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They should have brought Adam Rose in as the former lead singer of 3MB who quit and went on to have a sucessful solo career.  Now Heath and company are pissed at him.  Instant feud.  That would have found something for them all to do and could have been a believable first program for Rose.  I just don't believe he can stand up to Jack Swagger, or anyone else really.  

No, they should have introduced him in the battle royal, with all of his people on the outside crowdsurfing him back in when he got eliminated.


My god, Adam Rose can never lose a battle royal!  Take that, Kofi!


Well they now have until Mid-January to figure this conundrum out.  Otherwise, Adam Rose is going to be doing some sign pointing.

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I don't watch NXT (yeah, yeah, I know), so can anyone tell me why it is I'm supposed to cheer Adam Rose? A preening asshole with a Russell Brand gimmick seems like it would make a lot more sense as a heel.





They should have brought Adam Rose in as the former lead singer of 3MB who quit and went on to have a sucessful solo career.  Now Heath and company are pissed at him.  Instant feud.  That would have found something for them all to do and could have been a believable first program for Rose.  I just don't believe he can stand up to Jack Swagger, or anyone else really.  

No, they should have introduced him in the battle royal, with all of his people on the outside crowdsurfing him back in when he got eliminated.


My god, Adam Rose can never lose a battle royal!  Take that, Kofi!


Well they now have until Mid-January to figure this conundrum out.  Otherwise, Adam Rose is going to be doing some sign pointing.


That's if the entrance lasts til Rumble.  Extras cost money, ya'know.


I don't watch NXT (yeah, yeah, I know), so can anyone tell me why it is I'm supposed to cheer Adam Rose? A preening asshole with a Russell Brand gimmick seems like it would make a lot more sense as a heel.


He's a fun-loving, good-natured guy.

He actually only had I think three NXT matches.


They already dissappeared the Roman Footsolider love child of Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds and John Nord.


Sadly the highlight of RAW for me was the Twitter discussion over the lack of diversification in Rusev's opponents

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Its like if Bryan isn't wrestling cesaro every week the weird "he's getting buried!" People show right back up and act like mania didn't happen, etc... I pointed out that Kane is a Guy that every top star ends up feuding with, its inevitable.

As for The Shield, I think people are just pissed because its evolution. If they were building a rematch with any other group..it'd be fine.. but again these same people think Shield getting buried!!! Ahhh!

Calm down.

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Bryan's not getting buried.  He's in a shitty fued that's dredging up the worst hokey shit from the Attitude Era.  Running from Kane unless when he has no choice makes him look weak, not buried.


Yeah, pissed at the Shield's treatment because its fucking Evolution, and yeah, shit was better before Trip started putting himself back on TV every damn week.


Mania happened, then he got married, then his dad died, then his favorite Make-A-Wish kid died, an extended feud with a road buddy is probably what the doctor ordered.

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Sadly the highlight of RAW for me was the Twitter discussion over the lack of diversification in Rusev's opponents


He opened up with Ryder, then a couple against Sin Cara 2.0. If anything, it's whose booking his opponents that may have the issue...


I'm actually really enjoying Triple H right now. A lot has been written about him burying people and much of it true but he's also the same guy who tapped to Benoit and Cena at Wrestlemania, put Batista over in every big match, and put DB over cleanly at WM.

The fact that he's on TV every week showing ass against the Shield shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

After all, say it with me now, it's what's best for business.


shit was better before Trip started putting himself back on TV every damn week.

Was it? I started watching again with the big Punk angle in 2011, and two years later I was ready to quit again because almost nothing of note had happened. Then the Authority storyline started up and pulled me back in. Would you rather return to Ryback main events, face Orton, Brodus pushes, and entirely too much focus on Alberto Del Rio?


Re: Bryans/Kane Daniel flat-out said on last week's Raw that he never wanted Brie involved in this. When she's not around he's all KANE IS GONNA DIE.


The top guys were cena, punk, orton, del Rio, big show, Kane and sometimes Mark Henry. The only one I've missed is mark Henry. I love that Bryan, shield, Wyatt's and maybe cesaro in the nest future are replacing these guys...


