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So I downloaded a bunch of Colt Cabana's podcasts and have listened to about a dozen so far. They've been mostly good but god almighty Colt is a shitty interviewer. He comes across like he's conducting the interview on a few minute's notice and is making the questions up as he goes along. Plus he talks over the guests way too much. I know he's an active wrestler and doesn't have the time or resources that Austin does, but Austin blows him out of the water.

I've listened to dozens of Colt's podcasts and really enjoyed them. But I haven't listened to a single one since I started listening to Stone Cold's.


Austin is a great interviewer to be sure, but is there a bad enough dude at PodcastOne to tell him stop breathing into the mic? Or does he have a dog on his lap or something (that would be ok).EDIT: i'm an asshole.

Since we're discussing strange podcast sounds, I've noticed a clicking sound pop up in the background of some of the episodes. It almost sounds like someone spinning the chamber of a revolver. I like to imagine Austin is doing just that as he conducts the interviews. Has anyone else heard this?

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1. All of those damn "ads" in Colt's podcast kill me. I find myself just skipping the first 7 mins of each one. And then he tells those corny jokes. I think he has the most interesting guests out of all of the podcasts I listen to. Kofi, Devitt, Sara Del Rey. Folks I actually want to hear their story.


2. Listening to the Stone Cold/Lawler interview. Cool story about how the Kamala gimmick was created. Anybody listen to that?

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I was never a Mo fan.  The few times he ever chimed in with a question on the podcast, you could almost hear Austin's eyes roll.


And I love Colt.  As a comedian, he's unfunny.  As a guy just bullshitting with other people, he's awesome.  And he really needs to get Cliff Compton and Punk back together for more pre-podcast stuff.  The two-three times they've been together has been some absolute gold.


But Colt has a way of bringing on guys I've never heard of, and by the time he's done, I'm searching for their stuff.  He's had 150+ interviews and only a few have been legit bad (Sunny being one of those, and that wasn't Colt's fault.)

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Colt had Grado on his podcast a few weeks ago which I enjoyed but really I only listen to it now if I'm interested in the guest. Stone Cold's podcast, on the other hand is the fresh, new shit that's not let me down yet. Can't wait for the Regal one.


On a side note, there was an MLW podcast that went up last week that was just Court Bauer talking to Ted DiBiase for an hour or so. No Konnan sidetracking the interview, none of that MSL twat. I loved it.

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Was there really a need for a "censored" podcast?

You can't compare SC's podcast to Cabana's. I listen to both for different reasons. Indy & Japan shit isn't being discussed on SC & even if a Kevin Nash or mick Foley is on Colt's you don't get that old friends sharing funny road trips stories... I also have a night job where I have nothing to do but listen to podcast & shit for 8-12 hours so maybe that's why...

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I think that might work out for him in the long run.  If there are families that loved him but are leery of letting everybody hear it with the profanity then it might work out.  If it bombs then maybe he'll go back to the way it was.  Honestly it isn't that big a deal.  The only thing I wonder is what about those 2-part interviews he does sometimes?  Will they both be on Tuesdays now?  If so I'm not so sure that's going to work out.


Besides, if this gives him a way to admit he not only loved "Hustle and Flow" but sing "It's hard out here for a pimp" then I support this idea 1000%.  Last Thursday had some really weird topics I never thought I'd hear him discuss.


Haven't been on here in a while but the JR, Lawler and Flair interviews have been outstanding.  The Flair one especially put a huge smile on my face.  I'm really looking forward to Regal's interview as well.  Hell, it was also pretty cool hearing him interview Samoa Joe.

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maybe wwe asked him to some he's got a lot if talent in there and they're pg


Doubt it. WWE wrestlers promote their shizzle with Opie and Anthony, and on rap stations featuring hardcore lyrics. I doubt some podcast with Steve Austin bothers hem, is very much under the radar.  

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The MLW podcast with Corny is fucking fantastic. I think Cornette is, basically, an out-of-touch lunatic but he can definitely tell a story. Some good stuff about working with Russo, his respect for Heyman, and the general ass-hattery of WWE and TNA.


Listening to Austin's podcast with Joey Styles. Uh, is audio just fucked or does Joey talk in a completely different voice in real life?

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It's interesting to hear Austin be so anti-chair shot, in a refreshing way.I enjoyed the Styles show, but hate anything that keeps us from the Regal podcast.


I got to think that Regal one will be an uncensored interview. That, or it is taking it weeks to make it PG rated.

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