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Fun show overall due to Steph's voice, Show, Dusty, Ryback, Heyman, Miz's parents, Miz's destruction being cheered in his hometown, and Bryan. It did drag on at times though, and felt like a big treadmill for most guys. Except for HHH - he's the top star and BUY HIS DVD NEXT WEEK. Nice ending bit - loved seeing Bryan close the show being a bad-ass and a hero amongst all the other faces.




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That ending was spectacular. They're totally building Bryan up for the #1 spot. Really good episode overall, I thought. Great storytelling.


The WWE right now has the weakest babyface roster that I can remember. Great ending but that bunch aside from the Prime Time Players is horrible.


edit: I have to say my favorite non-Dusty part of the show was the fact that Miz's dad is seemingly Buck Zumhofe.


Reigns giving one defiant "Fuck You" spear to Kofi was delightful.


And I think with that pre match hug its only a matter of time before they arrange Brie to get kidnapped or something


The WWE right now has the weakest babyface roster that I can remember. Great ending but that bunch aside from the Prime Time Players is horrible.


Punk and Show weren't out there, but yeah, the drop off from the main event guys is DEEP.


And I laughed a little too much at the ridiculousness of the Big Show punch to Dusty followed by him gently dropping him to the ground...


Its going alright so far. But still have no faith they won't fuck this up.




Great show.  It managed to me really hate Steph, LOVE the Miz segment and gave me one fantastic match and ending.  I have no complaints.

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Was tonight the first time they've acknowledged Brie and D-Bry dating, other than Total Divas? That surprised me.


I think I've hit my problem with the Stephanie angle.  Unless something major changes, there's no way they can resolve it satisfactorily:  She's evil and must eventually get her comeuppance at some point, right?  There are two ways to do that, a) strip her of her power, or B) beat the holy fuck out of her.


A is out because dad owns the company and her husband is in complete control.  B is out because PG.


So what happens?  She gets to go unchecked and is never threatened.  Part of good storytelling is that someone can't have all the cards, because otherwise, where's the conflict. 



And frankly, even though we all knew it was coming.... Daniel Bryan's two WWE Championship reigns lasting a combined 22 hours absolutely sucks.  At least he didn't hand back the belt willingly.



And for the record, JBL and Lawler sounded idiotic when they earnestly were trying to sell that AJ was somehow behind a defective pair of headphones.


I thought this was a great show in parts and terrible in others. I hated Heyman being the mouthpiece of the best promo in wrestling. I thought Big Show was unintentionally hilarious. I liked the Dusty stuff before Big Show a good deal though. Ziggler-Ambrose was better than their match last night and I liked it a lot. The Orton-Miz segment and Miz's parents was great. I didn't like the Real Americans losing another match. The main event and post-match was outstanding. Overall, a good show but not a great one. 


So what's the payoff for putting all this heat on Steph? It's not like she's going to eat a KO punch or get put in the Yes Lock. How is she supposed to get her comeuppance?

Did Vickie ever really get it? I guess she got embarassed, and she hasn't gone as far as Steph.


Its not like Steph will let a diva get on over on her, although her taking a spear would get a pop during on of those segments.

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