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This was one of those shows that just wouldn't end. Sheamus getting the U.S. Title was unexpected, but I do like that it at least puts the title on a guy who will defend it for a while as a face, and probably use it to turn heel. Cesaro-RVD was better here than on the PPV, sans the finish - although I liked that showing a vicious side to Cesaro. Lots of nothing occurred for hour one, and even Ryback and Cody did double duty. All of the acting with Kane and Bryan's angle sucked. Bryan-Alberto was decent, although Alberto is starting to look really old physique-wise. The Mr. T video was just mean. Funny sure, but needlessly cruel. The guy loves his mother and YOU FUCKING MOCK HIM FOR IT TO CELEBRATE MOTHER'S DAY. Shield-Wyatts was the worst match of the bunch yet. Still pretty good though. The post-match stuff with Evolution was great and I'm looking forward to the next match a lot.




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Well, thank god all the 40 year olds got their heat back. Lord knows how we'll rely on them all as the future of the company. I'm sure a chickenshit babyface is gonna draw real well for the company too.

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The Bryan/Kane backstage stuff was totally a BRADY BUNCH episode.  It was great that they kept competing to scare each other until the girls went too far and Peter twisted his ankle.  

Then shit got real and motherfuckers needed a talking to.  
What I'm saying is that I think some motherfuckers on the booking team need a talking to.


Rather than focus on the "HE'S GETTING BERRIED!!" similarities between tonight's Daniel Bryan angle and a similar Zack Ryder angle from a few years ago, I will say that Daniel Bryan is quite the jack of all trades. Not only can he operate a forklift, he can also diagnose what's wrong with a car within seconds of looking under the hood.


Things I liked tonight:

1) The Dean Ambrose Battle Royal, with Sheamus winning the belt and starting to look like a heel a bit.

2) Lana using both Vladimir Putin AND Edward Snowden for cheap heat.

3) Bray Wyatt, revealing to us that he's a socialist Messiah here to burn the world down so the beggars and outcasts of society can one day reign over his kingdom. AWESOME.

4) Wade Barret calling Albany "deformed slobs."

5) Main event crushed it. Great friggin' match.

The rest of the show sucked. You know it's bad if I say it's bad.

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Rather than focus on the "HE'S GETTING BERRIED!!" similarities between tonight's Daniel Bryan angle and a similar Zack Ryder angle from a few years ago, I will say that Daniel Bryan is quite the jack of all trades. Not only can he operate a forklift, he can also diagnose what's wrong with a car within seconds of looking under the hood.



  • Like 2

Rather than focus on the "HE'S GETTING BERRIED!!" similarities between tonight's Daniel Bryan angle and a similar Zack Ryder angle from a few years ago, I will say that Daniel Bryan is quite the jack of all trades. Not only can he operate a forklift, he can also diagnose what's wrong with a car within seconds of looking under the hood.


Well, that's because every WWE Superstar has a side job to fall back on: garbage man, plumber, race car driver, etc.

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"Daniel, that Jobber to the Stars who jobbed to you last night and that you used to regularly beat up in group therapy and was working in a human resources cubicle mere weeks ago has  threatened to job to you again by leaving plastic collectibles sitting out!"

"Yikes!  This will make for a fantastic three or four month feud!"


Well, thank god all the 40 year olds got their heat back. Lord knows how we'll rely on them all as the future of the company. I'm sure a chickenshit babyface is gonna draw real well for the company too.


They're setting up a rematch for Evolution/Shield. Maybe even a War Games type thing? There's nothing wrong with Evolution jumping The Shield as the Hounds do battle with their greatest rivals in order to settle the score. That's heel dickery 101 right there.

I won't touch the Bryan/Kane stuff. Please end it right away.

Two Puerto Ricans celebrating a Mexican holiday while pretending to be Spanish. I really don't know what to say. That's wrestling?


Bray took a completely absurd angle with the goddamn kid and killed it with a promo. Speaking of saving things, Kane at least took a big bump and did his best Jason Voorhees impersonation to try and save his angle with Bryan. 


