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Nothing is better than watching Heyman get so good in a promo that even Brock Lesnar is marking out for it.   One of these days brock is going to punch Heyman in the fact for making him smile so much


And god damn did he put over John Cena in that promo.  That promo put over Cena just as much as it did Brock

Hey there's no reason why both of them don't coming out of this as anything less than godlike.

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They've actually done that corner chair spot a few times since the chairshot ban - even on TV matches.


Guess I haven't noticed. Maybe Dean doing it made me pay attention. "Here is a psycho going cranium-first into metal, he must not have got the memo."


I think they made a decent balance between "wrestling match" and "insane brawl" here. Yeah there was a 187 and all that but it's Ambrose, of course he is going to do something ridiculous with a chair or a kendo stick. Most of the time it was just two dudes punching the crap out of each other.


Also, we need piranesi's description of what Dean's thinking when he does that arm wave thing when he's recovering. 


I like how they photoshopped a white T-shirt onto Dean in the graphic.  Like they figured he would be changing clothes every so often so it wouldn't so blatantly wrong.  Also it means they assume he has more than one shirt.


Nothing is better than watching Heyman get so good in a promo that even Brock Lesnar is marking out for it.   One of these days brock is going to punch Heyman in the fact for making him smile so much


And god damn did he put over John Cena in that promo.  That promo put over Cena just as much as it did Brock


I would make a "Brock's corpsing, send for the man" joke, but not even Randy Savage is crazy enough to try to bring it to Brock.


So does this mean that "big gold" is done as a championship belt in professional wrestling?  That's too bad because it looks 1000 times better than that thing they unveiled tonight.

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So many great little things tonight.  Harper looked like he was in ecstasy waiting for Big Show's chop.  Like the whole in his sternum is the gateway to Valhalla. 

And it was great when he was coaching Rowan.  Like, are we supposed to see Harper as the reasoning one?  Like he's giant Dickie to Rowan's ginger Coover?

Also Giant Dickie and Ginger Coover should have been the name of the worst, most horrific Vaudeville act ever.

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Am I the only one who thinks that brawling has become a lost art? We no longer have guys driven by hatred trying to beat each other to death. In its stead, we have guys who watched too much ECW doing ridiculous contrived stunt spots. In a real brawl, you don't use chairs to add oomph to your elbow drops, you use them to pound your opponent into a quivering mass of jelly (see, e.g., Rock/Austin at WM17). And don't even get me started on the hoist-by-his-own-petard spots that have become a staple of these matches.


I agree, but a byproduct of a loss of blood means that guys are instead conveying violence and hatred (and violent hatred) through the type, variety, and creativity of plundah they can use on one another.


It isn't as good as two guys punching each other bloody and trying to scrape out each other's eyes with shards of wood, but it's more humane than blading, so it's a trade-off that I personally prefer to live with in the end.


Not that Ambrose/Rollins wasn't a very good ECW-style hardcore brawl because it was a really awesome example of that. 


Also, Mark Henry is the best and I want to be friends with him. 


Dammit Miz, you are earning larger text every week.

Miz still-sort-of-mini Fashion Watch:

Annie Lennox: Earth Ambassador to the 1984 Ming The Mercilympics.

The Hawkmen won the medal count.  But that's only because of all the steroids in poultry.

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So does this mean that "big gold" is done as a championship belt in professional wrestling? That's too bad because it looks 1000 times better than that thing they unveiled tonight.

That belt is like herpes. It may go away periodically but it always returns.


I don't like that the WWE World Heavyweight Title is basically just a giant ass billboard instead of the top prize for the top wrestler. But since they're not wrestlers anymore, they're Sports Entertainers, and we're not fans anymore, we're the WWE Universe, I guess it doesn't matter anyway. We're all just statistics at this point for the 3-hour infomercial that is RAW.

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I assumed the cinderblocks were a preplanned thing that Kane/HHH had set up to allow Rollins to finish Dean off.

If they want to make Reigns the next big thing this show didn't show it. They follow up the biggest win of his career with...a meaningless, midcard six man tag? Yikes.

Henry/Rusev will be great but I really like Henry and Show as the new Colossal Connection too. Hopefully they don't drop their team totally.


Everything from Rollins and Ambrose tonight was really good. The backstage promo was one of the best this year, and the match was the top-10 level match we all knew they could have. Ambrose has all his character stuff down pat, but Rollins really brought it here too with just the right balance of mixing it up and running away at certain times. Underrated moment was Rollins futily swinging the kendo stick at Ambrose before the catapult. All the move sequences were sharp as expected, and the big spots were really big. That Liger-bomb into the chairs and the superplex through the table had the right levels of flashiness and brutality. The match also overcame the two things that could've taken it down on paper: Kane and the cinder block setup. Ambrose fought off Kane long enough to look good, and while the presence of the cinder blocks was pro-wrestling silly, the fact that we got to see the curb stomp on an actual curb (like setup) made up for it. Perfect way to build heat for Ambrose being off tv until HIAC where he can get his win. Rollins' mannerisms after the stomp were really strong too, ranging from a "Wow that might've been too much" to "There was no other way." And for the second night in a row, Charles Robinson put on a clinic of compassionate reffing.


