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Finish to the main wasn't the worst thing ever, but still sufficiently bad. Brock took the curbstomp like a champ though.


Have any of the Ambrose fanfic writers come up with an explanation as to where he was going in that cab in Nashville before he presumably heard Rollins' open challenge while watching the WWE Network on his mobile device?


Okay, so you know the aliens from the movie Repo Man? 



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AJ- she's so tiny I don't think she can credibly be a heel.  She's the Bill Dundee of women in that regard- I could never buy Bill Dundee as a heel for that reason.


Her act is a bit creepy to me- she's kinda weird in that her ringwork is better for a face but for micwork is better for a heel.  In a way there she reminds me of John Morrison.



I don't get the bitching about Rollins trying to cash in on Lesnar. He just saw Cena go AA--->STF for about a billion years----->AA on Lesnar after two earlier AAs. Who would he rather wrestle - Lesnar, who was about to get put down, or Cena after Cena wins and has some time to gather himself and catch his breath?

Logic says that if you get rid of Cena, you can Curb Stomp and cash in on Lesnar pretty quickly, and of course, someone like Rollins would love the feather in his cap of beating the man that beat The Undertaker on top of it, no matter how it was done.

The only problem with Rollins's plan is that he took too long to execute it.

The source of my bitching is that I did not have the sense that Brock was about to tap. Maybe that's what they were going for but it didn't come across for me.

You can rattle off all of the moves Cena hit but Brock has been booked to only go down when hit by something out of the ordinary (I.e finishers on steel stairs)

Because of how Brock's been booked last night felt like one of those random Nitros where they promised a dream match and 10 minutes in the nWo runs in causing a dq.

I get that Rollins had some kind of motivation but it was a stretch.

It reeked of an excuse to break up the match so no one lost.



I don't agree about Rollins' motivation, but YES to the random Nitro line.  I never got the sense that Brock was tiring or in danger, and I thought the match was just hitting its stride when the interference came along.  I could have bought into it after another five or ten minutes of Brock and Cena laying into each other, but it looked to me like both guys had a lot more 'rasslin in 'em and Rollins just fucked the whole thing up.  Hell, I thought Brock was just gonna get up and beat the shit out of Seth when he went for the pin. 


They should do Ambrose-Rollins in the double level Cell, where they are on the top level and Brock is alone in the bottom level.  And the loser is the one who gets thrown down in there to Brock.  Like, that's the stakes of the match: "Don't get thrown down into the part with Brock in it."


Like a Kennel from hell but with Brock.

...who becomes increasingly pissed because he could be back at the hotel on top of his woman, but these jobbers keep trading moves.


It didn't the first three years.

2008: HHH went over Cena clean as a sheet.

2009: Jeff Hardy went over Punk clean as a sheet.

2010: Orton won a 6-person elimination match clean as a sheet.


Yeah but these few years we've had the clusterfluff between HHH-Punk, the double pin in Cena-Punk, Bryan get a fast count and now Rollins attack Cena. I know it's a b-show all the way but still.


Man, that Cena/Punk match was an absolute classic too.  I know Matt will go to bat for it being their best match, and the only thing that holds me back from agreeing is the lack of a true finish.  So much great counter wrestling and strategy.

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According to PWInsider, there are currently no plans for a Cena/Lesnar match at Hell in a Cell. So it turns out that the shit finish at Night of Champions was not, in fact, a brilliant masterstroke by WWE to set up a more satisfying payoff at the next PPV. I know, I'm as shocked as the rest of you.


According to PWInsider, there are currently no plans for a Cena/Lesnar match at Hell in a Cell. So it turns out that the shit finish at Night of Champions was not, in fact, a brilliant masterstroke by WWE to set up a more satisfying payoff at the next PPV. I know, I'm as shocked as the rest of you.

I'm hoping for a number one contenders three way between Cena/Dean/Seth in the cage with Paul E coming out on Raw saying Brock won't be wrestling at HIC because there is no clear contender.


It's a good thing WWE had a camera set up in the loading area and that they went to a shot back there while Rollins was talking because that random cab came rolling in and Dean Ambrose of all people got out of it and just in time to accept his hated rival's open challenge too.


What fortuitous timing!


I always imagine that WWE has random cameras everywhere. That setup must be ridiculously expensive though. But I'm sure they save money by not having monitors backstage anymore so talent can't watch the backstage skits.

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It's a good thing WWE had a camera set up in the loading area and that they went to a shot back there while Rollins was talking because that random cab came rolling in and Dean Ambrose of all people got out of it and just in time to accept his hated rival's open challenge too.

What fortuitous timing!

Uh..... maybe Ambrose tipped them off beforehand? That's all I got.


Wow, Ambrose vs Cena with winner getting Rollins and loser getting Orton is one rumor I saw. Yeah, no thanks. Way to really hammer home the whole renew your subscriptions thing with NoC and HIAC if they go that route.


Re-watched Cesaro/Sheamus and it definitely felt like the best match these two have had. The strikes are stiff, the matwork is tight, and the pace is perfect. The action escalates nicely and there's something to check out every step of the way. The counter sequences are fluid and natural, and both guys do a good job getting height for each others moves for the most part. The ending sequence is very fighting-spirit-y and has a lot of heat (credit to both guys since there wasn't much to start).

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