I hate HHH as much as the next guy, but complaining about Evolution killing the Shield is just ridiculous.  Evolution got beat, and they're getting payback so we can have another match, which they'll probably win, setting up a gimmick rubber match to settle things once and for all.  Aside from that one RAW where Shield just stood there and cut promos, I think this has been done really well, and I have no problem with Shield taking a beating if they get vengeance later. 


And I do think maybe a little too much was expected from Adam Rose, but that's kind of how this board is.  You go look at the NXT threads, and everybody was trying to outdo each other proclaiming how incredible he was to the point that people were suggesting he would blow the roof off the joint if he debuted at WrestleMania.  I think it might have been better if he had debuted at Smackdown where they could have sweetened the crowd and made him seem like a bigger deal.

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At the end of the battle royal, I was prepared to see Ambrose win and I was SO deflated when Sheamus threw him out. I just audibly went, "Aww." Then I was silent for a while. Well, he still takes the Brogue Kick better than ANY person, and he's still the BEST guy in wrestling anyway, and he still has the longest US title reign in WWE's history. Hold me...


Later, when Shield lost the main, I bit my lip. Ah, well. it was a fine match with an uninterested crowd.


That weak crowd is why I think Adam Rose will be fine, too. He just needs an audience that isn't totally depressed after seeing their hero Ambrose lose his belt. Don't worry, people. TM Dean will win the WWE WHC in time.


Mania happened, then he got married, then his dad died, then his favorite Make-A-Wish kid died, an extended feud with a road buddy is probably what the doctor ordered.

Great point, the timing is good in that way. There was bound to be some disappointment if you go back to the Mania thread and post Mania RAW thread. People getting carried away talking about things like the next boom period. That takes time and strong word of mouth. The word of mouth will take a bit longer this time around. People lost a lot of credibility when they tried to sell CM Punk as something special. Have to regain the trust of relapsed fans first. Having flashback to Kane and Zack Ryder makes some sense. I think it is important to remember that it was actually Cena and Kane feuding. Ryder was the gullible lackey. Bryan is a long way from being in that position.


The Kane thing, Bryan needs a feud that's a clear win from the start. They've got history and it will be a good easy win that, importantly, the fans will expect him to win for a change.


What's so confusing about the Kane v. Bryan stuff is that they've decided to ignore the history between the two of them. This wasn't some blip, the two were inseparable for close to a year and had a tag team that was pretty legendary for the modern era.


It almost seems like the original plan was for Bryan to continue to feud with HHH and Kane to turn "evil" and continue his feud with the Shield. They then decided to flip the switch without changing up the creative direction.


What the WWE was getting so good at before this recent flat period was actually understanding their audience and giving the people what they wanted instead of forcing dopey storylines clearly meant for 8 year olds on a largely adult audience.


The intention is to build up Kane and make the audience fearful of what he is going to do to Daniel Bryan and Brie. But this isn't 1991 or even 2001. The audience is too smart now. The audience knows this is a filler feud which takes Bryan away from what got him over (great wrestling), goes nowhere and ends with Bryan on top.


The thing about HHH being back on TV all the time is that he's been friggin' terrific. So has Steph.


Stuff happens when they're on-screen. They advance the narrative. The Daniel Bryan Struggle doesn't work if he's not forced to jump through HHH's various hoops. If he just wins a bunch of matches, there's nothing to it. But he wins and gets nowhere because HHH doesn't like his look -- that's the struggle right there. HHH has delivered. This isn't DX doing their god-awful stuff for 30 minutes a pop or The McMahon-Helmsley Regine taking up 30 minute segments. HHH had maybe 10 minutes of screen time last night.

Also, HHH has brought it in the ring. I forget how many other times he wrestled since SummerSlam. But his match against Bryan at WrestleMania was aces and the match against The Shield was even better.


Actually, if they fought over Kane not being invited to the wedding, I would have more patience for people bitching about it.


If they fought over Kane not being invited to the wedding, I'd actually be interested, because it'd be something I haven't seen before: Bitchy, butt-hurt Kane, jealous of DB's new wife.


Kane is a demon grar grar fire? Bo-ring.

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