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Feels a smaller scale AEW Dynamite compared to the majority of the others this year with PPV quality matches. Most looking forward to Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rush/Preston Vance in a Texas tornado tag team match, we need more of those in wrestling.


Okay, why don't we wait until day of to open the show thread unless there's something massive happening.  

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What are we all actively engaged with still?

- Don't particularly care about MJF/Danielson. I'm semi-curious about how good the iron man match will be. Beyond that, this feels a waste of Danielson and we've seen this MJF before.

- The Hayter/Britt/Paige/Toni/Ruby stuff could be good, and I'm interested to see where it goes, but the sum of all parts is three people I don't particularly enjoy and another with fast diminishing returns. I'm cautiously optimistic.

- Could not care less about what Jade Cargill is doing right now, and someone can wake me when she gets a match with Sasha, Stat or Willow.

- The Gunns could be interesting as tag champs, but is there an obvious program there? Can they deliver in-ring? Would someone buy Top Flight and the Gunns as the top tag program in the company?

- I'm intrigued to see if Joe and Wardlow can deliver a good match on PPV but if I'm honest I don't believe they can.

- OC as the hyper-defendant champion was probably the best part of AEW TV the past few months, but they dropped it once they had Darby doing effectively the same thing. The Best Friends tension has seemingly been dropped. I almost even want more Kip Sabian amongst all this.

- Don't really care for The Elite and their stuff, unless we're getting Punk and FTR. Wasn't Hangman supposed to do something with them weeks ago that never happened? Kinda wanna see where Adam Cole ends up amongst all this? I could go for a HOB program, and the need for everyone to come together to fight the big bad.

- Definitely want to see where Page/Moxley goes, but I'm not entirely sure they know where that is yet either.

- JAS/Andretti/Starks is awful and I couldn't care less. Not as big a fan of Starks as others on here. A faceturn for 2.0 to face the Gunns could kinda be useful, but they've been lost in the shuffle and how overcrowded the JAS is. I could care about Garcia again, but it's going to take a bit. Guevara is go away heat.

- No idea what you do with the Acclaimed now, and I think they're starting to cool down considerably. 

- Struggling to get on board with what they're doing with Jungle Boy and Hook. Really looking forward to Christian coming back and finalizing this program. Otherwise, this just feels a tepid and half-hearted approach to keeping them both relevant when people clearly want to see more of them.

- Want to see more of Claudio and Yuta (possible Gunn Club program?) but again just spinning wheels with nothing thrown together matches for Rampage.

- Kingston feels wasted in this program with Ortiz. I want more Eddie, but this ain't it.

- Not a huge Ethan Page guy but this Matt Hardy thing is at least entertaining from the brief attention they give to it. 

- What happened to Keith Lee? Want to see the blow off match with Swerve, but also no more Parker Boudreaux and Trench.

- Enjoying Takeshita being elevated, but feel as though they went one high profile loss too many with him.

- Need more Powerhouse Hobbs but needs direction. I want to say equally less Rush, but I can't tell if I'm working myself into a shoot there - he's a naturally dislikable guy and his matches aren't terrible.

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Tonight's card:

  • Texas Tornado Tag Team Match: Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli vs. RUSH & Preston Vance
  • AEW World Champion MJF Fulfills His Contractual Obligation to Appear in Laredo
  • Hangman Adam Page vs. Kip Sabian
  • Wardlow Sit Down Interview w/ Jim Ross
  • Brian Cage vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry
  • Mark Briscoe vs. Josh Woods
  • Renee Paquette Speaks w/ Adam Cole
  • Toni Storm vs. Ruby Soho vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
  • Orange Cassidy, The Acclaimed & “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn vs. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt

RIP KIp Sabian.

