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I feel like they would have really "made" Dean if they'd stretchered him out, only for him to get up off the stretcher and go stalking back toward the ring, only to be restrained by security and medical personnel, even strait-jacketed and hauled out of the arena with Kane and Rollins running away through the crowd.  Then you could have had an announcement by Kane that Dean Ambrose was being "medically suspended" or something to keep him off TV and make sure he's healthy before he returns, then you keep Ambrose off Twitter and everything and when he's ready to come back, have him tweet a quick "Medically cleared" or something like that and have him come back to destroy Rollins.


Does anyone think that the ALS challenge would only really be challenging if you had to do it with a bucketful of "Whatever Dean Ambrose keeps in a bucket"?

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I gotta disagree with you there MG- to me the Bellas have been acting a helluva lot better than they ever have. 


Either that or I'm seeing the byproduct of some good damn booking.


Kane smiling:




Mark is still the man. "Maybe she can translate for you what I think "boy" means to me." Hot damn! 


Ambrose needed juice. My only complaint with that one. Amazing how over Ryback was, almost nobody in recent years has gotten that kind of hometown response.


I could watch an endless loop of Ambrose chucking the cooler at Rollins's face and never get tired of it.


Are we sure that Dean wasn't expecting those ice cubes to fly away when he released them?


As great as Heyman's promos are on their own, Brock's facial expressions make them that much better.

Also, Cole and King unrelentingly whining about JBL being a heel color guy was way more irritating than usual.


I don't think Dean knows about the ALS thing.  I'm pretty sure when he said "It's for charity" he's telling us that he thinks that motel ice machines are full of "Albino Gold" that disappears when you try to steal it.

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Mark is still the man. "Maybe she can translate for you what I think "boy" means to me." Hot damn!

That was an awesome line, and the people who got it all went "Whoooaaa"

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I was feeling pretty down on this show after a horrible 2nd hour but that last 30 minutes was great. Ambrose is so made right now and I can't wait to see Rusev and Henry beat the shit out of each other. I can't believe I saw someone do a Running Liger Bomb onto a pile of chairs on Raw, mind blowing. I hope Bo keeps putting together a cult so we can get Bolievers vs the Wyatt Family at some point. Nikki was really good and she smacked the fuck out of Brie. The last half hour was amazing. Absolutely amazing.


Jon Moxley: From getting sliced up with a saw in CZW to becoming the guy in WWE and making Hollywood movies. Fucking amazing.

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Mark Henry should have picked up Lana, put her over his shoulder, and carried her to the back.

Next week she shows up with messed hair, flip flops, a generic t-shirt, cheap makeup, and tight jeans walking out with Mark Henry. She never says a word, just smiles, and never leaves his side.


Hey!  The two people in the world who make me lose bloodflow to my brain the most, Lana and Mark Henry!  Hey.  They...are inthering toge

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Mark is still the man. "Maybe she can translate for you what I think "boy" means to me." Hot damn!

That was an awesome line, and the people who got it all went "Whoooaaa"



I was like, "WHOA! Did they really okay that line?"


Am I the only one who thinks that brawling has become a lost art? We no longer have guys driven by hatred trying to beat each other to death. In its stead, we have guys who watched too much ECW doing ridiculous contrived stunt spots. In a real brawl, you don't use chairs to add oomph to your elbow drops, you use them to pound your opponent into a quivering mass of jelly (see, e.g., Rock/Austin at WM17). And don't even get me started on the hoist-by-his-own-petard spots that have become a staple of these matches.


They're really going to have their work cut out for them trying to keep Reigns higher up on the card than Dean.


Gotta love the fact Ambrose and Rollins are absolutely tearing the house down in the main event while Reigns is back to being hidden in six mans.


That was Rollins' best performance as a heel. This really does feel like HHH/Rock coming up through the ranks together.

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So what the hell is the difference between No Holds Barred, No DQ, and Falls Count Anywhere?


I said the same thing in the FB group


It's kinda like the difference between 100 pennies, 10 dimes, and a dollar bill.

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It wasn't even the facial expressions but Brock's thought patterns.


"Heyman talk long time. Red seat for new Brock belt? Brock sit on red seat! Heyman still talking. Red Brock belt seat hurt Brock butt. Brock stand up. Brock kick red Brock belt seat! KICK!"

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They covered it on Bleacher Report a week or so, but I'll rehash it here- Cole/Lawler/JBL (as much as I like him) are getting really out of hand. I know it's WWE and they gotta "tell a story" rather than calling it move-by-move, but it's like they're not even fucking doing that much. How are we supposed to take anything serious in the ring when these three spend 3/4th of the match making jokes, and half of them aren't even funny?

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[Ambrose]Southwest Brick dust has a more Iron-infused flavor.  Not like that bitter asbestos-y aftertaste you get on the east coast.  I'd say, late 2007.  Pre-construction-bust leftovers.  Probably shipped in a steel flat-bed car so you get a little bit of smokiness from the coal fumes.  *** 1/2[/Ambrose]

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Nothing is better than watching Heyman get so good in a promo that even Brock Lesnar is marking out for it.   One of these days brock is going to punch Heyman in the fact for making him smile so much


And god damn did he put over John Cena in that promo.  That promo put over Cena just as much as it did Brock

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Nothing is better than watching Heyman get so good in a promo that even Brock Lesnar is marking out for it.   One of these days brock is going to punch Heyman in the fact for making him smile so much


And god damn did he put over John Cena in that promo.  That promo put over Cena just as much as it did Brock


That was one of the best promos I've ever seen in my life.


Why can't every Sonic guys commercial end with Brock twisting their heads off trying to get to the delicious honey he thinks is inside them?


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