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Candido would never dump her. He really loved her. 

I think we all have that one stupid blind spot for a bad person. Whether they be family, friend or lover. 

I do believe Tammy about the credit cards and Heyman. Candido told the same story and Heyman is human garbage,

EditL Caught the error in the first post parallel not paralegal. 


I think that we can all have that blind spot and still realize that being in that relationship is bad for us. There are a lot of people who still love their exes but aren't in relationships with them for various reasons. 


I don't know Tammy and didn't know Chris but just based on Tammy's public behavior, before and after his death, he needed to run away. 

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Does this mean GFW is dead in the water too? You'd think if they thought there'd be any kind of trouble, Mcdevitt would have made them change the name.


Well consider they taped TV like 10 months ago and haven't shown it....


Poor poor lighting company Jarrett hired

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I reviewed Sunny's book (and her porn, the review of which was heavily praised by THE BOARD over at f4wonline.com)  You can check em out here:



Spoiler:  The book sucks, but does contain one HILARIOUS story about HBK and a certain fetish he had.

Let's put a smile on that face!

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Hey, she's just publicly looking for a pro football player to fuck her after a night of partying--what's the problem?

Wait, what? Is this a stuffing instead of potatoes type thing?

Story goes after an ESPY Award show on the way to or from an after party Miss Beadle saw AJ Hawk and shouted at him 'Wanna Fuck Me?'

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I reviewed Sunny's book (and her porn, the review of which was heavily praised by THE BOARD over at f4wonline.com) You can check em out here:


Spoiler: The book sucks, but does contain one HILARIOUS story about HBK and a certain fetish he had.

Let's put a smile on that face!
Now, we know how Shawn found his smile.
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Man, who cares about Michelle Beadle's sex life? Or Sunny's, for that matter. 

I don't really get how Michelle Beadle is even relevant here. She has nothing to do with wrestling and is not really famous outside of wrestling. Beyond being related to Beetle Bailey. 


I don't get WWE, they try to star fuck people who aren't even stars and treat paying customers like crap. 

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Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella on Nightline discussing concussions. And yes, the reporter just started talking about Chris Benoit. This probably isn't the way WWE wanted this to go.

Given the subject nature, somebody had to think it was going to come up. 

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