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So we have a lot of video game talk on here, which makes sense, but I thought it might be cool to have a catch all thread for board game talk, if anyone is interested. Anyone on here play euro games, card games or the like? There has been a recent resurgence in popularity, and great new games are coming out more regularly than ever due to kickstarter.


I really hope someone other than me posts in here. I'll feel like a total nerd.  


We've been playing the Cthulu version of Flux recently as well as Lords of Waterdeep and Phantom League. Flux is fun, a little chaotic but I'm not a huge fan of it as the entire point of the game (that the rules can change at any time, victory conditions as well) means it's hard to have any kind of planning. Phantom League is like the board game version of Elite (space trading, privateering etc) and if you have folks willing to be aggressive it's lots of fun, if not then everybody just trades and you end up with a 4 hour game with nobody really winning.


Lords of Waterdeep is so much fun though, definitely my favourite game atm. Lots of tactics, bluffing, planning and reaction. No dice as well for those who are completely anti luck in a game. You should all play this.


Actually no dice in any of these (still luck though depending on cards drawn)


I bought ticket to Ride on steam as well, it's still fun in single player but I've not had a chance to play it online yet.


My daughter and I have a growing Uno rivalry.  She's beginning to play cutthroat now so no more holding on to Wild Draw Fours out of fatherly sympathy.


After my college days, I realized that there was no such thing as a friendly game of cards, but I did not know that would extend to Uno.


I have quite a few board games at home that I rarely play, although my kid and I regularly break out Trouble, Sorry, and Life.  The crown jewel of my board game pile is a mint first edition set of The Awful Green Things From Outer Space.


If y'all haven't been watching Wil Wheaton's Tapletop on geekandsundry you are missing out.


The most recent episode


Star Wars: X-Wing debuts tomorrow.


My son and I watch all of them and since they have started we have bought and regularly play



Settles of Catan

Wits and Wagers Family Edition

Castle Panic

Forbidden Island



Our wish list also remains long - it really helps flesh out the Xmas list


If you're watching Wheaton on Geek and Sundry watch the Player Ones while you're at it, it's my homey's show.

JT you need to move from UNO to Munchkin and bring the ruthlessness




Scotland Yard is fantastic.  We played that game every day when I was on vacation. 


Play a good bit of Catan and Pandemic, but right now the game of choice is Smash Up, which I bought after watching the Table Top episode. Good fun for people who play lots of games as well as those who are new to board/card games...


Rippa, if you were not aware, Forbidden Desert, a sequel to Forbidden Island just came out a little bit ago. It's really fun as well.


I have a friend who is an avid gamer.  His vacation time is spent going to GenCon every year in Indianapolis.  He has really gotten me interested in a lot of the Flying Frog Productions games such as : Last Night On Earth, A Touch of Evil, Invasion From Outer Space, Fortune and Glory and such.  All very fun board games  I am also a fan of King Of Tokyo


Smash UpKing of Tokyo

Small World

Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride Europe (or whatever it's official title is)

Star Fluxx

Star Trek Catan



There are all on the wish list that I hope to track down one day... though some of the prices are way more than I expected. Stupid Small World


JT you need to move from UNO to Munchkin and bring the ruthlessness


My daughter is a sweet kid but she is almost unbearably smug when she wins.  I fear that if she beats me at a game of Munchkin and rubs it in, I may punch her.  That would be bad.


Oh man, I'll second the Killer Bunnies love. So much fun. However, as far as card games goes, ones that aren't Magic anyway, it's tough to beat Cards Against Humanity. 


For board game board games though, Arkham Horror is tons of fun, but I really love Carcassonne (that could be considered a board game, right?). Ticket to Ride is a lot of fun as well. What's awesome is that Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride are both on iOS.


I legit almost started this topic a 100 times on the old board but I wasn't sure where to put it or if anyone would care.


I'm the most hated man in my family when it comes to Ticket to Ride. I dominate. Last time I remember losing was when they fucking conspired behind my back to take my yellow playing piece away. They had my sister-in-law do it because they knew I wouldn't say anything. 


I live near Cat-n-Mouse in Chicago which is a GREAT game store and they hold cool events. At one event I got to play 7 Wonders, which is fucking awesome, with this guy: http://www.geekosystem.com/catan-worlds-married/


Tsuro is legit fun, and the first time I ever played it was in the store with just me and my son. He beat me. He's five. So I had to buy it. Really easy to pick up and play with pretty much anyone. 


I actually really dig ZOMBIES!!! and I own an expansion pack or two. It's pretty simple and is easy to play with folks who aren't huge on games.


Las Vegas is a newer dice game that's tons of fun for casual gaming friends. You roll dice and put sets of numbers on cards in order to win money values. It's super simple and has just enough strategy where you don't think it's all luck. But if you lose you can just blame it on the dice. 


BTW - in the funny timing department - so Geek and Sundry announced during Comic-Con some of their new shows and one of them is


Magic the Gathering Series

Sean Plott, also known as Day[9)], hosts our new Magic: the Gathering series here on Geek & Sundry. Each week, Sean and guests will battle it out with a myriad of different cards and play styles. Premiering this Fall!


I'm surprised that no one has posted about Dominion yet, which I still maintain is the best game I've ever played (which is saying something. I work for a major board game company). 


I'm glad Craig H brought up Arkham Horror, which is just an amazingly fun game, although you have to play with people who don't mind the distinct possibility of losing really badly. 


The GF and I have been having a ton of fun with Arabian Nights lately. It's a great mix between a D&D style game but a casual gamer can play as well. You basically go around and encounter various things, and you choose how you react to them. Based on your reactions, you get told what happens and the game unfolds accordingly. It's like a choose your own adventure competition. 


Matt D, if the 11 year old likes Khet, the guy who made that game just partnered with Thinkfun (the company that makes Rush Hour) to make a one player puzzle version called Laser Maze. It's fun. 


I have to second the Cards Against Humanity love.  JT you should totally play that with the kid as well.


Okay don't.  I just wanted to make everyone reading this that has played it panic for a second.


Also, Betrayal at the House on the Hill by Avalon Hill is pretty great though it takes forever to play and you need a lot of space to do so.  The reason me and the bros play Munchkin is because it fan fit on our tiny ass ice cream parlor tables in Little Tokyo.


Yeah, one issue I have with so many modern board games is the sheer size of everything. I end up playing like 90% of games on the floor simply because my table doesn't have room for the board and the box and the rules and the pieces. 

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