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No one should ever be scared of Riho, even with a pipe.

Speaking of which, that segment made me do a double-take and think I went back to 1994 with those outfits everyone was wearing.

I'm pretty upset about the QTV bit. IT DIDN'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING. What happened to The Factory? Especially now that we've seen that he's kept Solo but not Carter or Johnson. IS NICKY BOY OKAY?!

Posted (edited)

Road Report~!

Made some coconut shrimp for dinner and then walked over to the arena with a couple friends who parked near my place. On the way they mentioned that their buddy Colin was not going to be able to make it because he had "a work thing he couldn't get out of." Another of their friends joined us, trust me, this is important.

We got there a few minutes late and missed 2 Dark matches, Jake Hager against Adam Knight (who knows where they found him, I haven't seen him in years) and a Skye Blue match. Athena had a really great match where she got to be an asshole. Brandon Cutler wrestled and got a surprisingly great pop. There is a Hardy/Page/Kassidy six man (the night of trios), Mo Jabari was one of their opponents, it was good to see him. Between Dynamite and Rampage they taped a Dustin/Lee tag. I think I'm missing a match or two but it was several hours ago and that was a loooooong show.

Anyway, show starts, we get the Re-Bar Mitzvah segment, you all saw it. Anyway, the guests come out with the chair and who is with them? Fucking COLIN. He's the Jesus looking dude that was holding MJF up camera right. He kept it a secret for an entire week. I'm going to break kayfabe here. MJF himself contacted a local rabbi looking for people for the segment and somehow through the grapevine, Colin ended up being asked if he wanted to do it. Not all the guests were Jewish, keep that on the down low. Apparently, and I'm really breaking kayfabe here, but MJF was super nice with all of them and coordinated the scene. He told them that he really wanted all "shoot Jews" but he's thankful that they came out. They got together this afternoon in the ring and he helped teach them how to do the dance. The BCC and some other wrestlers were hanging out ringside and giving them encouragement. One thing they really worked on was getting into the ring, as some people apparently have trouble with that if they've never done it. I am so fucking jealous, they all got to chill backstage during the show. He was psyched to meet Claudio, who's his favourite wrestler.

Best match of the night for me was Jarrett-OC. After the match, Jarrett stayed in the ring during the commercial and got a really great ovation from the crowd.

I don't know how it looked on TV, but the pinfall for the main looked fucked up from our perspective. After the show, Omega took the mic to thank the crowd, talked about the journey from wrestling local bars to getting to wrestle in the arena. Just really sweet and it was great to see him get his moment.

Rampage is a fun show, but the crowd was pretty tired out and was definitely not too as into it. Spoiler for the opponent of the Taya match:


It's Ava Lawless. I literally just saw her wrestle Jody Threat a week ago

Not too much post show. Jericho talks this time, talks about the Omega match from New Japan. He brings out Omega and Callis, they each say a little spiel. Roll Judas and we're out.

Fun show. Main complaint is that things stop dead during commercial breaks. Justin talks a lot and they would sometimes show video packages (an Acclaimed rap for instance), but was mostly just silent. At least during Dark, the ring announcer (can't remember her name) counts down until the next match starts to get the crowd up for the entrance. No Hayter match or Briscoe appearance was a bit of a bummer, but you can't have it all. Also no merch stand at all.

Biggest Pops:

1. Jericho

2. Omega

3. Matt Hardy for Dark

4. Stu Grayson - really, crowd was hyped for him.

Edited by elizium
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Oh yeah, when TK came out a second time between the switchover from the Dustin/Lee Dark match they filmed (no idea why they needed to film that one match between Dynamite and Rampage...but Keith Lee has a cape now, so...), my friend Rachel turned to me to ask "Does he always talk like that?"

  • Haha 5

Qtv and the outsiderzzzz are so forced and inauthentic, that stuff will never be able to get over, and the more you try, the worse it is. There’s no chemistry, there’s no common sense to it. Just phony bs. 

Really clever spots with jericho and Kenny teaming up and facing off in the main. I’m certain they ran out of time just because when Sammy flubbed his dive and I saw there only a couple minutes left I was like, oh no. Lol. 

Oc and Jarrett was great, I was another who was low key mad when they debuted Jarrett, but the fact is he’s completely different from everyone else, and he’s really good at it. That was a fun match. 

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QTV was nothing more than a dated TMZ News parody that came about 10 years too late. They should never run that garbage again. What a waste of money filing such a useless, trademark for awful crash-TV era Vince Russo-esque asinine crud.

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Oh yeah when the lights go out after the House of Black appear on the ramp during their entrance, they have to sprint to the ring to get into position when the lights come back on. It’s pretty hilarious 

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1 hour ago, Octopus said:

I can’t wait for the four way Title on a Pillar match.

Tell TK to fly in Kobashi, Kawada and Taue for the match. Bring in Akiyama if you need a fill in for Misawa. Bonus points if he comes in as Generalissimo Kawada. 

