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This isn't based off your Brazzers porno fantasies, it's supposed to be a realistic scenario.


Let's remember the people that are responsible for the on-air product here. On PWO, there's Kevin Dunn quote about Kelly Kelly that someone just posted a couple of days ago, credited to Alex Greenfield of Cageside Seats:



Perhaps the following scene will be more instructive. You are on the WWE corporate jet. Imagine every rock star plane in any movie: four captain’s chairs facing each other in the front. Behind them, two benches facing each other across the aisle on which are crammed the writers. The captains? Vince, Kevin Dunn, Michael Hayes, HHH (Steph was on maternity leave, or Hayes would have been on the bench). We’re flying back from TV after taping one of the early WWECW shows. Kelly Kelly has just been introduced as the domestic [violence] partner of Mike Knox:


Hayes: She just feels cold, you know? She’s not connecting.

Vince: Mm. She needs to find her sensuality.

KD hops up and down in seat with sniggering laughter in that “Hey, boss, pay attention to me” way. Vince turns to him.

KD: She NEEEEDS to find some TITS!

KD continues to snicker, eyes on Vince, begging for approval. Vince snorts. Conversation continues.



I thought it was supposed to be blatantly obvious that Steph was lying so she could bait Brie into getting arrested. 


She could've looked like Bertha Faye and it wouldn't have mattered, we weren't even supposed to believe that Daniel was boning her. 




Eh, technically WWE did this type of angle first. Remember the woman Heyman paid to see she slept with Taker?


Her name was Tracy. That was a really awkward angle. It was sandwiched between a million other things and seemed completely out of place in that feud. Brock and Taker don't need superflcial reasons to fight each other. At least this type of shit makes sense in a Steph/Brie feud.


Best part of the show was everything Lesnar. Of course "Party's over, grandpa" ruled, but I also liked him just pointing to the mic at the end of Heyman's promo, and Heyman going to pick it up and saying whatever Brock wanted.


I can't decide what was the worst part of this show: Cesaro being cemented as a glorified jobber, or Cole yelling "hashtag Hogan's birthday, hashtag Hogan's birthday" during Hogan's entrance.

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There's something awesome about Paul Orndorff rocking a hipster mustache that would make half of Brooklyn go pants-free.



Thank you for that Pete. I needed a good laugh. Now I'm just picturing Mr. Wonderful on the G train in Williamsburg. Paul Orndorf going around and piledriving hipsters would be the best thing ever.

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Pretty bad show till the end. I so want a Piper/Lesnar promo battle.

I'm imagining you may have meant Heyman/Piper? Did you forget that feeling you felt when you were feeling the feeling you felt? I know I felt that feeling ....



Pretty bad show till the end. I so want a Piper/Lesnar promo battle.

I'm imagining you may have meant Heyman/Piper? Did you forget that feeling you felt when you were feeling the feeling you felt? I know I felt that feeling ....



Lesnar is probably a better promo than Heyman now, it's just him talking all the time would kill his aura. Heyman (and most of the current "good" promo guys) are good for taking up chunks of tv  and making it entertaining. UFC taught Lesnar how to sell a fight. That's the main thing lacking with most of current WWE stars promo wise. Their aim is to entertain moreso than sell the fight itself to you.

  • Like 1

Pretty bad show till the end. I so want a Piper/Lesnar promo battle.

I'm imagining you may have meant Heyman/Piper? Did you forget that feeling you felt when you were feeling the feeling you felt? I know I felt that feeling ....


Lesnar is probably a better promo than Heyman now,


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I really like the stage stuff, to be honest. I mean, I get that it's not good from a narrative level, but I get a kick out of watching their reactions to things and who stands with who and what not. It was really fun to me, for instance, that Zeb was WAY back in the Gorilla position for some reason..

He was with Finley also.


I don't know if Lesnar is a better "promo" than Heyman, but he's probably the best "talker" in the company if that makes sense. Put it this way, I wouldn't want to hear Lesnar read a script meant for Heyman, but when they let him be himself he projects this very old-school, authentic, legit crazy/dangerous aura that I think would be a big hit around these parts. "Party's over grandpa" was better than Heyman's long-winded speech in every way except that you can't make a video package around it.

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Transport Brock back to 25 years ago, shove his face in a mountain of coke, and you got the best promo this side of the Rock n Wrestling era.


Hashtag Hogan's Birthday ruled. Mr. Wonderful was definitely the highlight of the show, loved that he actually used the classic WCW theme, that was amazing. Glad they had Piper come in as well, great pop. Liked that the celebration got to continue on the Network, should definitely use that more often. The confetti was hilarious with the commentators cracking up about it.


Swagger/Cesaro and Orton/Sheamus were both pretty good stuff. Loved the main event finish, best mid-air RKO in awhile and actually felt realistic with Sheamus actually doing that kind of leap. Feel like the Rollins/Ambrose bit would've been better if Rollins didn't tease anything with the gift box. Thought the Cena promo was fantastic and another one of his best, one of my favorite parts of the show. Cena at his most serious has been great in this feud and builds up the match well.


Transport Brock back to 25 years ago, shove his face in a mountain of coke, and you got the best promo this side of the Rock n Wrestling era.


"transport back 25 years ago + give me a mountain of coke" is most people's remedy for most things.

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Considering how awful Piper's been for the past 20 years, I don't wanna see him do a promo battle with anybody.

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I'm not so sure a 10 year-old me on a mountain of coke would solve anything, but I'm willing to give it a go!


Newborn me with a mountain of coke? That might be entertaining. 


I'm not so sure a 10 year-old me on a mountain of coke would solve anything, but I'm willing to give it a go!

8 year old me with a mountain of coke. I would have beaten every Nintendo game without losing any lives and I would have been the best little leaguer that East Brunswick, New Jersey had ever seen. Then, I would have done all my homework for the year, cleaned my room, made new friends, yada...yada...yada.

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