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Heath Slater being the third most over current guy on the show was pretty awesome. With Santino gone, I hope maybe he can slide into the designated "loveable comedy face" role.




The streak!


Who is the two behind the two in 2-342?


Boy am I FF a lot right now.  But, dammit.  Miz deserves a mini-fashion-watch tonight...but VERY MINI:


This Week:

That guy that wanted to date Tony Montana's sister.

  • Like 6

Orndorff's gonna be at an indy show in my area this coming Saturday.  I hope to God they have that music for him.  That was the highlight of Raw.

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I was digging the Don Johnson vibe the Miz had going on a couple weeks ago but no way would Sonny be caught dead wearing those insipid slip-on loafers without socks. Also, I don't think Miz could pull off the 5 O'Clock shadown needed to make the look truly work.


Dean Ambrose promotional tour Web Diary:


August 11: 9:05 a.m.

I was catching some shuteye in my new apartment when I was awoken to find a bunch of guys, like, wrapping my whole place up in orange paper.  This wouldn't be the first time one of my apartments has been mistakenly collected by the local sanitation authorities.  I've written a few letters about this, but apparently most municipalities don't recognize the presence of a paper bag filled with hair as enough furniture to constitute an official place of residence.

Whatever. I was settling down for my free truck ride to my favorite hip discount store "The East Transfer Station" and after awhile I dozed off again.  Last night's briefcase casserole was still making me sleepy.  I think it was the tryptophan in the two Arbees chicken fingers I found floating in that half-full carton of Nestle Quik.  Really good stuff.  Hey, here's a quick internet foody tip: among the types of finger you may end up with in a briefcase casserole, the chicken kind are among the best.  But that doesn't mean you should look down your nose at other types though.  And you could taste the briefcase, you know.

So, I'm woken up not by the sound of scavenger birds, like usual, but by the smell of Seth's conditioner combination.  He uses one kind on the blonde part and another kind on the other part, and a third kind on his chest hair.   It's unmistakable.  So, I took a risk.  I just charged at the wall of my box, even though it was a load-bearing wall and whaddyaknow??? Next thing I'm pummeling his fucking rat face in the middle of RAW!

A perfect end to a pretty good Monday.

Tonight: Binge-watching "Cockroach is the New Bedbug" (inside joke, but yeah, I'll probably be playing with my bugs).




Tonight's promotional tour statistics:


New network subscribers: 0

refrigerator-box shacks converted to open floor plan: 1

locks of dyed-blonde highlights added to outsider art concept piece "Chair made out of hair in a bag": 3

  • Like 6

Any time they do one of these Claire Lynch-style angles, I wish they'd go with the idea Bryan Alvarez had where you just keeping using the actress who played Claire Lynch. The idea being she's a con artist who has found a nice sideline career in the wrestling business ruining babyfaces' lives for money. A nice bit of inter promotional continuity.

  • Like 1

Heath Slater being the third most over current guy on the show was pretty awesome. With Santino gone, I hope maybe he can slide into the designated "loveable comedy face" role.


Orndorff''s mustache continues to be the greatest thing ever. I would watch a WWE Network show with him just to marvel at that 'stache. It is kinda sad, tho, that the other legends all looked pretty good - even Flair looked a lot healthier than he appeared in recent appearances - while poor Paul evidently can't raise his arms over his head. So glad to see Scott Hall get one more moment in the spotlight and the Piper ovation was pretty incredible.


Loved the Hogan video. Wasn't quite as good as the Kid Rock WWF History vid from years back - even tho I never in a million years thought I'd hear Dylan on WWE tv - but it was a pretty damn sweet tribute. If I ever wanted to show my mythical children why Hogan was my hero as a kid, that video would pretty well sum it up in a nutshell.



Having all those guys in the ring, I'm amazed they didn't take the chance to turn Piper NWO.  Just to remind us we will never be far enough away form that that they can't still piss on us.


Not sure what was best about Miz's segment: Him continuing to dress like a '70s sleazy car salesmen, noting his wife and dogs were all on the "Miz branding team" or threatening the world with the terrifying prospect of there never being a Marine 5


Ryback needs to punch the social media manager, he is going nowhere. Axel is way better off than he was before his push started. But they have ruined Ryback's career, he would be better off in the Bullet Club.


Dean Ambrose promotional tour Web Diary:

August 11: 9:05 a.m.

I was catching some shuteye in my new apartment when I was awoken to find a bunch of guys, like, wrapping my whole place up in orange paper. This wouldn't be the first time one of my apartments has been mistakenly collected by the local sanitation authorities. I've written a few letters about this, but apparently most municipalities don't recognize the presence of a paper bag filled with hair as enough furniture to constitute an official place of residence.

Whatever. I was settling down for my free truck ride to my favorite hip discount store "The East Transfer Station" and after awhile I dozed off again. Last night's briefcase casserole was still making me sleepy. I think it was the tryptophan in the two Arbees chicken fingers I found floating in that half-full carton of Nestle Quik. Really good stuff. Hey, here's a quick internet foody tip: among the types of finger you may end up with in a briefcase casserole, the chicken kind are among the best. But that doesn't mean you should look down your nose at other types though. And you could taste the briefcase, you know.

