline for the only person in the crowd not paying attention - a ten or eleven-year-old boy wearing Sting's facepaint and cheering on his hero, the Stinger. Rude comes up to the kid and puts him in a Million Dollar Dream. The kid immediately starts to pass out, but is able to croak a "Sting...help..." out which Sting somehow hears. Sting has Flair down, but he runs over to the ramp to swing at Rude. Flair follows Sting out and then he and Rude beat the piss out of Sting, Flair cracking Sting with the ring bell like fifty times, while the whole front row tries to get at Rude to tear him apart.


Then I woke up, and I was groggy enough to be like "Man, fuck Rick Rude" for a few seconds before I got my bearings and realized that I was dreaming. That's what happens when I sleep on my back, I guess. Had vivid dream after vivid dream last night. 

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Eva Marie will be the greatest female heel ever. I can't wait to see the internet's reaction when she beats Charlotte for the Diva's title cleanly after hitting her SBN2 on her.

Fun Fact: Her move is called the Sliced RED #2.


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Eh, her (re)debut in NXT was a little rough, but there could be a lot of fun to be held by Eva Marie as Divas Champion with Sasha, Nikki, Paige, Charlotte, Becky et. al going after her kayfabe-wise, but each trying to outdo the other by having a better match with her.  Eva as the lone Diva without a crew being hounded by the others, stealing cheap wins and DQ/CO losses would be a lot of fun.  She has an off-the-charts aura and heat to her that could be manipulated into big crowd reactions.  I mean, a few months of Eva stealing cheap wins, being helped out by an authority figure who has the hots for her (Say Kane or somebody) while The Authority is away, only for Stephanie to return and put her in a match with Bayley who's the first won to get the title away from her would have off-the-charts pops.

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Eh, her (re)debut in NXT was a little rough, but there could be a lot of fun to be held by Eva Marie as Divas Champion with Sasha, Nikki, Paige, Charlotte, Becky et. al going after her kayfabe-wise, but each trying to outdo the other by having a better match with her.  Eva as the lone Diva without a crew being hounded by the others, stealing cheap wins and DQ/CO losses would be a lot of fun.  She has an off-the-charts aura and heat to her that could be manipulated into big crowd reactions.  I mean, a few months of Eva stealing cheap wins, being helped out by an authority figure who has the hots for her (Say Kane or somebody) while The Authority is away, only for Stephanie to return and put her in a match with Bayley who's the first won to get the title away from her would have off-the-charts pops.

Uh, what? She's a mouthbreather without any charisma? How does that translate to aura? Not even the NXT crowd was into really booing her all that much in her debut match and they're the easiest crowd to manipulate she'll ever have.


I gotta admit, I don't find much joy watching NXT anymore. Without Zayn, there just aren't many appealing talents on the show. Joe's looked fucking awful (I didn't watch this week's episode or last, so he may have improved), Balor has no physical charisma in his matches and he's incredibly bland (the LEGO angle to his personality, though, I found hilarious), and now they're pushing Eva Marie. I think I'll take a vacation on the show for a while, maybe watch the Brooklyn special to see how I feel then.

Edited by Oyaji
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We noted earlier via The Wrestling Observer Newsletter that WWE will likely have to change the "Submission Sorority" name for Paige, Charlotte and Becky Lynch as an adult website uses a similar name.

The name is used by BangBros for a series they have called HazeHer. BangBros traffic analyst Delilah McGinnis told TMZ that their web traffic shot up 56% overnight when WWE announced the name, and they saw a 35% rise in website subscriptions.

TMZ notes that the adult film company is planning on sending a "thank you" gift basket to Vince McMahon.




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Vince better put some filters on the work computers.  First you got Cole with Sasha Grey on the brain and now they're naming groups after porn sites.


Lena Yada's WWE theme:


I don't remember this having "lyrics" but there wasn't much of Lena Yada to remember.  I think she was on ECW for like a month.  Backstage interviewer and then turned heel in a dance contest.  EXTREME!

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That Kevin Nash HOF special on the Network was pretty good. I just wish they had the rights to his X-Division material.

I'll never not wish we could have had Nash vs. Ki in TNA. I think I could forgive a lot of TNA's TNAness, if they'd ran that match.

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Eh, her (re)debut in NXT was a little rough, but there could be a lot of fun to be held by Eva Marie as Divas Champion with Sasha, Nikki, Paige, Charlotte, Becky et. al going after her kayfabe-wise, but each trying to outdo the other by having a better match with her.  Eva as the lone Diva without a crew being hounded by the others, stealing cheap wins and DQ/CO losses would be a lot of fun.  She has an off-the-charts aura and heat to her that could be manipulated into big crowd reactions.  I mean, a few months of Eva stealing cheap wins, being helped out by an authority figure who has the hots for her (Say Kane or somebody) while The Authority is away, only for Stephanie to return and put her in a match with Bayley who's the first won to get the title away from her would have off-the-charts pops.

Uh, what? She's a mouthbreather without any charisma? How does that translate to aura? Not even the NXT crowd was into really booing her all that much in her debut match and they're the easiest crowd to manipulate she'll ever have.


She's extremely hateable by a certain segment of wrestling audiences, she doesn't have to do anything just to get people booing her.



Here's her NXT match from last August where people are booing her as she literally just sits and preens on a box.


I put her muted NXT return down to WWE trying to bring her back as a pseudo-face.  If they have her turn up the obnoxious obliviousness to the nth degree, I think the heat for her would come right back.

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I think they boo her in NXT more for what she represents to them than for anything she actually does. She's pretty much a slightly dopey, inoffensive personality who can't work very smoothly. If the perception wasn't there that she wasn't kept hired pretty much for Total Divas instead of because she really wants to be a great wrestler, no one would care about her.


Compare her to Dana Brooke, who was also getting the "fitness model" heat from the crowd at the beginning, but who now gets heat because she's rounding into a solid little heel character. 

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And even Dana's heat wasn't very passionate or sustained. I just don't buy that you can turn such a void of talent into a heat magnet, particularly long-term. If you start putting her over beloved wrestlers like Bayley, it would damage Bayley far more than it would get over Eva and I could see it killing off the division for a while.


I think we're banking too much on smarks getting worked up over things. Roman's backlash was legit for a few reasons. He was seen as taking Bryan's spot when the company was in, perhaps, a transitional phase away from all the Cena all the time mode. I think you'll find fans far more concerned with who's going to be the top dog of the entire company than who's going to be the top dog of the 5 minute pissbreak matches/segments. Roman was being billed as the next Superman WWE babyface when a lot of fans were/are so tired of that routine and they saw right through that. Eva fluking/cheating her way to wins over Sasha/Charlotte/etc. won't be the same. The resentment would be superficial, whereas it was very real towards everything Roman represented (not so much Roman himself) late last year/early this year.


I haven't watched a regular show since Elimination Chamber. Has Roman still been getting booed by a large portion of the audience ?

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Nah, Roman's pretty much over with the crowd as of the last show I watched (Battleground). It helps that Bryan is completely out of the way. They really should have kept Bryan out until after the Rumble. I have no clue why they damaged Reigns like that. 

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