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I watched The Night Manager this weekend. Great acting by everyone involved. Tom Hollander was fantastic, and Hugh Laurie (who will forever be the goof from Blackadder and Fry & Laurie to me) made for a very good villain too; charismatic and deadly. At no point did he remind me of the old goof. Simply superb.

Tom Hiddleston was good too, and I can see why people see it as an audition to be the next James Bond. Still, I just can't buy him in that kind of role. It's not that he's not smooth enough for the role; he is. It's just his face and his 'scrawny' look. Even if he's not scrawny at all, he just 'physically' lacks something. And his face is one step removed from a British version of the the 'ah golly gee/aw shucks ma'am' stereotype. Then again, the missus was almost mounting the television whenever there was a close-up of his face, so perhaps that's just me.

As for The Night Manager itself. Ehhh... We've all seen this type of story a million times before. There was nothing unique about it. The actors carried it (and did a very good job). Loved the cameo of John le Carré himself, though.

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders really needs to dial back the misogyny.  

I'm assuming JoJo will become more likable as the season goes on.  First two eps (I'm watching on Adult Swim) have made him pretty unlikable.  Calling your mom a b***** once per episode is not cool, dude.

Whoever designed the character models has some interesting ideas about 80's hair.


Well the original manga for Stardust Crusaders is from the late 80s but really reflects the the Bosozoku trend of that period. and of course other macho high school manga of the 70s and 80s


10 hours ago, Horton Hears a Wooo!!! said:

Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders really needs to dial back the misogyny.  

I'm assuming JoJo will become more likable as the season goes on.  First two eps (I'm watching on Adult Swim) have made him pretty unlikable.  Calling your mom a b***** once per episode is not cool, dude.

Whoever designed the character models has some interesting ideas about 80's hair.

Write a letter to the late 80s and Araki will get right on that. 

On 8/3/2017 at 9:12 AM, RIPPA said:

The Middle will be ending after its upcoming 9th season

That's a show I always meant to watch b/c it has The Janitor from Scrubs in it. Never did get around to watching it though.


This week's episode of Rick and Morty - "Pickle Rick" - was outstanding.  Maybe my favorite ep so far.  I think the ep with all the imaginary characters (Mr. Poopybutthole) was probably a little better.  "Pickle Rick" was odd and wayyy over the top, but also quite funny.  The B story with the therapist pulled its weight too.

Am I the only one disinterested in the Orphan Black finale this weekend?  I've really enjoyed the run as a whole, but this season just never came together for me.  I feel like they tried to do too much and just didn't have time/writers.  They really haven't advanced any of the clones stories much this season and the cult plotline has been kinda meh for me.  The big bad is kinda dull and underdeveloped compared to previous villains (esp. Rachel and Matt Frewer's character from season 1).  It feels more like a season finale than a series - unless they want to leave things open for a reboot or movie.

Some strong eps this season, but the overall season hasn't grabbed my interest like previous years.

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I haven't watched any of this season.  I keep forgetting it's on, for some reason.  I'll just have to catch up all at once when it hits Amazon.

it wouldn't surprise me if the show stumbled down the home stretch, though, because the deep mythology stuff has always been its weakest point, and I would assume that's what most of the final season would be about.


My wife and I realized that we never watched season 2 of Broadchurch and were surprised to see there's a third and final season. 

Oh my goodness. Where to start. I didn't think season 2 was better than season 1 as a whole, but the performances were better and the mystery with Lee and Claire was really good. The ending of the season is a total and complete gut punch. You've watched this family suffer so much through two seasons and it just doesn't get better.

And then came season 3. Holy shit. This was the best season of the 3 and a good way to end the series. Many, many, many tears were shed throughout. It's amazing to think how many twists and turns this season took over only 8 episodes. By the end my wife and I thought that everyone did it. Oh, and the subject matter being a rape investigation was an even more dramatic departure from the murders of the previous two seasons. On top of that, you finally got the sad finality of the Latimer family and how one single event completely broke them, Mark in particular. I think what hurt the worst was Rev. Paul's ending. He watched families completely crumble, people destroy themselves, and all he wanted to do was help people. No one ever wanted to come for his help before something was a major problem and he was largely ignored when he offered help. Broadchurch was his home and by the end of it all he didn't want to stay there any longer.

This was such a great series. There's so much more. I loved the Doctor Who connections with Tennant, the new doctor, Rory playing Rev. Paul, etc. Tennant in the latter half of season 2 and most of season 3 was awfully Doctor-like. Olivia Coleman did a fantastic job as well. I only knew her from Hot Fuzz and something else, but she turns in one hell of a dramatic performance here and still managed to make us laugh a bunch of times. 

8 hours ago, MADCAP said:

Ray Donovan already has me pissed off with its non-linear storytelling. 

Seriously.  The time jump between seasons, one character being dead, and all the various changes are a little too much ("wait how the fuck is Shaky tying a tie?  Oh, okay").  If they go more than half the season without revealing at least something, it's going to suck.  This is Ray Donovan, not Lost.

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On 8/7/2017 at 1:41 PM, cwoy2j said:

That's a show I always meant to watch b/c it has The Janitor from Scrubs in it. Never did get around to watching it though.

It's one of my favorites.  It's never great, it's just consistently very good. Very rerun friendly too.


Seth Meyers is producing a Munsters reboot for NBC. It's going to be set in Brooklyn and be presumably 90% hipster jokes. On the one hand, that Mockingbird Lane show bombed pretty recently; on the other hand, Munsters Today and the Fox TV movies were fun and I'm a dope who still enjoys this dumb concept.


As long as they remake the episode where Herman has to moonlight as a pro-wrestler but keeps losingbecause his opponents kep feeding him sob stories so he lays down for them


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I finished The Leftovers last night. What a strange but fun show, that penultimate episode in the afterworld was brilliant and the romantic novel extract broke my heart.

As the only character who has ever told the truth, I had to believe Nora's at the end. Did you think she was telling the truth?

Also, I can't stop listening to this from the end of my favourite S3 episode 


On ‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 11:52 AM, Dewar said:

Final episode of The Carmichael Show airs tonight.

I am sad.  I hope he can find a new home for the show on Netflix or something.

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I enjoyed the Orphan Black finale. It took me a second to really get into this season but I was all in by the 3rd episode. I'm glad the show went this route with the ending as I think the characters more than deserved it. 

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Yep, I was going to post basically the same thing.  I didn't like this season as much as previous years, but it had it's high points and the finale was good.  I thought it was refreshing to serve up a finale that spent most of it's time showing the characters *gasp* being happy.  No convoluted twists, no mass deaths, no greater mysteries to solve or exposition-heavy scenes trying to explain every mystery in 42 more min.  Loved the scene of the clone club sitting together in front of the fireplace.  I was expecting some sort of throwdown with Rachel to mar the back half, but nope.  Just peace and contentment.  I wish more finales would go out that way instead of trying to cram  one last giant adventure into every finale.

The stuff with Sara worked well, and really true to the character.  



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I concur. It was nice and different from the norm as far as finales go. It was especially nice to see Sara deal with her grief and get a nice family moment with all of the main sisters.


Orphan Black ending was a lot of fun. Not to be to spoilery, but that last half hour could have  gone on much longer and I would have been happy. . . .

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Good Omens has announced that Michael Sheen and David Tennant will play Aziraphale and Crowley, respectively.



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