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The ROH Thread

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I will be asking a lot of questions fellas. I am new to the family. Really will start following ROH for now on.


1. For those of us that aren't in the viewing zone to see the weekly TV, is there another way I can watch?


2. How was Seth Rollins in ROH? Heel/Face? As polished? And did people know he would make it?


3. What is Cornette's beef with Steen? 

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1. Their website. They stream the episodes a few days later.


2. Completely uncharismatic. Not as polished. But popular.


3. Cornette wanted Steen to lose weight while he was "gone". Instead, he ended up gaining weight.

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2. How was Seth Rollins in ROH? Heel/Face? As polished? And did people know he would make it?


I don't think people knew he would make it at all.  I was only watching "best of" comps around that time, but my understanding is that Rollins' breakthrough moment was getting put in a main event match against Danielson sort of out of nowhere, having a very long match, and doing more than enough to hold up his end of it.  The general reaction seemed to be "hey, wow, maybe there's more to this guy than we thought" but no one was going so far as to predict major WWE success for him.

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Rollins worked heel then face in ROH. Nowhere near as polished as he is now. When he went to developmental, I figured he would not last. He's one guy where WWE developmental really helped him as a worker.

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Rollins was good in ROH. He had real presence and was already great at selling. I think what people might mean by "completely uncharismatic"  is actually "terrible promo", which is true, but he had Jacobs to do most of the talking. In a weird way, his debut in ROH in the Age of the Fall is pretty similar to his trajectory in WWE with his time in the Shield. Initially when compared to his stablemates, he seems as though he is lacking something, but over time he really is able to rise to their level. I stopped following ROH religiously right before his title run, but the impression I get is that the ROH faithful grew tired of him like they have done with basically every champion who held the belt longer than 3 months. I don't really think this was a reflection on him, remember this is the same crowd that would chant "same old shit" at Daniel Bryan in 2005. I do think Rollins has come a long way. I think most people would've seen his ceiling as a Kofi Kingston mid carder/tag specialist/MitB participant during his time in ROH. Now, I think people feel as though he has a real shot to have a really good singles run.  

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Didn't the RoHbots turn on him after he signed his developmental deal?

It was more that he signed his deal not long after winning the ROH world title.

As for his breakout moment, it was his first title shot against Nigel @ Take No Prisoners in March '08. Up until that point, he had primarily been wrestling in tag matches w/ Jimmy Jacobs.

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Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) & Jimmy Jacobs are still my favorite ROH team. "Completely uncharismatic"?? That's nuts.

I know Gabe was burned out duringf that time but I thought '08 was a good year mainly because of Black & Jacobs. Alot of good Tag Team heavy main events that year
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2007/2008 ROH was probably their best two years in terms of tag wrestling that they had under Gabe's run. Also, the WrestleMania shows from Orlando in '08 were real good. I remember them having a bunch of good matches and shows in '08, but they also had so many throwaway shows that they couldn't sustain the momentum they built up in '05 and '06.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Collinsville show tonight had more angles than I expected.  Romantic Touch beat Lethal non-title but it was actually Taven under the mask.  Cole cut Elgin's hair and put MsChif in the figure-four...and I'm still not sure if he's dropping the title at the PPV.  Lots of overbooking torpedoes fired en route to Cole retaining against Ciampa.

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Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) & Jimmy Jacobs are still my favorite ROH team. "Completely uncharismatic"?? That's nuts.

I'll call your Age of the Fall and raise you a Strong & Evans.

I liked Strong and Evans, but Jacobs and Black did more for me.

Side question: does Evans work in the US at all anymore?

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Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) & Jimmy Jacobs are still my favorite ROH team. "Completely uncharismatic"?? That's nuts.

I'll call your Age of the Fall and raise you a Strong & Evans.

I liked Strong and Evans, but Jacobs and Black did more for me.

Side question: does Evans work in the US at all anymore?

At last check he was primarily working Mexico.

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