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  • Texas Tornado Tag Team Match: Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli vs. RUSH & Preston Vance: This is the draw, of course. Vance has channeled a bit more aggression as of late, but this is a bit of a high ask for him. He had a fairly good, fairly logical promo on the Road To where he recounted how Mox had abused him over the years, and it's a bit of a dissonant kind of thing where he's big and a bully but also whiny but I'm just not sure if it lands. People forget the really good RUSH vs Jon Moxley match from last year but that's obviously a natural match up.
  • Hangman Adam Page vs. Kip Sabian: Kip has a lot of good ideas. Page has a lot of bad ideas. I imagine this will be more of a Page match than a Kip match.
  • Brian Cage vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry/Mark Briscoe vs. Josh Woods: Sometimes Tony runs drawing experiments and I think that's what we have here. It's impossible to know how Mark will do in a normal setting and putting him against Woods is about as normal as it gets. Likewise, JungleHook was drawing fairly well and while Perry's in line for a singles push, if this doesn't hit a rating, maybe it makes sense to go back to that sooner than later for now. For what it's worth, I think Mark has been just great so far. His backstage interview last week was really good and the Road To stuff was as well. He's just so comfortable in his own skill and brings something that's from a completely different direction than everything else on the show while still being matter-of-fact and self-aware and sort of speaking for the viewer.
  • Renee Paquette Speaks w/ Adam Cole: Still think the way to go is a babyface push working with the Kingdom first. It'd be such a massive mistake to lean Cole heel or even cool here or even tweener. If they're not going to go that way then having him work up against Ethan Page, Big Bill, Moriarty could be a good idea too.
  • Toni Storm vs. Ruby Soho vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.: We're still reeling from Sasha not showing up, right? And the Shida stuff feels weird. And pulling Britt from the last time they tried this was a setback. And the Beautiful People/NWO spraypainting seems so far away from what AEW's women's division has been for the last couple of years. Very WWE "catty females" syndrome. I blame Saraya. Anyway, wherever this is going, it really ought to get there soon.
  • Orange Cassidy, The Acclaimed & “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn vs. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt: My gut and/or hope says that this was building to Jarrett vs Cassidy at the PPV for the title. I'm not sure if Jeff still works tonight. Probably he does, right? Because that's the carny way. It's a lot of bodies and a weird spot on the card to get emotional though, so who knows.
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I get that the 8 man was set up at the end of Rampage, but there’s no reason why the face side couldn’t have had Best Friends and Danhausen instead of Acclaimed and Billy. The Acclaimed feel like they were shoehorned in there just because. 


Ruby Soho main event winner! I’m pumped about this like I was that one time Butcher and Blade won a Dynamite main event. 

And oh man BCC / DO+Page is the big ass six man I didn’t realize I want but really, really want

Rampage is stacked!

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Dang. Hats off to Jarrett for going out there and working a fun match today. I didn't take a bathroom break this time. Dude gets a day off from me... But not from Caster! If I ever have to fight Mox I'm definitely gonna request a first blood match. It was refreshing to see so much classic chain wrestling in that tag match. (I hope I'm the first one to make that joke). Was that Jungle Boy's second best Cage match in AEW?  Looks like he is gonna have another one soon. I was more stoked for Dark than for Dynamite this week (TAKESHITA vs BRONSON!!) but this show was an absolute blast. Uno's suit might have been THE highlight. Just fun match after fun match capped off by a VERY fun main event with CREATIVE use of the spray paint. I LOVE that the story is that we don't know where Ruby will end up. Like, as if her destination is yet to be determined.

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things I remember from this episode of Dynamite

Jeff Jarrett honors the memory of his father by working as a heel a day after his dad dies. Lots of jolly bullshit spots with Singh/Cassidy then Singh tagging out, then Cassidy tagging out, then getting Billy Gunn vs Jeff Jarrett. The faces win after the world's longest scissor spot.

Moxley bleeds like crazy yet again. Preston Vance also bleeds because yeah sure.

JR looks old talking to Wardlow. Also Babyface Adam Cole talked to Renee in another segment.

I think Josh Woods is dominating on the shows i'm not watching because he had some wins but I didn't remember who he was. Then he lost to Mark Briscoe.

Jesse the Body mode ON

I can't believe that Christopher Daniels, Gorilla. MJF gave him some money to make sure he could find Laredo, and Daniels thinks it was a bribe. That Christopher Daniels should be thankful that he was given a chance to get on TV but he chooses to bash MJF. MJF gave that ingrate Daniels what he deserved, Gorilla

Jesse the Body mode OFF

Jack Perry kinda-sorta pins Brian Cage. Then Christian Cage shows up, maces Jungle Boy, and his arm heals just in time to hit the Unprettier. Hopefully more than one Cage is allowed to get TV time at any one time around here, for the sake of Brian Cage's TV time.