I have no idea why none of this was on the ppv last night.

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I missed the first hour when I was out for a walk. I guess I can watch that on youtube. I got home in time to see Brock's corination. I really wish they would put something behind the giant WW so not empty black behind it. Put a giant globe behind it or something. Anyway the belt has to be a giant billboard for the WWE for when "superstars" are at premires, on tv shows, and doing other stuff. Which is ironic since Brock won't be doing any of that.


Ambrose vs. Rollins was so awesome. I guess they have to build this up for Hell In A Cell where Ambrose gets Rollin's one on one and no one can save Seth. I really wish though they'd stop these stupid storyline injuries. If its the "reality" era, have Ambrose be all like I'm filming a movie. Build a story about Seth going insane from jealousy. He's the Authority's golden boy...where's his movie? Then this whole curbstomp on the bricks would make sense cause Seth would be like if I don't have a movie...you don't either. Eh, I'm grasping at straws there. I hope Dean posts shit on Vine or something being all "I'm coming back...you won't know where or when...but when you least expect it..." Sort of like when Brian threw Stewie in front of a bus on Family Guy to get back at him for the beating he got for not paying his gambling debt.


I assumed the cinderblocks were a preplanned thing that Kane/HHH had set up to allow Rollins to finish Dean off.



It's sadder than that.  That stack of bricks was Dean's science project.  It was called "Fossils I found prove Dinosaurs are real and poorly motivated."


Now he's going to flunk for sure.

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When Dean faces Brock depends on if he's going over or not. If they actually want to put the belt on Dean it's at Mania, if not then I'd say Rumble.

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Really good show overal. Everyone delivered tonight. "What? It's for charity!?" was hands down the best line of the night. There is honestly no way in fuck The Reigns Push should continue.


I always thought Nikki was better in the looks and wrestling ability than her sister, but now its confirmed she is even better on the mic. Nikki sold that segment! I would not be opposed to Nikki getting more mic time in the future. Brie should stay as far away from the mic as possible. I don't know if Brie had a bad makeup job done to her in the back or if Nikki's slap really had something extra behind it as Brie had this dark spot where Nikki slapped her. Another theory is that my TV just sucks.


The opening tag match was fun and I am dying to see an Usos vs. Show/Henry match. The Usos using their highflying to try and take down the big men will be fun to see.


I want this on a shirt:



Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Paul Heyman,

and I'm the one

behind the one

who conquered the one

who thought he was the one

to beat the one

in twenty-one and one.

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This was the best Raw since...the last really good Raw, probably a month or two.

I hated the cinder block spot, but the rest was so fun. Loved the shit tons of chairs. We were also laughing about how meaningless the distinction between those three match types are. But the "it's for charity" thing was so perfect and hilarious.

Put JBL with an actual play-by-play guy and let him do his thing and he would be one badass heel color guy. His burial of Swagger as an American disgrace was wonderful. As was the case in his Eddie and Cena feuds, the character is stupidly underrated.

Though he was outdone by Bo with the Swagger burial. I love Bo's screechy preacher voice and would be totally fine with an alternate reality where he's the devil priest to Bray's cult leader in a Rotunda Brothers tag team. They could feud with the Brodie and the Zydeco Swamp Boys.

Heyman was on another level tonight putting over Brock and Cena. Just wow.

Jericho is right. We are the best fans in wrestling. We even put up with his shitty band, his lame Codebreaker and the first 20 minutes of his podcast. And we'll still chant like bastards for the dude. Think the Bray thing went as efficiently as it could have.

The Bellas are made for wrestling in that they're pretty fucking carny, but they're also unfortunately awful. Steph is good - wanted to set Lawler on fire there at the beginning where he said, "Her shirt days says Steph Steph Steph instead of Yes Yes Yes like Bryan's!" Nobody of any age watching the show is that stupid. You'd think Lawler of all people would realize children aren't that dumb, since he sleeps with them.

Henry was great. Wish I had confidence he could win this and hope it doesn't fuck with the tag team.

Loved that all the shitty and/or boring guys were in one big tag match tonight. Made the DVR recording much easier to navigate.

Was starting to get bored with WWE and was considering moving on for a bit, but Smackdown, SummerSlam and this Raw have all got me excited again.

Oh and the belt is pretty good for trashy new belts that look like big rings.



I want this on a shirt:



Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Paul Heyman,

and I'm the one

behind the one

who conquered the one

who thought he was the one

to beat the one

in twenty-one and one.



Might just fit on Kevin Steen if he can put on a few pounds. 

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The new belt should have just been a necklace made out of Cena's teeth.


Brock should have gone full Ed Gein and made the belt out of his skin and bones, with his skull in the middle a la Austin's smoking skull belt.  It would have been a sight better than the belt they have now which looks like the shortcut icon for the Network app.

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Oh yeah we're all missing the John Cena update from tonight. He'll be back next week to address the WWE universe. One week after getting mauled. Well Superman wasn't dead for that long either so I guess Cena's only living the gimmick.

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