Charlie M. Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 I must say that aside from all her obvious physical gifts, this Lana character is actually pretty good at the whole managing thing. Not sure how they expect anyone to boo her, though.
Ace Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Luke Harper's bald spot is awesome in all the ways that RVD's isn't. 4
piranesi Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Luke Harper's bald spot is awesome in all the ways that RVD's isn't. It takes care of itself. That's the thing.
Niners Fan in CT Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Bryan's first feud in the main event was against John Cena. Then he moved on to Randy Orton and The Authority with a brief stop in Wyatt Land. He's been the focal point of the show for like 8 months. He's been closing out RAWs for 8 months.. Stone Cold's first main event feud was not HBK.
Reed Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Maybe we're being too rough on Brie and/or Eve. I mean, the material is so abysmal, even Meryl Streep would struggle to make it good. WWE script directions for these skits: 1) Continually say "Come on, we have to hurry!" 2) Scream like a little girl 3) Remind Bryan/Zack that "we have to get out of here" as if they didn't already know. 4) Scream continually when Kane attacks.
offspring515 Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 I like that people are focusing on Brie's terrible acting and are completely ignoring how DB wasn't any better. I guess I don't see what was so bad about the show. It's okay to love a bunch of goofy shit like the Wee LC match from last night but the second they step into SyFy movie mode, it's the worst thing ever. Quit denying you're a nerd. If anything was absolutely terrible, it was the fact that RVD won't fucking go away. Barrett is awesome and bad ass. But most of all, is thrilled as fuck to be there. That kind of positive energy is contagious. Hell, he even trashed the terrible Kane/Bryans segment. How can you not love him? WeE L C was played for comedy and was lots of fun. Kane/Bryan is a main event angle and is no fun at all. I get that Bryan was running to get his wife out of harms way. It still didn't make him look good. "ZOMG THIS GUY THAT 99% OF THE AUDIENCE IS UNFAMILIAR WITH ISN'T INSTANTANEOUSLY OVER! WHO ARE THE AD WIZARDS WHO CAME UP WITH THIS ONE?" Is going to be soooooo fucking annoying everytime an NXT guy comes up now.
piranesi Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 They're still doing Crisley commercials."HEY ARMERICA! Forget that one horrible family reality show that makes you sick every time you see it on E! Here's a completely different EXACT SAME THING!!!!!!" 1
Reed Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Adding Brie to the act was a bad idea. Ironically, she and Bryan have no real chemistry together. You know what Savage/Liz had? Well, they have like the total opposite. I mean, if I didn't know they were actually together, I'd just assume this was some awful pairing thrown together by the bookers.
Johnny Sorrow Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Yes the crowd was silent for Rose. Besides the fact they were all singing his song after it stopped playing. And the two guys yelling "BOOO!" as loud as the could proving that they must be a real blast to hang with. 1
LooseCannon Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 If Brie is just showing the same emotional range while acting that she has in real life, she better hope she never gets raped, because no one is going to believe her story. Was anyone else kind of expecting the engine to be magically gone and for Kane to pop out from under the hood? Does the longer walk from the entrance to the ring make Adam Rose's entrance drag on too long? Does Zeb's deportation list mean that he will get a female charge? Maybe AJ can return and join his stable and feud with Paige, Emma, and Natalya. The crowd did not like Ziggler being eliminated by Santino. Lana should talk about how Putin is humiliating "your black president", leading to Mark Henry-Rusev feud.
piranesi Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Okay, now we're five pages in and I'm still the only person to make a joke about Steph and her heavy hand. Are you guys, like, trying to prove that you're better than that? Because it's getting old and I know for a fact that you're not. Tonight we learned that Steph gets what she wants from workers by using her heavy hand. Jesus, did I wake up on wrestlingclassics? THIS IS OUR LEVEL!!!!! SINK TO IT! 1
Reed Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 if Lana is Bridget Nielssen and Rusev is Ivan Drago... So..does Rusev have to kill a black guy now?
