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Well, thank god all the 40 year olds got their heat back. Lord knows how we'll rely on them all as the future of the company.

Jesus. So The Shield shouldn't even get beaten down ever?


They should..


Just not by the 40 year olds they kicked the shit out of last night that need to just go the fuck away already.  Who seriously wants Evolution hanging around outside of people loving the latest nostaliga trip.  Can we go back further and have Shield vs. nWo next?  I'm sure there's a couple old members who can still go without breaking a hip or tearing a quad.


And god damn is this Bryan/Kane fued out of WrestleCrap's Greatest Hits of the Attitude Era.

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Bryan explained in his press conference last night how everyone in a small town knows how to drive a forklift. I'd imagine that same skill-set translates to hybrid car engine maintenance.

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Seriously people, we're two pages in and that was the first heavy hand joke?


This is a company in which people regularly say things like "Man, HHH has a lot of stroke."



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I felt like Brie's reactions were perfectly acceptable for the level of terror felt when a wire is disconnected from a thing. 

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WWE feels like they have been spinning their wheels since Wrestlemania. I realize some pretty outstanding circumstances have happened surrounding Bryan, but everything is just so dull now. All the matches & feuds feel played out. We've seen Wyatts Vs. Shield. We've seen Evolution Vs. Shield. Elimination Chamber gave us Wyatts Vs. Shield. Extreme Rules gave us Evolution Vs. Shield. Now RAW gives us Wyatts Vs. Shield with Evolution interfering so that we can get Shield Vs. Evolution again at Payback?


It's the same thing with Daniel Bryan Vs. Kane. Or John Cena Vs. Bray Wyatt. Why doesn't shit ever END anymore?


Horrible RAW full of bad acting & hokey segments.

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And yeah, that complete silent explosion you didn't hear was Adam Rose bombing hard.  The gimmick wasn't ready for Prime Time,.

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Well, thank god all the 40 year olds got their heat back. Lord knows how we'll rely on them all as the future of the company.

Jesus. So The Shield shouldn't even get beaten down ever?



Not for bullshit even steven booking, It is, in fact, what got them this over in the first place, while almost everybody else they've pushed in the past ten years has floundered.

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Well, thank god all the 40 year olds got their heat back. Lord knows how we'll rely on them all as the future of the company. I'm sure a chickenshit babyface is gonna draw real well for the company too.



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Bryan explained in his press conference last night how everyone in a small town knows how to drive a forklift. I'd imagine that same skill-set translates to hybrid car engine maintenance.


I come from a tiny town.  And once when I was in high school, my car stopped because of a wire disconnected from the battery.  So this angle just got real for me. 

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There's this MSG show on youtube where Slaughter bumps like crazy for Andre from 81 or so. Also, I saw the first half of a pretty good HTM vs Tito match from 89. There was some promise of Heenan playing the guitar the next week. I really like hearing Tony S paired with Lord Alfred. 


From what I saw, Bryan vs ADR was pretty good too. I love how much character Del Rio has in his matches. The pissed off Si Si Si before the cross armbreaker attempt was great.

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I'm totally on board the Exotic Express but it definitely didn't come across as good tonight as it does on NXT. Several things were wrong/missing.


- Get rid of the goofy intro music at the beginning and just start with the lights off and strobe effects with the song playing until Adam comes out

- Ogre dressed as the Gladiator needs brought up to the main show and made a permanent part of the entourage. He's just as important to the package as the bunny

- The commentators don't help the gimmick at all. On NXT Renee and Regal, two cool people, constantly put over how awesome it is to party with Adam. Contrast that with tonight where insufferable JBL just hollers about how stupid Rose is and then - worst of all - they cut to Cole dancing like a dork. Way to make your "cool party guy" look like a tool.


I'm going to completely no-sell all that and say that Ambrose finally threw some stiff shots in the royale. Then again when you're up against Sheamus you had better lay it in. 




Did they think Sowden would get a heel reaction?  Vince is such an old man he's getting all his news from Parade Magazine:

Q: Dear Parade:  How many Americans have died because of Edward Snowden's crimes against God?

A: It's hard to say, loyal reader.  So many have died since Snowden that it's hard to separate the ones he murdered from the ones who simply expired from the shame of seeing Lady Liberty exposed and sodomized by hippies.

Q: Dear Parade: What is Anne Hathaway really like?

A: You know, she could try harder.  Maybe lose some weight and smile more.  Also consider being blonde like a true white person.

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And yeah, that complete silent explosion you didn't hear was Adam Rose bombing hard.  The gimmick wasn't ready for Prime Time,.


Crowd was even quieter for the Shield.




Well, thank god all the 40 year olds got their heat back. Lord knows how we'll rely on them all as the future of the company.

Jesus. So The Shield shouldn't even get beaten down ever?



Not for bullshit even steven booking, It is, in fact, what got them this over in the first place, while almost everybody else they've pushed in the past ten years has floundered.



The beloved Horsemen spent roughly a decade jumping dudes who just beat them It's the same thing. The dickhead snobs want some more. They're not running away. But like true heels, they're not running into the fray with even odds. It's how you do rematches. The match on Sunday was a MOTYC. I'm totally fine with a rematch.

Shield vs. Wyatt's again is AWESOME and I am fine if they want to give me 20 minutes of those dudes every week for the rest of my life. I'm also guessing the Triple Powerbomb is what eliminated Batista for a few shows.

They can get the Bryan/Kane stuff back on track if Brie "stays at home for her own safety" and Bryan just beats the hell out of him for tormenting his wife. Bryan gave a great promo last night at the press conference talking about how he wasn't done with Kane yet. This might also end with a "Title vs. Career" match, which would be a fantastic way for Kane to get written off.


Is Rose gonna be another Emma in that "It was a good gimmick on NXT, I swear!" ?


Well there is nothing as guaranteed to get your dancing person gimmick over than Michael Cole doing the dance while sitting at a table screaming how fun it is with the maniacal grin of a man with electrodes strapped to his testicles.


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I do gotta complain about Bryan's booking.  You just beat the dude in a No DQ match the night before, while you're not at 100%.  Shit, you're not even at 75%.  Really, running away at the first sign of his music?


Also, bad form, not being Genre Savvy by not running Kane over again after he fell off the car.  You ALWAYS double tap.




There's this MSG show on youtube where Slaughter bumps like crazy for Andre from 81 or so


If that's back up then I would recommend everyone to immediately watch it


I missed the Adam Rose debut, and haven't been watching NXT long enough to be familiar with the gimmick. The vignettes made me kinda think he was supposed to be one of those ecstasy/dubstep guys or something.


You're right. The dickhead snobs aren't running away. The #2 babyface in the company has that covered.


For Bray they need to have something like this outside the arena each night greeting the audience:



And just move it from arena to arena.

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I missed the Adam Rose debut, and haven't been watching NXT long enough to be familiar with the gimmick. The vignettes made me kinda think he was supposed to be one of those ecstasy/dubstep guys or something.


Adam Rose is basically Russell Brand's "Get Him to the Greek" character as a pro wrestler. He got over in his first appearance on his entrance alone. So, of course, they changed it.

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