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So, who is Brock crushing at Night of Champions? After last night, I feel like RVD could unfortunately be the guy. Orton just lost to Reigns, Batista is probably at Survivor Series or Hell in a Cell, Cesaro has no momentum, Sheamus could I guess but he'd be defending the US belt, Cena is dead, Rollins isn't cashing in. There is no clear challenger, maybe they do a battle royal or something to decide a number 1 contender? It needs to be someone interesting to draw people in right, Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell are the big two for the Network.


I really wish they would put something behind the giant WW so not empty black behind it. Put a giant globe behind it or something.


A picture of Brock's smiling face from the Undertaker sit-up?


I mean, it is his title now. No way anyone can remain upright and in control of their facilities long enough during a match with him in order to take it from him.


If Super Cena couldn't do it, no one can.


I always thought Nikki was better in the looks and wrestling ability than her sister, but now its confirmed she is even better on the mic.


And she has the bigger knockers now too so...there's that as well.



Oh yeah we're all missing the John Cena update from tonight. He'll be back next week to address the WWE universe. One week after getting mauled. Well Superman wasn't dead for that long either so I guess Cena's only living the gimmick.

we're sure he won't be live via satellite using Stephen Hawking's voicebox to address the WWE Universe?




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Oh yeah we're all missing the John Cena update from tonight. He'll be back next week to address the WWE universe. One week after getting mauled. Well Superman wasn't dead for that long either so I guess Cena's only living the gimmick.


Next week on Raw! John Cena speaks! beeps once for yes, two for no





I know that's Star Trek, but what episode is that? I want to see it on Netflix.


Watching that GIF over and over is great.  The tragedy of Rollins struggling to his feet, just to get himself right where he can experience maximum irreversible throat trauma and end up right back where he started.


Why don't you learn to stay down, Seth?



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So, who is Brock crushing at Night of Champions? After last night, I feel like RVD could unfortunately be the guy. Orton just lost to Reigns, Batista is probably at Survivor Series or Hell in a Cell, Cesaro has no momentum, Sheamus could I guess but he'd be defending the US belt, Cena is dead, Rollins isn't cashing in. There is no clear challenger, maybe they do a battle royal or something to decide a number 1 contender? It needs to be someone interesting to draw people in right, Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell are the big two for the Network.


If they're going to put Henry in a program with Russev and leave Big Show to his own devices, I could see him getting a quick and dirty push as the whole "send a giant to take down a giant" thing.  I know he hasn't been doing shit for a while, but they rebranded Kane as a monster overnight so I think they could do the same thing to Show to give someone who is seemingly credible in terms of size and reputation to go after Lesnar.

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Did Big Show ever bother to go after Brock again after he got the shit beat out of him with a chair at the Rumble? Because Show would actually make sense as a challenger.


Oh yeah we're all missing the John Cena update from tonight. He'll be back next week to address the WWE universe. One week after getting mauled. Well Superman wasn't dead for that long either so I guess Cena's only living the gimmick.


Next week on Raw! John Cena speaks! beeps once for yes, two for no




I know that's Star Trek, but what episode is that? I want to see it on Netflix.

The Menagerie (the two parter using the original pilot footage from The Cage).


Thanks, I haven't seen that two parter since I was 11!


And as far as fresh mean for Brockonomics, I'm thinking either RVD or Show like you all said before. Rollins ain't gonna try and cash in the MITB on Brock anytime soon.


What happened to Nattie's face?


Also I'm guessing its safe to assume the announce table was gimmicked not to break, otherwise there would have been no reason for them to do the whole cinderblock spot.


How many people thought that the German announce table was the one that was going to be destroyed? We all know about the history surrounding the Spanish Announce Table, but was there any real reason for them to have a German one other then for it to be destroyed? Color me disappointed.


I would love to know why the table still has pull out monitors and wires.  In this day and age of tablets and smartphones I would think the WWE could rig a secure app or chat to get whatever they need across.


I know guys in the gaming industry and they have a developers app where they can check game info and server details.  It would be private and I don't think it would be that difficult.


Oh yeah we're all missing the John Cena update from tonight. He'll be back next week to address the WWE universe. One week after getting mauled. Well Superman wasn't dead for that long either so I guess Cena's only living the gimmick.

Next week on Raw! John Cena speaks! beeps once for yes, two for no


I know that's Star Trek, but what episode is that? I want to see it on Netflix.

The Menagerie (the two parter using the original pilot footage from The Cage).

The judges would have also accepted Tio from Breaking Bad.


Ambrose/Rollins was amazing, definite PPV quality getting a great amount of time. Glad falls count anywhere won since that was the only one with something different standing out. Didn't mind the finish as a crazy way to put Ambrose out. Hope Swagger's not push doesn't die quick. 6 Man was fun, super over Ryback ruled with the big Feed Me More chants.


Oh yeah we're all missing the John Cena update from tonight. He'll be back next week to address the WWE universe. One week after getting mauled. Well Superman wasn't dead for that long either so I guess Cena's only living the gimmick.

Next week on Raw! John Cena speaks! beeps once for yes, two for no


I know that's Star Trek, but what episode is that? I want to see it on Netflix.

The Menagerie (the two parter using the original pilot footage from The Cage).
The judges would have also accepted Tio from Breaking Bad.
Lesnar rolls Cena's wheelchair to the ring to taunt him and tell him how he's destroyed everything John's ever cared about. Cena grins, makes one last poo joke, this one very literal and in his shorts, taps his finger bell and blows up the ring. Witnessing the carnage, Rollins cashes in, but Lesnar's last act as a half charred beast is to straighten the Jimmy Johns logo on his gear and F5 the challenger's skull into the sharp point of a broken kendo stick jutting up from the remains of the squared circle.

The Titantron cuts to Ambrose smiling in the back at a plan gone perfect. The crowd pops huge. Until they remember that one time this asshole poisoned Bray's creepy singing kid just to get Reigns back on his side. Then it's like, fuck this guy, what a prick.

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