Also, we got multiple battle royals to set up a four way match that needed to happen instead of a straight up Acclaimed/Gunns rematch.

We had some sort of backstage suspense for Adam Page vs Kip Sabian for some reason, then Page won, and Moxley came out and pretty much acted like a heel. Then the Dark Order showed up because Adam Page has the dorkiest backup friends in a promotion that has Butcher/Blade on TV. Then we get a Texas Death Match where Moxley will start bleeding during his entrance.

Stokely got Hook suspended. We got all six members of the Jericho Appreciation Society in an interview. You almost need a score card to figure out who is in what faction from week to week.

Saraya and Storm attacked a stunt fan pre-match. Apparently spraying Toni Storm's ass with spraypaint pre-ass smash is a spot now. That main event was weird. I guess Rubi Soho won but everybody was mad at her. Toni Storm vs Ruby Soho is a feud with origins in a Spencers Gifts at the Mall.

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Why not just spray paint Britt directly? Does it make the hip attack more deadly? Should Toni have worn a different colour gear to make the visual more effective? Very confusing. Very funny. Hope Dave gives it the full five. 

  • Haha 1
Just now, John from Cincinnati said:

Why not just spray paint Britt directly? Does it make the hip attack more deadly? Should Toni have worn a different colour gear to make the visual more effective? Very confusing. Very funny. Hope Dave gives it the full five. 

I don't know who is brainstorming Saraya/Storm spots but someone needs a filter here. Apparently Toni Storm's ass has to smell different to maximize the impact of her running butt attack.

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8 minutes ago, John from Cincinnati said:

Why not just spray paint Britt directly? Does it make the hip attack more deadly? Should Toni have worn a different colour gear to make the visual more effective? Very confusing. Very funny. Hope Dave gives it the full five. 

It was chloroform 

  • Haha 3

Anthony Bowens and Jay Lethal are fun in the ring together.  Orange Cassidy comes in and all kinds of fucking around happens. Billy Gunn is ISOLATED~! The Ass Boys are here!  A bereaving Jeff Jarrett is as always a TOTAL HEAT MACHINE!  They do a PREPOSTEROUS delayed Shiver Me Timbers section that was hilariously elaborate.  Bravo.  Well, we go from goofy fun to crazed ass beating.  OH YEAH! HERE WE GO!  Preston Vance is taking an ass beating like a MAN. Oh man, RUSH is getting some HEAT!  Vance is doing good in this.  Picture in picture means MOX BLEEDS!  RUSH and MOX beat the hell out of each other.  CLAUDIO GOES INSANE!  VANCE IS AT 3/4 RUBY!  (My daughter is here!  With her boyfriend!  I'll finish this later.)

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Storylines needed advancing and I'm glad they got advanced but this crowd was dead and during a time where the women's division should be stepping it up Saraya is dragging everybody down with her.

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  • Sad 1
26 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

I don't know who is brainstorming Saraya/Storm spots but someone needs a filter here. Apparently Toni Storm's ass has to smell different to maximize the impact of her running butt attack.

The Great Butta (Butt pronounced like the Montana city Butte)

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Really doesn't feel like we're in the final two weeks of a PPV build, does it?

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8 minutes ago, John E. Dynamite said:

Storylines needed advancing and I'm glad they got advanced but this crowd was dead

Not sure who announced their show first, but Laredo got a Smackdown pre-Rumble (January 27th) and Dynamite tonight (February 15th). So both WWE and AEW visited the 186th largest media market (out of 210) with a 3 week gap between their shows which is an interesting decision by one of the two (depending on which one announced first).

Looking at Wrestletix, WWE sold 7191 of 7302 seats in this arena while AEW sold 3095 of 4283 seats.


I hope Tony Khan calls Dory Funk Jr or someone who actually knows the rules of Texas Death Matches before Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page takes place. Texas Deathmatch ISN'T 'hardcore match and oh yeah they have until the count of 10 to stand up.' It's supposed to be a standard wrestling match with as many pinfalls/submissions that take place until the guy can't answer the ref's 10 count.


37 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

on checking Wikipedia, they don't know where Luchasaurus is either

My guess is that it has to do with the lawsuit over his mask.

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