  • Thanks 3
21 minutes ago, matt925 said:

Qtv and the outsiderzzzz are so forced and inauthentic, that stuff will never be able to get over, and the more you try, the worse it is. There’s no chemistry, there’s no common sense to it. Just phony bs.

Crowd booed the shit out of the Outcasts.

Posted (edited)

This Elite stuff is about a year too late. I just don’t care about Hangman getting back with them anymore. I’m all for long term stories, but this has been going on for around 3 years now.

Edited by Casey
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, TheVileOne said:

QTV was nothing more than a dated TMZ News parody that came about 10 years too late.

1 hour ago, TheVileOne said:

I want to find whoever came up with QTV and just punch them as hard as I can in the face.

Always interested to see what grown adults are seething about and centering their violent fantasizing over, just four hours after the whole gimmick debuted. We're all emotionally scarred by Russo-ism and I understand the urge to recoil from things that resemble it but when did we become enemies of goofy midcard acts that get people on screen? And after watching Wardlow's heat dwindle every time he tried to cut a serious or sincere promo I'm a-ok with Hobbes being slotted into something sports entertainment-y. Outdated cultural parodies are pro wrestling as hell.

So many times I watch something on TV and go "eh that's fine" only to find entire armies are assembling against a segment and swearing death upon them. I feel like we just went through this with Jarrett.

Edited by John E. Dynamite
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Great show. Loved the Pillars opening as something different. Thought Darby especially came off excellent there. 

Fun opening trios match, Stu Grayson was on fire and really came off like someone who should have his spot back on the regular.

Popped seeing Nicole Matthews! even if it was for 30 seconds. Figured when it went that fast, it was just a set up for the real challenge. I loved Taya back in 2019 so I'm interested in seeing her here, though I wouldn't want to see her end Jade's streak. Liked the moment of realization that Taya and Jade use the same move when Taya hit her finish.

Orange/Jarrett was as awesome as expected. Loved it. Legit surprised that Orange retained as I figured Jarrett would pull out the win especially after the ref bump and Lethal interference. I don't wanna see Orange lose, but if he was going to then Jarrett was the only guy I'd wanna see do it. Now that it didn't happen, I hope Orange keeps on going and going. V15 Defense!

Main event was fun. Never doubted the outcome but still kind of hoped for a surprise win from either challengers just for the hell of it. Post match chaos was wonderful. Gang warfare abound! Excellent 'moment' ending with Hangman and the Elite, great stuff.

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Read the results and...I would give none of the wrestlers (including MJF) a World title at this point. Sammy Guevara is known for trying to beat Jeff Hardy to a wheelchair with stupid spots. Jungle Jack Perry is essentially midcard for life after his feud and promos with Christian. Darby Allin, while he has a following and fans actually like him, has lost too much to be effective (to me, if his TNT title reign was longer and lasted until AEW Revolution, I would have argued that would help his case). And we know my feelings about MJF so I won't go over that.

Claudio, Moxley, Hangman Page, Jericho, Danielson (if he ever comes back) and Omega are the main event/World title material.

I won't say it's a good/bad Dynamite considering I didn't watch it except for highlights but I'm somewhat over the Trios titles too. And sad to say but....Jarrett should have won the AEW All Atlantic / WCW International Championship.

5 hours ago, Casey said:

This Elite stuff is about a year too late. I just don’t care about Hangman getting back with them anymore. I’m all for long term stories, but this has been going on for around 3 years now.

I was thinking about this this morning too. It's weird how much they avoid having Omega and the Bucks cut any big in-ring promos given how much their storylines are wrapped up in history and real life. Aside from goofy backstage segments,(and possibly "Be The Elite" or whatever their streaming show Is called, I've never seen it but I presume it incorporates their AEW storylines to a degree) we haven't heard from them at all about why Omega took a year off, why he decided to come back, why they were gone after the Punk incident, are they heels or faces, have they thought about Hangman much, etc etc. Obviously not everything needs an explicit kayfabe explanation and not every storyline needs to be spelled out in promos but it seems like we haven't heard from Omega *at all* since he lost the title and went on sabbatical.

