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Just finished the Slayer interview. Decent, but was hoping for crazier metal stories.


Punk on Maron was pretty good, though limited by Maron's lack of wrestling knowledge. Nothing on it that you didn't get from Punk's DVD or other profiles but entertaining. We need Punk on Austin to really delve into the cool shit.


Konnan's had some fun shit recently with Alvarez and Mark Madden on. Madden had a dumb talking point about how the two guys that know most about wrestling are Jim Cornette and Jim Ross don't have jobs. Literally, who do people think that Jim Ross and Jim Cornette would put in main event spots? Do you really think that guys that look like John Cena, Randy Orton and the Big Show aren't your main eventers, especially as all three are charismatic (Orton in a, uh, more subtle way) and are great at WWE-style wrestling. There's this weird thing that being fired from WWE if you're in creative automatically means you're a genius, or that being released by them means you're an awesome wrestler.


I tried with Cornette's. I dunno. He's entertaining to hear talk but that is a negative, angry dude about everything. His story about being thrown out of Canada was really funny though. I'm afraid he's going to turn into an Ole Anderson-type where he just shits on wrestling all the time. Actually, I think it might have been on another podcast but his whole rant against Santino Marella was absurd. His whole thing about "if I was a guy walking around with a puppet on my hand as a joke, I'd kill myself. And that's all Santino will ever be known for," makes me doubt how much Cornette really knows about wrestling. The point of the game is to draw money, get over, entertain the crowd, and not kill yourself and your opponent. Marella's this generation's HTM or Hacksaw. He's done better than like Matt Morgan.

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