So, I'm woken up not by the sound of scavenger birds, like usual, but by the smell of Seth's conditioner combination. He uses one kind on the blonde part and another kind on the other part, and a third kind on his chest hair. It's unmistakable. So, I took a risk. I just charged at the wall of my box, even though it was a load-bearing wall and whaddyaknow??? Next thing I'm pummeling his fucking rat face in the middle of RAW!

A perfect end to a pretty good Monday.

Tonight: Binge-watching "Cockroach is the New Bedbug" (inside joke, but yeah, I'll probably be playing with my bugs).




Tonight's promotional tour statistics:

New network subscribers: 0

refrigerator-box shacks converted to open floor plan: 1

locks of dyed-blonde highlights added to outsider art concept piece "Chair made out of hair in a bag": 3


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I was legitimately shocked by Piper showing up since he just did that shoot where he insinuates that Patterson sexually harassed him back in the day. And when Lesnar showed up, my first thought was to wonder if anyone in the ring could still take a bump. Speaking of Lesnar, I'm trying to come up with a name for Heyman's John Cena dis. "Paul E.ther"? "Fuck Wit' Hey Day"? "Real Muthaphukkin' Jewz"?


They are still doing a celebration on the Network right now


And we are going to get a cake spot  in 2014   :lol:


Oh for fuck sake they are doing the 9.99 stuff ON THE NETWORK.   Were on the damn Network watch it you morons


I love grumpy Paul Orndorff.   How is this guy not have his own show  on the Network






Its completely silly.



I might be the only one, but I do not enjoy the "RKO from mid-air" spots as they come off so forced. Sheamus MIGHT have been going for a shoulder tackle (as he had done that from the top rope before), but the positioning was all weird for me to buy that. Christian/Orton did it in their match sometime back and it made sense as Christian was going for the frog splash (a Christan staple) and Orton countered. This didn't work well for Rollins or Bourne when they did it- so the spot is very hit or miss with me. More often-that-not the spot doesn't look good when replayed (and just exposes everyone involved), so if it MUST be done -- show it once and that's it.


Eva Marie is something else. She rolls out of the ring with a huge smile on her face and blows a kiss toward the fans. Two minutes later she is still by the ringside but this time holding her neck. I feel like this girl is told something and she does it, but she doesn't know how to transition her acting from emotion to emotion. It's HIGH and then immediately LOW, where is the middle?


I guess all the everyone in the back decided to make peace for Hogan's birthday? That's a trope that needs to go immediately. If someone dies, sure. The locker room fills the stage. If its a shoot and the workers decide to actually flood the stage to give praise. That's cool as well. But the company mandated 'Okay everyone! Go stage out on the stage and look respectful!' thing looks so stupid. Sure Brock and Cena weren't part of it, but everyone else on The SummerSlam card was and it just looked stupid.

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Ambrose seems like kind of a weird guy to send on a PR tour. Obviously, he's not some Brian Pillman-type and legit as crazy off-screen as he is on...but yeah, just an odd choice. He doesn't seem like someone who could say 'WWE Unverse' 50 times in an interview without looking mortified.    


Ambrose seems like kind of a weird guy to send on a PR tour. Obviously, he's not some Brian Pillman-type and legit as crazy off-screen as he is off...but yeah, just an odd choice. He doesn't seem like someone who could say 'WWE Unverse' 50 times in an interview without looking mortified.    


He did manage to plug the network tonight but it sounded like this:




I'm guessing at some of that because about halfway through that sentence threw the mic into the crowd and just kind of screamed and jumped up and down for awhile.


The first two hours of RAW was so bad it killed Robin Williams!

If I could ever bring the ban hammer down using the power of sheer will...

  • Like 1

Ambrose seems like kind of a weird guy to send on a PR tour. Obviously, he's not some Brian Pillman-type and legit as crazy off-screen as he is on...but yeah, just an odd choice. He doesn't seem like someone who could say 'WWE Unverse' 50 times in an interview without looking mortified.    


A year or so ago they had the Shield guys on a local news channel and Ambrose was great, very natural, very funny. I was surprised by how good he is at doing media.



Ambrose seems like kind of a weird guy to send on a PR tour. Obviously, he's not some Brian Pillman-type and legit as crazy off-screen as he is on...but yeah, just an odd choice. He doesn't seem like someone who could say 'WWE Unverse' 50 times in an interview without looking mortified.    


A year or so ago they had the Shield guys on a local news channel and Ambrose was great, very natural, very funny. I was surprised by how good he is at doing media.



He totally crashed at that Fox News Lady's place that night.

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I like how the Outsiders were surprise guests, but Hogan still had an nWo shirt on underneath anyways. He's like "Gotta be prepared in case shit goes down."

I was also worried Cena would end up joining the nWo as Hogan helps him embrace his dark side.

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I know it would have made no sense, but when Brock came down, I really wanted Sting to come down from the rafters with his coat and his big black bat.....only to see Flair and Piper and all the other old timers beat the piss out of him while Brock and Heyman look on, bewildered.

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