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Exploding Ring Matches are still a thing in 2014. In NOAH.


(the ring intros start at 13 minutes into the video, there's 10 minutes of backstory to lead into this)


The match is Atsushi Onita, Hideki Hosaka & Ichiro Yaguchi vs No Mercy (Genba Hirayanagi, Takashi Sugiura & Yoshihiro Takayama). It's essentially a match that alternates between psychology found in lighttube matches, an unusually orderly gang fight (well, 5 of the guys are 40+), and several "lets explode stuff" spots.


Also, lots of yelling in Japanese.

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I know I posted about this a while ago, but the "Angry Wrestling Promoter" on Facebook who was "writing an ebook" (which he apparently wrote over a long weekend!) and allegedly took a bunch of preorders for... posted yesterday that he "lost" the book when his computer died and there would be a delay. Even though he posted recently that the first copies had already come back from the publisher. Normally I just sit back and laugh at this carny motherfucker, but this is starting to involve peoples money so I figured it would was good to bring up again since anyone who paid him for this "ebook" is basically going to be SOL since I doubt there was ever a book to begin with.

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I PWI 500 gets all of my love this year for slotting Mojo Rawley one behind Khali.


I only saw the alphabetical index pages and did a double-take when I saw Mojo at #17.  Then I saw Nakamura was also #17 and realized that it was a misprint.

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I love the PWI 500. I have a couple from the 90's and the mid-late 00's and I let my stepdaughter read through them. I went through and helpfully circled all of the old Indie/previous gimmicks of current WWE guys she knows. She can now impress her other friends who watch wrestling by telling them that Dean Ambrose used to be Jon Moxley, Goldust was The Natural Dustin Rhodes and that Dolph Ziggler was a male cheerleader named Nicky.

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Bash the 500 all you want, but it was the biggest tool for me as a younger guy in learning about wrestlers outside of the big 3.  I would have never known guys like Daniels, or Reckless Youth, or Misawa, etc if not for the PWI 500.  I've never made a fuss over the rankings either since A) It's mostly kayfabed and 2), if you look at it from that perspective, it's mostly spot on.

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I had no idea B-Boy was still wrestling. I know he came back from a retirement, but I hadn't heard anything about him in years so I assumed he was back to being retired.


He's going to be on Lucha Underground on El Rey.

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Reading PWI as a lad of 11 or 12 made me wish I was older and had the money to go to shows in rinky-dink armories so I could see the likes of Master Sandy and the PWF Juicer five feet away from me.


PWI made me an indy mark at a young age.

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Every once in a while, a commentator will throw in an offhand acknowledgement of a wrestler's past.  I'm pretty sure Ziggler's been referred to as a former Tag Champ when he only held that title as part of the Spirit Squad.

When R-Truth and Fandango wrestled on Superstars a few weeks back, Renee made reference to a previous partnership between the two (which would be NXT Season 4 when Fandango was still Johnny Curtis).

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I'd like to see them try to weave the Dolph Ziggler character into everything else he's done and create a narrative. I want to know how one goes from a caddy to a cheerleader to a guy obsessed with introducing himself to the showoff.

A caddy is a glorified cheerleader for whomever he's carrying clubs for. Also, it'd help you get in shape to be a cheerleader.

Cheerleaders are always trying to showoff; be top of the pyramid, front and center, etc.

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