Man Barrett and Big E have great chemistry and work super hard even if Albany is on Barrett's side. I don't blame them after Barrett said "BANG, BANG." in the absolute sleaziest/most arrogant fashion before dropping the Cactus elbow. 


I don't know what was funnier, Zeb's reaction to Adam Rose or JBL yelling "HE'S AN EXHIBITIONIST!" At which point Cole immediately lost it and probably laughed through the entire commercial break like myself. I never thought I'd see a club kid/raver gimmick in WWE but... well... here it is...


Haven't seen the high water mark of the Shield/Wyatts PPV match but that was really fucking good. And I hope Roman wasn't spitting up internal blood cause that shit was bright red. 


I am all for Barrett and Sheamus kicking the shit out of each other until we get an unification match come Summerslam.


I mean, if they survive long enough until Summerslam. That European tour is like days away.



I don't know what was funnier, Zeb's reaction to Adam Rose or JBL yelling "HE'S AN EXHIBITIONIST!" At which point Cole immediately lost it and probably laughed through the entire commercial break like myself. I never thought I'd see a club kid/raver gimmick in WWE but... well... here it is...



Was Zeb trying to win a reaction gif fantasy league?


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Oh yeah, Barrett vs. Big E was really solid. I had my eye on the NBA for a bit so I didn't watch 100% of that match but that match was real good from what I saw.

Adam Rose and Zeb is going to be a blast. I really want Swagger at one point to hold one of the lesser belts for the Zeb Colter gloating promo that I know he has in him. I'm oddly obsessed with the art of heel managerial gloating.


Now, I'm not trying to say that I've seen porn stars that could act circles around Brie Bella...but I've seen porn stars that could act circles around Brie Bella. 


Come on!

Brie has perfected the "cover your mouth and move you eyes side to side" technique that was so carefully developed by people who needed to spend a night in a haunted house in order to inherit it in the 1920s.

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Well, thank god all the 40 year olds got their heat back. Lord knows how we'll rely on them all as the future of the company.

Jesus. So The Shield shouldn't even get beaten down ever?


I missed the first half hour-45 minutes and by far the worst thing on this show from what I saw had to be Brie Bella. She is fucking awful, just absolutely fucking awful. Other than that I have zero complaints about the show. Although Rose didn't get over super well tonight I think they did him a solid by letting him work with Zeb and he'll get there eventually.


At least some of the Brie stuff feels like Bryan is trying to do his wife a solid and get her over. And part of Brie's role is to eventually get physical comeuppance on Steph once this thing ends. But she's really brutal.


Two Puerto Ricans celebrating a Mexican holiday while pretending to be Spanish. I really don't know what to say. That's wrestling?

Between that and the Bulgarian guy who is apparently loyal to Mother Russia, I'm wondering when the 1980s can take their gimmicks back.


I missed the first half hour-45 minutes and by far the worst thing on this show from what I saw had to be Brie Bella. She is fucking awful, just absolutely fucking awful. Other than that I have zero complaints about the show. Although Rose didn't get over super well tonight I think they did him a solid by letting him work with Zeb and he'll get there eventually.


Look, at worst she's the third best woman to be attacked by Kane in the back of a vehicle during a live television broadcast.

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Rather than focus on the "HE'S GETTING BERRIED!!" similarities between tonight's Daniel Bryan angle and a similar Zack Ryder angle from a few years ago, I will say that Daniel Bryan is quite the jack of all trades. Not only can he operate a forklift, he can also diagnose what's wrong with a car within seconds of looking under the hood.


Well, that's because every WWE Superstar has a side job to fall back on: garbage man, plumber, race car driver, etc.



Wire identifier?


As difficult as this is for me given tonights curtain jerker...I am absolutely sworn on my own internet honor and on the sanctity of the May wrestling thread and probably Rippa's last fucking nerve not to make any



But I am wondering...I mean...

Ambrose could have used some coaching from Stephanie on how to use heavy hand work when taking on 19 men.

also curtain jerker

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