Hooks Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 I'm honestly not even bothered by the whole thing. Having been a wrestling fan all my life I just accept that sometimes, stuff is going to happen like this, especially as long as Kane and Undertaker have been around. It's just that for some reason DB having to pop the hood and quickly assess the situation and discovering a random wire made me laugh out loud.
Johnny Sorrow Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 That being said, what a boring show. The battle royal, Bryan/ Del Rio, The Mr T bit, Rose and Zeb, and the Shield/ Wyatts into the Evo beatdown all ruled but the rest was dull.
Skelemania Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 If Brie is just showing the same emotional range while acting that she has in real life, she better hope she never gets raped, because no one is going to believe her story. Jesus...who says something like this?? 11
Cristobal Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Bryan's first feud in the main event was against John Cena. Then he moved on to Randy Orton and The Authority with a brief stop in Wyatt Land. He's been the focal point of the show for like 8 months. He's been closing out RAWs for 8 months.. Stone Cold's first main event feud was not HBK. No, it was Bret Hart, who was better. His first feud after winning the belt was with Vince, also known as the best feud of a generation. What is your point?
Johnny Sorrow Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 I love that the writers are apparently so sheltered they have no idea what's under the hood of a car. 1
piranesi Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 I'm honestly not even bothered by the whole thing. Having been a wrestling fan all my life I just accept that sometimes, stuff is going to happen like this, especially as long as Kane and Undertaker have been around. It's just that for some reason DB having to pop the hood and quickly assess the situation and discovering a random wire made me laugh out loud. I like to think that while Bryan was in the ring and Kane went to sabotage the car, he lifted the hood and went to, like, smash the whole engine...and then stopped and gave a little head tilt and just flipped that one wire loose and was like, "Yeah...that's a joke for just me." 1
piranesi Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 if Lana is Bridget Nielssen and Rusev is Ivan Drago... So..does Rusev have to kill a black guy now? He killed R Truth last night. Truth even dedicated to match to America and came out singing and dancing. Done and done.
Fallacy! Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 The thing about Daniel Bryan's rise was the crowd really pushing back against WWE creative. The shittier storyline/situation Bryan found himself in, the louder the crowd got in support of him. This Bryan/Kane stuff really feels like WWE seeing how far they can push that. "Okay motherfuckers, try THIS one on for size..." 1
LooseCannon Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 If Brie is just showing the same emotional range while acting that she has in real life, she better hope she never gets raped, because no one is going to believe her story. Jesus...who says something like this?? Someone who wants to try something new instead of going with a "heavy hand" joke.
Johnny Sorrow Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 if Lana is Bridget Nielssen and Rusev is Ivan Drago... So..does Rusev have to kill a black guy now? He killed R Truth last night. Truth even dedicated to match to America and came out singing and dancing. Done and done. And Woods used to be Consequences Creed.
LooseCannon Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 The thing about Daniel Bryan's rise was the crowd really pushing back against WWE creative. The shittier storyline/situation Bryan found himself in, the louder the crowd got in support of him. This Bryan/Kane stuff really feels like WWE seeing how far they can push that. "Okay motherfuckers, try THIS one on for size..." The long-term booking plan is to have Daniel Bryan main event Wrestlemania as a heel next year.
badfish69 Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 I had to laugh at NXT General Manager JBL acting like he has never seen anything like Adam Rose's entrance. Also I think it would have gotten over better if he would have actually had something clever to say and not just some lame one liner. Brie can't act, but she is nice to look at so I don't care. I am wondering how she is going to hold up next to Steph if they are truly going that direction. I am not going to use the B word when talking about Bryan, but why in the hell do you put your world champ who had loads of momentum coming off Mania in a midcard fantasy feud?
Reed Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 I would have went with "Brie's acting is so bad it must not fool Bryan at all if she fakes it."
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