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I like how the Outsiders were surprise guests, but Hogan still had an nWo shirt on underneath anyways. He's like "Gotta be prepared in case shit goes down."

I was also worried Cena would end up joining the nWo as Hogan helps him embrace his dark side.


He expected Sting to show up and he was ready to take action accordingly. 


I hear Sting was there but he had to leave early to go stage an intervention for Daniel Bryan to get him to stop cheating on Brie. 


I'm surprised they didn't use this to debut Sting. It seemed like the perfect chance to bring him out.

To help Brock beat down the NWO with a bat?



If WWE is going to run a 'your husband is cheating on you' angle, why not hire an attractive woman? TNA did the same thing with the Claire Lync angle and both Daniels and Styles have been critical of the angle due to Claire not being a bombshell. Daniel Bryan has Brie Bella as his wife. A lot of guys find Brie extremely attractive, so anyone Bryan is cheating on must at least meet the Brie Bella level of hotness. The woman used tonight is okay and no where near ugly or anything like that, but there were a lot of 'I don't believe this' looks in the audience and an audible groan.


If a standard is set, match the standard. Maybe people will buy into it?


It's a BS myth that guys always cheat with hotter women. Look at Tiger Woods. None of the women he slept with were as beautiful as his wife.

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Wow, that was a stupid post. NOBODY WOULD EVER CHEAT ON THEIR SOLID 8.2 WIFE WITH A MERE 7.4 BRAH!!!!!!


The crowd wasn't buying it. And I believe that is due to several reasons, one of which is looks. If Stephanie came out with a 10, people might have gotten into it. "Oh Shit! She is hot! Man Bryan shouldn't have done it!" vs. "Oh c'mon! He cheated on Brie with her? I don't believe it. This is corny!" Now some might try to pass it off as Stephanie being a heel and that Stephanie could have used any woman and gotten the same reaction. I don't believe so. I believe the emotional investment (and the potential legs of a segment like that) is relative, in part, to the mistress' looks.


Re: Tiger Woods


That is true. A lot of celebrities have shown that throughout the years. However, there is still this perception of the person looking better than the current spouse, etc. I think, for the best heat in this case, WWE should play on people's immediate perceptions vs. reality. WWE is 'good' (and by that I mean bad and outdated) when its time to play with racial, sexual, religious stereotypes, etc.. Why not play the same card when it comes to perception if it helps get an angle over?


I guess Megan learned promos from her teacher Lance Storm? Pretty bad show till the end. I so want a Piper/Lesnar promo battle.


The crowd wasn't buying it because it was stupid and they were all worried it was about to turn into something creepy, rapey and totally WWE.

They should have hired Daniels' true dream woman, some hairy 20 year old from a Bikini Kill cover band stinking of patchouli, to come out and tell Brie how she needs to lay off the Brazilians and learn to grunt in the ring to really please her little hippie.

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As one of the, like 5, people on the internet to enjoy the Brie/Steph stuff, I was disappointed with the way they took tonight. I wanted Steph to send any woman that wasn't Brie Bella to kick Brie's ass in a gauntlet match aka Vince vs anyone. Even end it with another pedigree on Brie.


Mr. Wonderful's mustache = ratings.


I would love for him to come back and be a manager. I've mentioned how terrible Eva Marie is and how she obviously needs guidance. Let Mr. Wonderful collect one final big check and let him be Eva's "Life Coach" and show her all the ways to be 'Wonderful'. He will build the biggest Diva heel all under the guise of 'wonderful' teachings.


I've got an uneasy feeling that Steph is winning Sunday and that's going to pretty much be that.

I can't believe Sheamus/Orton was that close to the main event. There must have been some kind of transdimensional wormhole vortex created from all the fast forwarding going on from everyone watching on a delay.

And I hate Swagger so much that I'm almost resentful of Dutch for keeping him out there. He's the most boring guy other than Axel on the roster. Just sucks to watch him bury Cesaro. As Austin said on his podcast, being considered "bulletproof" is the kiss of death, and that's exactly what's happening to Claudio.

But this show wasn't all bad. Heyman/Brock were great, Ambrose in the presents was fun, Miz made me laugh, Hulkster's bday was fun. Doubt watching SummerSlam live, but it's been much worse.

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And I hate Swagger so much that I'm almost resentful of Dutch for keeping him out there. He's the most boring other than Axel on the roster. Just sucks to watch him bury Cesaro. As Austin said on his podcast, being considered "bulletproof" is the kiss of death, and that's exactly what's happening to Claudio.



Swags is the worst.  They still have a chance to do this right if Rusev grinds him to dust and he weeps and moans and begs to end it.

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Ah, it takes nights like these to remember what a wonderful carny motherfucker Vince McMahon truly is.


I mean, you spend copious time hyping a Hulk Hogan birthday celebration, but you don't give it away early, you make sure it's on at the end of the show so people have to sit through the entire three hour show to see it and use those three hours to repeatedly shill your new network.  Then, knowing full well that a number of people are tuning in specifically just to see Hulk (Had a few people on my Twitter feed who were not wrestling watchers talking about tuning in just to see it), you use the Hogan segment to not only shill the network, but also to hype your upcoming pay-per-view with Lesnar and Cena.  THEN, you continue the Hogan celebration, but put it on the network so that people have to pay to see it!  It's really totally brilliant.  I was actually in awe over how well they orchestrated the whole thing.  You know there are some people who you say "Boy, what a carny!" but no one, NO ONE, is as carny as Vince McMahon.

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this horrible angle is leading towards a surprise Daniel Bryan return at SummerSlam, right? At least to defend his wife. Stephanie has Triple H in her corner, Brie has her fucking sister. Hardly fair. Maybe some of Cena's superpowers rubbed off on Daniel somehow and he's come back 6 months early!

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This show was a lot like Enron The Ride. It started up up UP with Brock and then went down down DOWN as the night went on. The stuff with Stephanie and Brie is just so bad. I can't believe they wasted the Yes Lock spot tonight on RAW. Maybe Brie's gonna bust out the flying knee at Summerslam. That would be all kinds of funny.


The angle was recycled TNA junk no matter how hot the other woman was the crowd would still find it lame.


Eh, technically WWE did this type of angle first. Remember the woman Heyman paid to see she slept with Taker?

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