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I have watched the first half and will try to watch the second during the week.  The runtime is arduous, but I have enjoyed everything I've seen so far.  The events make a lot of comic book sense and it is easy to forgive the little things when Steppenwolf & Darkseid both look so completely badass.

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i watched in two parts. Couple nights ago i had enough time to get through the first two chapters and then i finished the rest the following night.  

First i am always going to love Snyder's visual style with pretty much whatever he puts out especially superhero movies because each shot is a painting ripped right from the comics and he is the only director outside of the Russos who shows off the power of these heroes and captures the otherworldly abilities the right way.  Whether it's Superman preparing for flight etc. 

So right out the gate that part of it i'm going to be into.  But the story here was so much more coherent too and gave us a reason to care about Flash and Cyborg and gave Superman the moment this has been leading to since Man of Steel.  The moment i always said was coming. That was all the lead up.  This finished that story arc. 

Cyborg really was the heart of the film.  His arc and everything between him and Myles Dyson was beautiful.  This made me want a Cyborg film.  

Snyder went a little heavy on the slow mo but the action overall was much better giving everyone their moment.  Flash had his moment where he grew from where he was unsure of himself to confident man and hero.   Wonder Woman was overall badass the entire time.  Her terrorist scene was great.  No dumb sex humor.   And Batman redeemed himself after going off the rails.  

the nightmare/premonition timeline is interesting to me but not something i need to have.  

Darkseid was a cameo but cool to see..   the intro sets him up well reminded me of the Thanos intro.  those two will always have their similarities.  

Overall Snyder redeemed himself.  he caught a lot of hate and still will from some people but the reception has been fantastic and he probably shut up the people who felt this was unnecessary. it opens the door from a creative standpoint. We've never really seen a situation play out this way and because the Snyder Cut was good it shines the light on executives and their terrible mismanagement.   i'll be interested to see how AT&T reacts. 

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I've watched about 3/4 of it so far, and my big takeaway is: it's not really nearly as changed as I was expecting. It's more coherent, less funny, Barry is a billion times more obnoxious, and it's allergic to color, but it's fundamentally the same not great movie. Just way way way way too fucking long.

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btw i am fine with this being the end of the Snyderverse.  Yes.. there could be some awesome things for a sequel but i feel a lot of it would end up as Endgame and Endgame does not hold up on replay.  it's a situation where you've been so invested for a decade and it's all culminating to this and the theater is going wild..   and it's very satisfying but on rewatch at home it's just a big cgi/time travel thing that isn't as interesting as the journey to get there.  infinity war is the superior standalone film. 

So i would guess a Justice League sequel would be the same way.  i'm always more into the journey.  

Plus..  Joker was a massive success.  Matt Reeves The Batman looks interesting.  DC doesn't need to keep the other timeline going.  But if they do for HBO subs or whatever then fine that's cool too.. 

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The homie from T2 that Sarah Connor busts into his fucking house to kill him to stop the rise of Skynet

And the homie didn't learn his lesson and he went to continue working on cyborgs until he makes his own son a CYBORG!!

Picture perfect casting like a mf'er!? we joked through out the movie how T2 was in continuity with the Snyderverse because of the homie getting cast in practically the same role! ??????

Oh man the fucking laughs anytime something dramatic happened involving the dad we kept joking that either Sarah or John were coming to finish him off for breaking his promise ????

Whoever cast him, a million fucking props for the perfect casting choice of a lifetime ?  That the T2 scientist never learned his lesson and is still working on fucking alien technology involving cyborgs was just too fucking funny

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Finishing it, and... First, let me say that doing the 4:3 aspect ratio worked really well, much better than I would've guessed. The final battle is really the one spot where this was clearly better than the theatrical cut.

Jared Leto is so fucking terrible in the Joker role. Just bad acting. He's been good in other things, but both in Suicide Squad and this cameo, he's just so bad. Like highschool play understudy bad. It's baffling. The whole sequel tease thing is pretty strange given that Snyder is insisting he doesn't want to do more.

Overall, I think it's about a C+. Which is about the same score I'd give the other version. I don't know, it's fine, it's better than MoS and way the fuck better than BvS, but that was true in 2017 too.

Apparently a black and white and at least slightly different cut is coming to HBO Max as well, for some reason? Well, it might as well be black and white, given how much it abhors colors.


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5 minutes ago, Spontaneous said:

He claims the 'Justice is Grey' version is what he always intended but AT&T said no. 

In terms of follow ups, I expect at most, a graphic novel. 

Honestly, black and white seems well in line with his vision. He desaturated this so much anyway. I love good black and white cinematography as much as just about anything in visual film making, and I love beautiful colors that pop. I'd rather have one or the other than barely there color.

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Some spoiler thoughts on Zack Snyder's Justice League:




My favourite shot was this as the Justice League see Darkseid/DeSaad/Granny Goodness/his forces and vice versa through the Boom Tube.

Favourite sequence was probably the montage on Victor Stone/Cyborg as Dr. Silas Stone voiceovers the abilities his son now has. It's the way it's shot as we see Cyborg pre and post accident, how he can access nuclear codes to money kept in banks and how he uses that for the woman in need of cash to make ends meet.

Really liked more of Jeremy Irons' Alfred, I'll miss him and Bruce Wayne/Batman portrayed by Ben Affleck.

I really didn't like the reveal that Martha Kent talking to Lois Lane was actually Martian Manhunter. Give that moment to the actual Martha Kent instead and then Martian Manhunter showing up at Bruce Wayne's pad means more as it's the first time he appears.


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