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Maybe it's a new crowd game where when the camera is on you, you have to apologize to your girlfriend for telling her you were buying tickets to MAMMA MIA! and then taking her to watch The Usos fight The Wyatts instead.


Then you're given a choice:  You have to attend three musicals of her choosing or you can take two chops from Finlay.  I say two, because a lot of dudes will go for that just to be able to say they got chopped by Finlay...so after that "fun" wears off, they need to know there's another one coming that doesn't get them anything but lung contusions.

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So according to Dave Dean Ambrose is basically a Dick Slater rip off even to the angles.   While it isn't bad to be compared to Dick Slater, I am not seeing this at all


Ambrose's act reminds me more of this guy:




I don't see the Slater comparison myself.

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Bix questioned whether this stupid "temp tats" thing Heyman has been pimping on Twitter incessantly is actually a "thing". Heyman preceeded to link to his own website, then they got sidetracked by Bix objecting to how Heyman formats his tweets. Heyman went off on Bix, then challenged him to an interview.

In the midst of this Heyman ignored someone asking the obvious question: that if this "temp tats" thing is a big deal, why don't any of the models he posts pictures of have any of them on?

Neither guy came out of this looking good, IMO.

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Bix questioned whether this stupid "temp tats" thing Heyman has been pimping on Twitter incessantly is actually a "thing". Heyman preceeded to link to his own website, then they got sidetracked by Bix objecting to how Heyman formats his tweets. Heyman went off on Bix, then challenged him to an interview.

In the midst of this Heyman ignored someone asking the obvious question: that if this "temp tats" thing is a big deal, why don't any of the models he posts pictures of have any of them on?

Neither guy came out of this looking good, IMO.

So be completely clear, because it didn't come out well with the Twitter character limit:


I was not criticizing his Twitter formatting, because yeah, of course that would be weird, but yeah, it did kind of come out that way.  I was explaining that tweeting...


Shame on you, @davidbix .. do your research, young man! http://t.co/3aF8Yw5xKs

...to ALL OF HIS FOLLOWERS as his reply was going to be taken wildly out of context by the vast majority of them since they aren't clicking through to see the context.  Odds are (and the tweets I got immediately proved this at least partially correct) they now thought I was some guy that wrote some badly researched hit piece about him and not just someone who tweeted:


Was #HustleBootyTempTats ever really a thing?  I get the feeling it wasn’t.

That was the problem.

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