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Heyman's rap was just fantastic, and I dug Weird Al's birthday wish for Hogan. Shame it was followed up by a dreadful Roman/Rybaxel match, a worse finish, an even worse promo from Roman, and then Kane and Orton somehow managed to top that by both acting terribly. I like them re-using the Billy and Chuck logo for Seth's new shirt. Match was fine, post-match brawl with Seth and Dean was great even if it started off goofily with the present bit. Steph doing the Claire Lynch bit with Brie was dreadful, but at least it's a one and done deal most likely. Bunch of crap happened until they redid the arrest deal with Brie getting arrested for hitting Megan. Then HEATH'S STREAK CONTINUED and Miz wore another wacky outfit. Orton-Sheamus was fun with a great finish. THE BIRTHDAY PARTY WAS AMAZING! We got Mr. Wonderful, his last theme, his robe, Piper, Flair, THE NWO, and BRRROOOCCKKK LESSNARR!




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Cena/Brock/Heyman and Rollins/Ambrose did a good job hyping the ppv. The rest is meh to me, and Reigns is getting exposed pretty bad. Miz' character work is great it's too bad when the bell rings he's still the Miz.


They are still doing a celebration on the Network right now


And we are going to get a cake spot  in 2014   :lol:


Oh for fuck sake they are doing the 9.99 stuff ON THE NETWORK.   Were on the damn Network watch it you morons


I love grumpy Paul Orndorff.   How is this guy not have his own show  on the Network


That Cena promo was something. The shooty "won't lay down for Brock because he doesn't respect the business" bit was pretty awful, but the rest was fantastic. I usually don't like "serious" Cena promos any more than "poopy pee pee" Cena promos, but that was just about as good as I've ever seen him.


At least they finally figured out the Brie-Steph angle is a billion times more effective when Brie doesn't actually have to speak. The dopey affair with the Eliza Dushku-lookalike/getting arrested angle wasn't nearly as good as the idea pitched last week of vignettes of HHH training Steph. DVDVR totally should be booking Raw.


I am digging Paige as the ultimate mean girl even if the WWE writers totally spent too much time on RhymeZone.com this week. I did get a kick out of Eva celebrating her win only to come down with a crippling neck cramp a few seconds later. She was fine after the win and when they cut to her 2 minutes later, she's still at ringside apparently suffering whiplash.


Jesus christ this is the most confetti I have ever seen.  It is like the Katrina of wrestling confetti right now   :o


The only thing I want to know about tonight is what the hell was Orndorff saying to Paul Heyman during that whole segment.   I think he was begging to take a shot at Hogan  


That Cena promo was something. The shooty "won't lay down for Brock because he doesn't respect the business" bit was pretty awful, but the rest was fantastic. I usually don't like "serious" Cena promos any more than "poopy pee pee" Cena promos, but that was just about as good as I've ever seen him.


It was certainly full Vigo-The-Carpathian faced.


Did he just lay down the punk card and the bitch card?  THIS IS REAL GUYS!!!


Heyman's rap was just fantastic, and I dug Weird Al's birthday wish for Hogan. Shame it was followed up by a dreadful Roman/Rybaxel match,



I thought Ryback and Axel were fun big dumb heel goons tonight. 


The ending was pretty awesome. Brock is enough reason to subscribe to the network. Scott Hall was looking good out there. Is this Daniel Bryan and personal trainer thing WWE's answer to Claire Lynch? I hope so! That angle provided tons of unintentional comedy.


Heath Slater being the third most over current guy on the show was pretty awesome. With Santino gone, I hope maybe he can slide into the designated "loveable comedy face" role.


Orndorff''s mustache continues to be the greatest thing ever. I would watch a WWE Network show with him just to marvel at that 'stache. It is kinda sad, tho, that the other legends all looked pretty good - even Flair looked a lot healthier than he appeared in recent appearances - while poor Paul evidently can't raise his arms over his head. So glad to see Scott Hall get one more moment in the spotlight and the Piper ovation was pretty incredible.


Loved the Hogan video. Wasn't quite as good as the Kid Rock WWF History vid from years back - even tho I never in a million years thought I'd hear Dylan on WWE tv - but it was a pretty damn sweet tribute. If I ever wanted to show my mythical children why Hogan was my hero as a kid, that video would pretty well sum it up in a nutshell.


The ending was pretty awesome. Brock is enough reason to subscribe to the network. Scott Hall was looking good out there. Is this Daniel Bryan and personal trainer thing WWE's answer to Claire Lynch? I hope so! That angle provided tons of unintentional comedy.


I think "Megan" was wearing the same uniform as Six Flags log flume operators. 


So, go ahead and make any joke you want out of some combination of "log" "flume" "flag" and "please keep your hand inside at all times."


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I actually willed myself to sit down and gut this out.


To hell with selling me on $9.99 a month, WWE needs to sell me on not cutting my fucking cable.

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