  • Opening segment felt a little like pulling off a bandaid to get to whatever's coming. I hope they run MJF/Sammy vs Darby/Jungle Boy in the lead up (see, there's a match I'm interested in, but it's not the 4 way for the title they'll eventually do). I hope this ultimately leads to MJF vs Sting.
  • I, of course, enjoyed Jarrett vs Cassidy a lot. I'm not sure that crowd brawling is what I wanted out of them, but that's how they managed the commercial break. I'd call the sell job in the figure-four interesting. I think it was intentional. Confusion > Exhaustion > Desperation and anger. But I'm not entirely sure it worked. The false finishes did work. 
  • I get why Matthews didn't get any offense in, but hopefully this leads to more gigs if she wants it. I'm sympathetic to Valkyrie due to the weirdness of her WWE run.
  • My main takeaway on the six man was Yuta as scumbag. The bell shot was a massive exclamation point. Uno should probably work just a little bit bigger. It's fine he's got the body type he does, good even, but he should lean into it as a strength because it makes him stand out. Still do the sneaky style stuff but be a center of gravity too. I give Page a lot of (well-deserved) grief, but I'm also always quick to point out there are things he does well. He's one of the best in the world at emoting. You could feel the emotion all but dripping off of him when it came down to the face off between he and Mox. Mox was behind him but either he saw it on the screen (he probably saw it on the screen) or he just knew and he just nailed a look that summed up the entire story perfectly. 
  • Storm was a very good working week-to-week babyface Ace. Whatever she is now just isn't working at all.
  • Elite vs BCC is not a feud that excites me. If it solidifies heel BCC, great. Danielson says that the original idea was for them to be someone that the younger talents could wrestle so that it wasn't always top guy vs top guy, and they were basically supposed to be Tsuruta-gun. Since I'm watching the early days of that lately, it's really what I want. It could be the Darby/Sammy/Jungle Boy sort of group vs them or it could be the Garcia/Moriarty/Hook(Kassidy/Dante) group against them with Yuta playing Taue, but that's where I hope we're heading six months down the line. 
  • Like 4

That was awesome.

BCC as the modern day Freebirds was incredible. Wheeler Yuta as Buddy Roberts? Sign me up. And I want more and regular Stu Grayson. He really was the perfect fit for that six-man. Great opening match.

Four Pillars was something unexpected, and I'm open to it. Lost me at Sami's "I was just the job guy and bump man for the Inner Circle". That was some bullshit.

Great ending to the main event too. Although I was really hoping that Malakai was going to mist Hager's hat, and the hat would turn evil and reject Hager's love for it.

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8 hours ago, Dolphman 3000 said:

Outcasts doing the nWo gimmick with a logo and colors that ape DX is so lame

Isn't that kind of the point though? Credit for not trying to make them cool heels... they're anything but, which should ramp up the heat long term.

MJF's celebration: MILLION BILLION STARS OF DAVID. The real bar mitzvah came when he face-planted the cake. Now you are a heel, my son.

OC/Jarrett was 10 pounds of Memphis bullshit in a 5-pound bag, and I loved every second of it. Seriously, that was wrestling as art.

Shame Jade chumped Matthews in 30 seconds, but her vs Taya should be solid. Even their themes are bangers.

The heat for that trios match had to be amazing if it came off half as good live as it sounded on TV.

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Casey said:

This Elite stuff is about a year too late. I just don’t care about Hangman getting back with them anymore. I’m all for long term stories, but this has been going on for around 3 years now.

I personally love love loved it, but I feel you. I do think both the closing and opening segments would have had a lot more impact if they came at the tail end of last year after All Out - but at the same time, I don't wanna be ungrateful when this is exactly the kind of 'back to basics' stuff i've been pushing for since that whole thing.

49 minutes ago, Belgian_Waffle said:

Do we think they're rebuilding the Dark Order just so they can turn heel on Hangman when he chooses the Elite over them (I really really hope not)?

I really hope not either, but if that's where we're going, then I posit the following: DO/HOB merger? I think if handled properly, you could do some great matches where Uno (and hopefully a returning Stu Dos cause he fucking KILLED it) have Malekai at ringside coaching them into being truly vicious. Contemporaneously, I think we could also get some good backstage vignettes/BTE segments (at least) where Silver/Reynolds, being the more Babyface leaning half of the squad, kind of call the whole turn into question, sow the seeds of mistrust with the HOB - if it's okay personally with Amanda and the performers involved, perhaps even a break-glass- in case-of-emergency 'Is this what The Exalted One would have wanted?"

Edit: Maybe they do a little swervin' and come to the conclusion 'Yes, it is!' at the end instead of leaving the Beaver Boys Babyface - either option has lots of possibilities 

Edited by Zakk_Sabbath
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The opening segment was actually really good. Now can they elevate everyone together? Hopefully. Like that is a payoff to the whole Pillars concept from before. New faces in the mix. 


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This show had a lot of stuff that I didn't like within the stuff I liked.

I dug the opening segment. Thought it was cool to bring the "pillars" together like that. Didn't like that it got shooty, especially Sammy's stuff. I don't want to hear "job" or "bump" on my wrestling show.

Also, I was really hoping when Darby got his turn to talk, he'd just say "fuck it" and attack Max. Instead he read a few pages from JR's diary.

I don't mind Hobbs being paired up with QT, buuuuuut not like that.

I don't mind the idea of the Outcasts, buuuuuut not like that.

I did just like the OC/JJ match and the main event with no caveats. I know it's been a long time since Hangman and the Elite have interacted, but I'm glad they waited. That was the perfect moment to do it.

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1 hour ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:

Currently, yes, but I'm hoping his outing last night changes that soon.

He wanted to leave though? I don’t see how last night changes that.

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